I’ve met many people who laugh at the idea of “psychic protection.” These same people live in a house that protects them from the elements. They invest their money to earn interest, but also to keep it safe. They buy insurance to protect them from a variety of possible calamities.
Psychic protection is at least as important as these, as we all experience our share of stress, pressure, resentment, and hostility as we go through life. We also need psychic protection when we’re feeling drained mentally, emotionally, or physically.
At one time I worked for a married couple who argued with each other all day, every day. Almost every evening I returned home with a headache, as the environment at work was so stressful. It’s easy to pick up negativity from others. The news we see on television or hear on the radio is seldom good, and is another source of negativity. Our own negative thoughts and feelings undermine us and can be considered a form of self-inflicted psychic attack.
Although some people scoff at the thought of psychic protection, many people make use of it without knowing it. Do you have a lucky charm, such as a horseshoe, four-leaf clover, or a “lucky” rabbit’s foot? When you travel, do you carry a St. Christopher medal with you? These are all forms of psychic protection. Astronaut Edward White took a St. Christopher medal, a Star of David, and a gold cross with him when he went to the moon (Paine 2004, 11). If that had been me, I’d have done exactly the same.
Fortunately, your pendulum can help you protect yourself and your loved ones from intentional and unintentional psychic attacks.
Unintentional psychic attacks are easily dealt with. All you need do is swing your pendulum counterclockwise and ask that all the negativity be removed from your mind, body, and spirit. When the pendulum stops, swing it clockwise and fill yourself with strength and positive energy.
Deliberate psychic attacks are a different matter, especially if you have no idea who is targeting you. Many victims of this experience what is known as “hag syndrome.” The victim wakes up with the sensation of a crushing weight on his or her chest, and an inability to move. Sometimes they see shapes, hear strange sounds, or smell unpleasant odors.
Other common signs of a psychic attack are nervous exhaustion created by feelings of dread, fear, and hopelessness, and an unexpected loss of weight. Loss of appetite, nausea, nightmares, poltergeist phenomena, and unexplained bruising can also be indicators of psychic attack.
Naturally, you’ll be emotionally involved if you suspect that you’re being psychically attacked. Because of this, it’s better to ask someone with no emotional involvement in the matter to ask questions for you. Make a list of questions, then go for a walk, sit in a park, or enjoy watching the water in a fountain, river, lake, or sea while your friend asks the questions for you. Water is very beneficial if you feel you’re being attacked. Accept the answers your friend’s pendulum gives you, even if they’re not what you’d hoped to hear.
The next step is to prevent the person from ever attacking you again. It makes no difference if you know who the person is or if you have no idea who it could be. In addition to your pendulum, you’ll need a length of cord between one and three yards long. Make a mark at one end of the cord to identify it, as you’ll need to untie the knots at the end of the exercise in the same order they were tied in at the start.
In this step you’re going to tie nine knots in the cord. This symbolically binds the person to prevent him or her from attacking you again. While you’re tying the knots, think about the person who is attacking you and tell yourself that you’ve had enough of his or her evil thoughts and deeds. Think of the outcome you desire as you tighten the knots. Start by tying a knot at each end of the cord, then a third knot in the center. The fourth knot is tied halfway between the knot at the left end of the cord and the center knot. The fifth knot is tied halfway between the knot at the right end and the one in the center. The sixth knot is tied halfway between the knot at the left end of the cord and the next knot. The seventh knot is tied halfway between the knot at the right end of the cord and the next knot. The eighth knot is tied halfway between the center knot and the knot to its left. The ninth knot is tied halfway between the center knot and the closest knot to its right.
Take the cord outside and bury it in earth for three days. This makes the person who has been attacking you powerless, as you have bound him or her securely with the nine knots. Burying it for three days demonstrates your feelings about this person’s thoughts and deeds. Make a note of the time of day that you do this.
After burying the cord, spin your pendulum counterclockwise and release all the negative energy from every part of your mind, body, and spirit. Follow this by spinning it clockwise to fill yourself with positive energy. Do this at least twice a day for at least three days.
After three days, dig up the cord at the same time of day that you buried it. Untie the knots in the same order that you tied them in. As each knot comes free, say out loud, “(Person’s name, if you know it), you have lost your power over me.” You might even spit after saying these words, to emphasize your contempt of the person. Increase the energy with which you say these words each time, so that you’re shouting by the time you’ve undone the last knot.
You now need to destroy the cord, as the power of the curse, which is what a psychic attack effectively is, has been transferred into it. Set fire to the cord, and while it’s burning, say good riddance to the person who’s been attacking you.
Immediately after burning the cord, spin your pendulum counterclockwise to release any residual negativity that might still be present. After this, spin the pendulum clockwise to fill yourself with strength, positivity, and feelings of well-being.