36. Tracking Cables and Water Pipes

It’s expensive to hire someone to locate buried pipes and cables. People who are searching for water, oil, minerals, or anything else often call on the services of a dowser, as they need to make sure they’re drilling in the right place.

You’re more likely to be searching for cables or water pipes that lead to your home. The easiest way to do this is to think about the pipe or cable you’re divining for while holding your pendulum and walking along the sidewalk in front of your property. Place a peg in the ground at the position your pendulum indicates. Move closer to your house, and repeat the process. Do this two or three times, placing a peg in the ground each time your pendulum reacts. By doing this, you’ll gradually mark out the course of your power cables, water pipes, or anything else you’re seeking.

When dowsing larger areas, place the first peg in the ground where your pendulum told you, and then walk thirty feet away. Walk in a circle around the peg, and your pendulum will react twice to indicate the course of whatever it is you are searching for.

About twenty years ago, the pipe bringing water to the house we were living in at the time burst. As the water main was underneath a long concrete driveway, we were facing a horrendous bill if the workmen had had to dig it all up to find where the pipe had burst. Fortunately, I was able to dowse the driveway and locate the exact position of the broken pipe. I told the plumbers where to dig, and the pipe was repaired for a fraction of the price we’d originally been quoted. This is just one example of the many times dowsing has saved me money.

Instead of walking over your property, you may find it more convenient to locate your water pipes and power cables by dowsing over a map of your property. See Map Dowsing with Your Pendulum.
