42. Resolving Long-Standing Emotions and Feelings
All of us, without exception, have minds full of outmoded beliefs and ideas, many of them dating back to early childhood. Some of these are conscious, but most are unconscious. Longstanding feelings of worthlessness or unworthiness, for instance, may have been created by the comments of others, negative experiences, or fears passed on to us from our parents and other people we’re close to.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation having tried everything, but nothing worked? Have you almost succeeded at something, yet somehow sabotaged yourself and ended up worse off than you were before you started? The chances are it’s not you, but your subconscious beliefs that are holding you back.
Have you ever said phrases to yourself like, “I’m stupid,” “I’m always last,” “I’ll always be alone,” “No one cares about me,” “I don’t deserve to be rich,” and “I’m safe only when I make other people happy”? If so, your subconscious beliefs are preventing you from leading the life you should be living.
For about forty years, I thought I was hopeless at languages, because a teacher in high school told me I was. When I finally decided to learn another language, I was surprised that I was actually good at it. I’d allowed this false belief to hold me back for decades.
I know a highly talented artist who always denigrates her own work. “It’s really not very good,” she’ll say when someone compliments her. “I’m hopeless at painting.” This woman is in her mid-forties. She’s won a number of awards and her paintings hang in galleries in several countries. By any standard, she’s a successful artist, and everyone believes it except her.
At a funeral I went to recently, I learned that a man who’d spent almost all of his spare time trying to become a writer had died without publishing anything. I’d known him for more than thirty years and he’d never mentioned his dream of becoming a writer to me. His widow told me afterward that he’d never tried to get anything published, as he didn’t think he’d written anything good enough to send to a publisher.
Negative feelings about money are common too. These usually come from our parents and date back to childhood. They might have told you, “We can’t afford that,” “Money doesn’t grow on trees,” “Good people aren’t rich,” “Life is a struggle,” “Money is the root of all evil,” “It’s better to give than to receive,” and so on. Even if you regularly say prosperity affirmations to yourself, these negative affirmations will lurk in your subconscious mind waiting to sabotage you at every opportunity.
There must be untold millions of people around the world who consciously or subconsciously believe they’re not good enough, and consequently fail to achieve their dreams. Many of these beliefs go back to early childhood experiences. Were you ever told, “People can’t be trusted,” “Big boys don’t cry,” “Children should be seen and not heard,” “You’re stupid,” “Don’t do as I do, do as I say,” or “You’re just jealous”? Sadly, these old beliefs remain in the subconscious and affect every aspect of the person’s life.
You might even be creating new false beliefs by thinking thoughts like ”I hate my body,” “I’ll never find a loving partner,” “Men only want me for sex,” “Life’s unfair,” “I never get a break,” “I’m always unlucky,” and “If people knew how I felt, no one would ever want to know me.”
In addition to thoughts such as these, you might have numerous subconscious beliefs that are also holding you back. Fortunately, your pendulum will help you uncover any hidden negative thoughts or feelings. Once you know what they are, you’ll be able to eliminate them from your life.
Start by making a list of what’s important to you. It doesn’t matter how long or short your list is. You might, for instance, write “love, home, travel, health, knowledge, money.”
Hold your pendulum over the first item on your list (love, in our example). Ask, “Do I have any subconscious fears or beliefs about relationships?” If your pendulum gives a negative response, move on to the second item.
If it gives a positive response, use your pendulum to examine this further to find out what the fears or beliefs are. You might start by asking if these beliefs came as a result of one or more past relationships. You could ask if your negative beliefs about relationships came from observing your parents’ relationship. You might ask if you believe you can ever have a successful relationship. Ask if you’re prepared to put everything you have into the right relationship to ensure it is successful. Continue asking questions until you understand why you can’t sustain a relationship. Once you know what it is, you can spin your pendulum counterclockwise and ask it to eliminate this unwanted, outmoded belief.
Instead of asking questions, you could write another list, this time thinking about the word relationships and writing down every thought that comes into your mind. Hold your pendulum over each of these in turn to see which, if any, is connected with an unwanted belief. When you find out what it is, swing your pendulum counterclockwise and ask it to neutralize and eliminate it.
Another possibility is to forego the questioning and ask your pendulum to eliminate the negative beliefs without discovering what they are. There’s nothing wrong with this. Some people want to know exactly what is holding them back, while others want to let go of the negativity and not concern themselves with what caused it in the first place.
It’s not enough to simply remove the false belief or emotion. You need to replace it with something positive and worthwhile. Let’s assume that your pendulum reacted negatively when you held it over money, and you find out that you’ve been holding on to a belief that you don’t deserve to be rich. Once you’ve eliminated that false belief, you might replace it with the complete opposite: the belief that you deserve to be rich.
Here’s how you might do it. Swing your pendulum counterclockwise and say words along the lines of these:
I ask the Universal Life Force to completely remove all the false thoughts and beliefs I’ve had about money, particularly my belief that I don’t deserve to be rich. I know now that money is just money. It’s neither good nor bad. It just is. I have just as much right to abundance as anyone else. Consequently, I’ve had enough of this disgusting limiting belief that’s been holding me back and preventing me from showing the world what I can do. I let go of all my old thoughts and beliefs about money, and ask the Universal Life Force to help me to totally, completely, and irrevocably eliminate these limiting beliefs. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Continue talking in this way until your pendulum stops moving. Say thank you one more time. Pause for a minute or two. You might like to drink a glass of water or eat a few nuts or raisins before continuing. When you’re ready, swing your pendulum clockwise and instill the positive beliefs about money that you want to accept into your mind, body, and spirit. Say:
I thank the Universal Life Force for eliminating all my old negative thoughts about money. I realize now that I deserve just as much of the good things of life as anyone else, and I ask you to help me achieve this goal by filling every cell of my body with positive thoughts and beliefs about money, wealth, and abundance. Please help me develop a prosperity consciousness that will attract money to me. Please encourage me to believe in myself and my abilities. I deserve to be rich in every sense of the word. Thank you for blessing my life with prosperity and success. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Test yourself regularly to make sure that all your old negative beliefs about money have been neutralized and replaced with positive thoughts and beliefs about wealth, prosperity, and abundance.