
The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

Abbot’s Wood, East Sussex, 84

Aberffraw Dunes, Anglesey, 40–43

acid bogs, 52, 108

Adam, Robert Moyes, 173, 174, 177

Adderstongue Spearwort, 252

Alchemilla monticola (Hairy Lady’s-mantle), 20

alder, 20, 52

Aldershot, Hampshire, 249

algae, 46, 140

Alisma gramineum (Ribbon-leaved Water-plantain), 29, 261, 264

Allen, David, 19

Alpine Bartsia, 147

Alpine Catchfly, 29, 159–63

Alpine Coltsfoot, 20

Alpine Enchanter’s Nightshade, 29, 151, 153–5, 275

Alpine Meadow Rue, 11

Alpine Rock-cress, 29, 179, 182, 183–7, 260

Alpine Woodsia, 24

anemones, 11, 46, 47

Anglesey, Wales, 40–43

Anthophora plumipes, 47

Anthoxanthum nitens (Holy-grass), 28, 30, 128–31

ants, 70–72, 205

aphids, 200


alpina (Alpine Rock-cress), 29, 179, 181, 182–7, 260

patraea (Northern Rock-cress), 187

Arbon, Ashley, 55, 59–61

archaeophytes, 207

Arctic, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, 195

arcuate stems, 12

Aristolochia clematitis (Birthwort), 61–2

arrowheads, 243

Artemisia norvegica (Norwegian Mugwort), 29, 30, 188–93, 275

Arun river, 225

asexual reproduction, 92

ash trees, 46

Ashbourne, Peak District, 15

Ashdown Forest, Sussex, 92

Asplenium x alternifolium, 135

Assynt, Highlands, 143

asters, 88

Aston Rowant, Oxfordshire, 58–9

Aston Upthorpe Down, Oxfordshire, 11

Atkinson, Robert, 6

Atriplex pedunculata (Pedunculate Sea-purslane), 29, 254–8, 265

Attenborough, David, 96

aurochs, 53

Autumn Lady’s-tresses, 79–80

Avon Gorge, Bristol, 93

Avon river, 209

Axmouth, Devon, 24

Babington, Charles Cardale, 103

bacteria, 62

Badgeworth, Gloucestershire, 252

Ballyhaugh, Coll, 235

Bantry Bay, County Cork, 231

Barkham, Patrick, 132, 138–41

Barnard Castle, Teesdale, 167

Barra, Outer Hebrides, 231

Barton-le-clay, Bedfordshire, 78

basking sharks, 239

Battlefields Register, 210

Beaked Tasselweed, 256

Beaulieu River, 45

Beautiful Butterflies, 18

Bedfordshire, England, 73–80

bedstraws, 9

beech trees, 2–3, 6, 7–8, 94

bees, 47, 56

Ben Lawers, Perth and Kinross, 11, 16, 24, 243

Ben Loyal, Sutherland, 197

Benbecula, Outer Hebrides, 231

Benfleet Downs, Southend, 248–50

Bentham, George, 14, 15, 17, 21

Bentley Brook, Ashbourne, 15

Berry Head, Devon, 16, 24

Berry, Steve, 81, 83, 86

Best Find Ever, 27

Bettyhill, Sutherland, 194–8

Białowiez ·a Forest, Poland, 129


Black, 217

Copse, 29, 215–18

birch trees, 64, 67, 197

Bird Fair, Rutland Water, 144

Bird’s-eye Primrose, 109–10

Bird’s-nest Orchid, 271

Birds of Heath and Marshland, 18

birds, 13, 25, 208

Birthwort, 61–62

bison grass, see Holy-grass

Black Bindweed, 217

Black Cuillin, Isle of Skye, 182–7

Black Forest, Germany, 272

Black Hairstreak butterfly, 72

Blue Gromwell, 24

Blue Heath, 29, 260, 263–4

bluebells, 25, 46, 47, 84, 125, 206

Blunt, Wilfred, 19

bog-moss, 174

Bog Pimpernel, 51, 112

Bog Pondweed, 51

Bog St John’s-wort, 51

bogs, 52, 64, 108

Bogbean, 51, 238

bogey-species, 27, 210, 215

Bonar Bridge, Sutherland, 199–202

Bonner, Ian, 40, 41, 42, 43

Bonnie Prince Charlie, 174

Boon, Chris, 73–9

Boreal Sagewort, 190

Borrowdale, Cumbria, 151–5

Botanic Garden of Wales, Carmarthenshire, 99

Botanical Exchange Club, 31

Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (BSBI), 31, 41, 65, 75, 269

Bournemouth, Dorset, 39

Bowes-Lyon, David, 17

Bowley, Alan, 63, 65–7, 69, 72

bracken, 82–4, 122–3, 125–6, 127, 137, 169, 218

Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire, 27

brambles, 21, 34, 46, 67, 75, 90, 274

Branson, Andrew, 49–54

Braunton Burrows, Devon, 24

Breckland, 113–17

Brecon Beacons, Powys, 15, 90–96, 194–5

Bringewood Chase, Shropshire, 5

Bristol Rock-cress, 34

British Wildlife, 50–51

Britty Common, Somerset, 53

Broad-leaved Cotton-grass, 50

Broad-leaved Helleborine, 7

Broadford, Isle of Skye, 179


diandrus (Ripgut Brome), 116–17

hordeaceus (Soft Brome), 57

interruptus (Interrupted Brome), 28, 55–62


Greater, 119

Thistle, 29, 120, 259, 262

Yarrow, 28, 118–21

Browning, Robert, 243

Brynmawr, Powys, 93

bryology, 13, 35

Builth Wells, Powys, 36

bulbils, 4, 35, 38

Bulboschoenus triqueter (Triangular Club-rush), 29, 224–7

Bulbous buttercup, 12

Bupleurum falcatum (Sickle-leaved Hare’s-ear), 29, 251–3

Burley, Hampshire, 122–7

Burlish Top, Worcestershire, 27

Burnt-tip Orchid, 80, 243

butterbur, 172

buttercups, 9, 25, 30, 191

Adderstongue Spearwort, 252

Bulbous, 12

Creeping, 12

Creeping Spearwort, 29, 156–8

Lesser Spearwort, 157

Small-flowered, 12

butterflies, 10, 13, 18

Black Hairstreak, 72

Large Copper, 105, 106

Large Skipper, 126

Butterfly Orchid, 111

Button, Nick, 261, 264

Byfield, Andy, 219, 220, 221, 224, 227

Cabaret of Plants, The (Mabey), 25, 109, 110

cabbages, 92

Caerlaverock, Dumfries and Galloway, 128

Cairngorms, Highlands, 197

Calgary Point, Coll, 236

Cambridge University, 103

Botanic Garden, 252

Cambridgeshire, England

Crested Cow-wheat, 69–72

Fen Ragwort, 102–6

Fen Woodrush, 63–8

Interrupted Brome, 55–62

Canary Islands, 62

Candytuft, 78

Canisp, Highlands, 189

Cannabis, 119

canoes, 138–41, 226

capsules, 16


elongata (Elongated Sedge), 28, 142–6

paleacea (Chaffy Sedge), 200

pauciflora (Few-flowered Sedge), 150

recta (Estuarine Sedge), 29, 199–202

Carrock Fell, Cumbria, 150

Cary, Joanna, 6

Cat Bields, Borrowdale, 153

Catalogue of plants growing around Cambridge (Ray), 61


Alpine, 29, 159–63

Nottingham, 34

Spanish, 114

Sticky, 38

cattle, 129–30, 166, 211

Causey Pike, Borrowdale, 153

celandines, 46

Chaffy Sedge, 200

Chagford, Devon, 17

chalky soil, 42

Bedfordshire, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79

Cambridgeshire, 60

Essex, 252

and fens, 108

Oxfordshire, 8, 58

Channel Islands, 15, 21, 119

Chatters, Clive

Strapwort, 219, 220, 221–2

Triangular Club-rush, 224, 226

Wild Gladiolus, 122–6

Checketts, David, 18

Cheddar Gorge, Somerset, 93

Cheddar Pink, 34

Chelsea Flower Show, 46

chickweeds, 11, 163,

Childing Pink, 28, 87–9

Chiltern Hills, 5, 8, 59, 271, 272

chlorophyll, 2, 225

Church of England, 14

Cicero, 43


alpina (Alpine Enchanter’s Nightshade), 29, 151, 153–5, 275

lutetiana (Common Enchanter’s Nightshade), 153

x intermedia, 153

Clapham, Arthur Roy, 18, 256

Clary, Julian, 201

clay soil, 8, 47

Clement, Eric, 66

climate change, 37, 126, 250, 274

clovers, 58

clubmosses, 133, 175

Coenagrion mercuriale, 51

Cole, Sean, 271

Coll, Inner Hebrides, 228, 231–44, 261

Irish Lady’s-tresses, 231–4

Pipewort, 235, 239

Slender Naiad, 29, 236, 237–40, 242, 261

Collins Field Guide to Wild Flowers (McClintock and Fitter), 17, 196

Colonsay, Inner Hebrides, 231

Colour Identification Guide (Rose), 52

columbine, 30, 61

comfrey, 172

Common Cotton-grass, 51

Common Dog-violet, 34

Common Enchanter’s Nightshade, 153

Common Fumitory, 77

Common Ground, The (Mabey), 99

Common Parrot’s Beak, 62

Common Sea-purslane, 255

Common Spike-rush, 17

Common Water-pepper, 211–12, 213

Common Whitebeam, 92

Concise British Flora, The (Keble Martin), 10–22

conifers, 15

Connecticut, United States, 271

Copse Bindweed, 29, 215–18

coral roots, 2, 3, 4

cordate leaves, 12

Corizus hyoscyami, 213

Corn Cockle, 243

corn marigolds, 171

Cornish Heath, 34

Cornwall, England, 16, 27, 220

Cornish Heath, 34

Triangular Club-rush, 224–7

Corrigiola litoralis (Strapwort), 29, 219–22

Cotehele, Cornwall, 224–7


Broad-leaved, 50

Common, 50, 51, 175

Hare’s-tail, 50

Slender, 28, 49–54

Cotton Grass Appreciation Society, 49–50

coumarin, 128

County Durham, England, 16, 164–8

county floras, 73–6

County Wicklow, Ireland, 183

Cow Green, Teesdale, 164

cow-wheats, 28, 69–72

cowrie shells, 240–41

cowslip, 30

Craig y Cilau, Brecon Beacons, 93

Cranwich Camp, Norfolk, 113, 115–16

Creeping Buttercup, 12

Creeping Spearwort, 29, 156–8

Crepis praemorsa (Leafless Hawk’s-beard), 28, 30, 147–9

cresses, 92

Crested Buckler-fern, 28, 132–7

Crested Cow-wheat, 28, 69–72

Crete, 75, 76

cripplers, 27

critically endangered plants, 55, 269

crowberry, 175

crowcups, 30

crystal quartzite, 175

cuckoos, 70, 171

Cul Beag, Highlands, 191

Cul Mor, Highlands, 188–93

Cumbria, England

Alpine Catchfly, 159–63

Alpine Enchanter’s Nightshade, 151

Creeping Spearwort, 156–8

Elongated Sedge, 142–6

Leafless Hawk’s-beard, 147–9

Thread Rush, 151, 152–3

Yarrow Broomrape, 119, 120, 121–2

cymes, 12

Cymyran, Anglesey, 42

Czech Republic, 67

Daily Express, 201

Daily Mail, 104

daisies, 25

Dalby, Claire, 52, 64

dandelions, 30, 90

Dartford Warbler, 50

Dartmoor, Devon, 17, 23

Darwin, Charles, 3, 26, 189, 215

Davis, Brian, 72

Dawlish Warren, Devon, 24

deer, 8, 67, 111, 124, 197, 204

Deet, 125

Denton, Jonty, 27

Derwentwater, Cumbria, 151, 152, 153–4

devil’s lily, 46

Devon, England, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23–4, 27

Blue Gromwell, 24

Heath Lobelia, 15

rockroses, 24

Sand-crocus, 24

Spiked Rampion, 85

Strapwort, 219–23

diabetes, 244–6, 272

Diapensia Lapponica, 29, 30, 143, 170–77, 200, 275

Dines, Trevor, 269

Dioscorides, 148

diploid chromosomes, 92

dock, 72, 145

dog-roses, 91

Dog-violet, Common, 34

Dony, John, 74, 75–6

Dovedale, Peak District, 17

Downy Woundwort, 34

Drawings of British Plants (Ross-Craig), 17, 287

Droitwich, Worcestershire, 261, 264

Drooping Saxifrage, 16

Druce, George Claridge, 21, 58

Drummochter Pass, Perthshire, 260, 262–4

Drunken Botanist, The (Stewart), 131

Dryopteris cristata (Crested Buckler-fern), 28, 132–7

Dublin, Ireland, 183

Dunsden, Oxfordshire, 11

Durham, County Durham, 110

Durrell, Gerald, 223

Dwarf Spurge, 78

Early Marsh-orchid, 28, 107–12

Early Purple Orchid, 46

Early Sand-grass, 28, 40–43

Early Spider Orchid, 243

Early Star-of-Bethlehem, see Radnor Lily

East Anglia, 66, 72, 102, 108

Eastbourne, East Sussex, 82

Ebury Press, 19

Edinburgh, Scotland, 26, 173

Eel Crag, Borrowdale, 153

Elegant Hawkweed, 97

Eleocharis palustris (Common Spike-rush), 17

elm trees, 204, 206

Elongated Sedge, 28, 142–6

Ely, Cambridgeshire, 102, 103–5

Enchanter’s Nightshade

Alpine, 29, 151, 153–5, 275

Common, 153


Alpine Catchfly, 159–63

Childing Pink, 87–9

Copse Bindweed, 215–18

Creeping Spearwort, 156–8

Crested Buckler-fern, 132–7

Crested Cow-wheat, 69–72

Early Marsh-orchid, 107–12

Elongated Sedge, 142–6

Fen Ragwort, 102–6

Fen Woodrush, 63–8

Few-flowered Fumitory, 73–9

Hartwort, 248–50

Holly-leaved Naiad, 138–41

Interrupted Brome, 55–62

Leafless Hawk’s-beard, 147–9

Lungwort, 44–8

Pedunculate Sea-purslane, 254–8

Proliferous Pink, 113, 114–15

Purple-stem Cat’s-tail, 113, 114, 116–17, 120

Sickle-leaved Hare’s-ear, 251–3

Slender Cotton-grass, 49–54

Spiked Rampion, 81–6

Starry Clover, 87–8

Strapwort, 219–23

Suffolk Lungwort, 44–8

Tasteless Water-pepper, 209–14

Thistle Broomrape, 259, 261–2

Thread Rush, 151, 152–3

Tintern Spurge, 203–8

Triangular Club-rush, 224–7

Wild Gladiolus, 122–7

Yarrow Broomrape, 119, 120, 121–2

English Heritage, 210

English Whitebeam, 95

Epilobium roseum (Pale Willowherb), 210

Epping, Essex, 252

Eriocaulon aquaticum (Pipewort), 29, 235, 239


angustifolium (Common Cotton-grass), 50, 51

gracile (Slender Cotton-grass), 28, 49–54

latifolium (Broad-leaved Cotton-grass), 50

vaginatum (Hare’s-tail Cotton-grass), 50

Eristalinus aeneus, 221

Essex, England

Hartwort, 248–50

Pedunculate Sea-purslane, 254–8

Sickle-leaved Hare’s-ear, 251–3

Estuarine Sedge, 29, 199–202

Euphorbia serrulata (Tintern/ Upright Spurge), 203–8

Euphrasia vigursii (Vigur’s Eyebright), 20

Evans, Tony, 109

Exaculum pusillum (Guernsey Centaury), 21

Exbury Gardens, Hampshire, 45

Excellent Hawkweed, 97

Exeter, Devon, 209

University, 19, 24

extinction, 55–6, 62

of Corn Cockle, 243

of Fen Woodrush, 63

of Ghost Orchid, 4, 266–7

of Interrupted Brome, 55–6, 58

eyebrights, 11, 91, 196

Vigur’s, 20

Fabergé eggs, 175

fairy flax, 196

Fairy Pools, Isle of Skye, 185

Falcon Crag, Borrowdale, 151

Fallopia dumetorum (Copse Bindweed), 29, 215–18

Fen Ragwort, 28, 102–6

Fen Violets, 65

Fen Woodrush, 28, 63–8

fens, 53, 64, 66, 105, 107–12, 133

Holme, Cambridgeshire, 63–8

Woodbastwick, Norfolk, 132–7

Woodwalton, Cambridgeshire, 64, 102, 105–6

Alpine Woodsia, 24

Asplenium x alternifolium, 135

Crested Buckler, 28, 132–7

Killarney, 135, 269

Oblong Woodsia, 134

Royal, 67

Woodsia, 24, 134

fern-allies, 9, 133

fertilisers, 52, 221

Few-flowered Fumitory, 28, 73–9

Few-flowered Sedge, 150

Field Eryngo, 27

Field Scabious, 243

Field Wormwood, 114–15

Fingered Speedwell, 114–15

Finland, 52, 174

Fitch, William Hood, 14

Fitter, Richard Sidney Richmond, 17, 21


Catalogue of plants growing around Cambridge, 61

Concise British Flora, see under Keble Martin

and ferns, 134

Flora of Ashdown Forest, 92

Flora of Bedfordshire, 73–6

Flora of Cumbria, 158

Flora of Tiree, Gunna and Coll, 232

and herbariums, 115, 132

New Atlas of the British & Irish Flora, 205, 206

Floréal, 48

florets, 16

Florida, United States, 138

Flowering of Britain, The (Mabey), 109

Forestry Commission, 53, 85

forget-me-nots, 11, 172

Fortey, Richard, 2

Foulness Island, 257–8

France, 149

fritillary, 30

Frog Orchid, 111

froghoppers, 253

frogs, 41, 42

fumitories, 28, 73–9

Common (Fumaria officinalis), 77

Few-flowered (Fumaria vaillantii), 28, 73–9

fungi, 2–3, 62, 176–7


bohemica (Radnor Lily), 21, 28, 30, 33–9

serotina (Snowdon Lily), 35–6

gap-phase species, 206

Garwnant Forest Centre, Merthyr Tydfil, 99

Gerard, John, 61

Germander Speedwell, 243

Ghost Orchid, 1–8, 22, 27, 261, 264–72

‘beard’, 3

and beech trees, 2–3, 6, 7–8

bulbils, 4

coral root, 2, 3, 4

discovery (1854), 5

extinction, presumed, 4, 266–7

flowers, 3–4

and fungi, 2–3, 267

Graham’s rediscovery (1953), 5, 6, 266, 270

as grail, 22, 27

Jannink’s rediscovery (2009), 267–70, 272

Plantlife’s Declaration (2009), 267

Gibbons, Bob, 242–4

and Crested Buckler-fern, 132, 136

and Irish Lady’s-tresses, 231, 232

and Pipewort, 240

and Radnor Lily, 37

and Slender Naiad, 238

Gilbert and Sullivan, 227

Gingerbread Sedge, see Elongated Sedge

ginkgo, 62

Gladiolus illyricus (Wild Gladiolus), 28, 30, 122–7

Glen Feshie, Cairngorms, 197

Glenfinnan, Highlands, 169, 170–77

Gloucestershire, England

Adderstongue Spearwort, 252

Gloucester, 207, 209

Tasteless Water-pepper, 209–14

Tintern Spurge, 203–8

gneiss, 189, 191, 232

Goodall, Jane, 274

Gower Peninsula, West Glamorgan, 41

GPS (Global Positioning System), 31, 131, 143, 154–5

Graham, Rex, 5, 6, 266, 270, 271

grails, 27

Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria, 142

grapnels, 138–9, 141, 237–8

grasses, 12, 20

Early Sand-grass, 28, 40–43

Holy-grass, 28, 30, 128–31

Interrupted Brome, 28, 55–62

Purple-stem Cat’s-tail, 28, 114, 115, 116–18, 121

Soft Brome, 57

Somerset Hair-grass, 34

great gale (1987), 8

Greater Broomrape, 119

Greece, 75, 76

Greek Spurrey, 27

Green, Harry, 261, 264

Grey Hair-grass, 27

Grigson, Geoffrey, 30, 81

grippers, 27

Grisedale Pike, Borrowdale, 153, 163

Guardian, 132

Guernsey Centaury, 21

Guinness World Records, 252

Gwynedd, kingdom of (c.450– 1216), 43

Hairy Lady’s-mantle, 20

Halliday, Geoffrey, 148, 149, 157

Hampshire, England, 220

Copse Bindweed, 215–18

Narrow-leaved Lungwort, 45

Slender Cotton-grass, 49–54

Wild Gladiolus, 123–8

Wildlife Trust, 220

Handbook on the Crucifers, 92

Harbour Club, Shoreham, 88

hardy grass, 175

Hare’s-tail Cotton-grass, 50

Hart, Henry Chichester, 183–4

Hartwort, 29, 248–50

Harwich, Essex, 103

Hatchards bookshop, Piccadilly, 19

hawks, 148

hawkweeds, 90, 91, 96–7, 149

Attenborough’s, 96

Elegant, 97

Excellent, 97

Limestone, 96

Memorable, 97

Neat, 97

Noble, 97

Remarkable, 97

Splendid, 97

hazel, 46

Heath Lobelia, 15

Heath Woodrush, 64, 65

heather, 225, 260

Heathfield, East Sussex, 81–6

Hedge Parsley, 205

helleborine, 7, 271

hemp, 119

Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, 5–8, 265, 266

Herb Paris, 46

herbariums, 115, 226, 252

herbicide, 59–60, 76, 104, 268

Hereford, Herefordshire, 39

Hiawatha, 139

Hickling Broad, Norfolk, 138–41

hieraciology, 96


attenboroughianum (Attenborough’s Hawkweed), 96

insigne (Noble Hawkweed), 97

memorabile (Memorable Hawkweed), 97

mundum (Elegant Hawkweed), 97

notabile (Remarkable Hawkweed), 97

optimum (Splendid Hawkweed), 97

perscitum (Neat Hawkweed), 97

probum (Excellent Hawkweed), 97

subbritannicum (Limestone Hawkweed), 96

High Spy, Borrowdale, 153

Highlands, Scotland, 276

Alpine Rock-cress, 179, 182, 183–7

Estuarine Sedge, 199–202

Diapensia, 143, 170–77

Iceland Purslane, 178–81

Norwegian Mugwort, 188–93

Purple Oxytropis, 194–7

Highnam Wood, Gloucestershire, 207

Hobcarton Crag, Whinlatter Pass, 159–63

hogweed, 71, 274

holly, 218

Holly-leaved Naiad, 28, 138–41, 236

Holly, Eileen, 6, 7

Holme Fen, Cambridgeshire, 63–8

Holy-grass, 28, 30, 128–31

Hooded Lady’s-tresses, 231

Hooker, Joseph Dalton, 14, 17, 21

Hopegill Head, Borrowdale, 153

horses, 56

horsetails, 133

Hungary, 48

Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, 102

hurricanes, 36

Ice Age, 180–81, 275

Ice-cream Orchid, 28, 107–12

Iceland Purslane, 29, 30, 178–81

Icklingham, Suffolk, 113

Inchnadamph, Highlands, 189

Independent, The 201

Inner Hebrides, Scotland

Coll, 228, 230, 231–3, 235–41, 243, 261

Isle of Skye, 143, 178–81, 182–7, 261

Inocybe, 2

Interrupted Brome, 28, 55–62

Inverness, Highlands, 169, 200

Ireland, 15, 21, 25, 184, 202–3

Hart Walk, 184

Irish Lady’s-tresses, 231

Slender Cotton-grass, 52

Triangular Club-rush, 225

Irish Lady’s-tresses, 23, 29, 231–4

Isle of Purbeck, Dorset, 220

Isle of Skye, Inner Hebrides, 143, 182–7, 260

Alpine Rock-cress, 182–7, 260

Iceland Purslane, 178–81

Isle of Wight, 119

ivy, 14, 119

Jacob’s Ladder, 15

Jacobite rising (1745), 174

Jannink, Mark, 267–70, 272

Japanese Rose, 61

Jefferies, Richard, 228

Jepson, Peter, 184, 185

Jermyn, Stan, 252

‘jizz’, 12

Jones, Ben, 231, 232, 233–4

Jones, Theophilus, 93

Joseph, Michael, 19

Journal of Botany, 15

Juncus filiformis (Thread Rush), 28, 151, 152–3

juniper, 15, 197

Keble Martin, William, 9, 10–22, 24, 25, 26, 32, 143, 241, 273, 276

on Alpine Enchanter’s Nightshade, 154

on clovers, 58

on Creeping Spearwort, 156, 157

on Crested Cow-wheat, 71

on Early Sand-grass, 43

on ferns, 133

on fumitories, 77

on Holly-leaved Naiad, 140

on Holy-grass, 131

on Interrupted Brome, 57, 58

on Pedunculate Sea-purslane, 254, 255

on Slender Cotton-grass, 52

on Spiked Rampion, 84

on whitebeams, 91

on Yarrow Broomrape, 119

keck, 171, 243

Kent, England, 34, 206

Kew Gardens, London, 26, 47, 140, 173, 221, 252

Killarney Fern, 134

Kincardine, Fife, 34

King Lear (Shakespeare), 192–3

Kington, Miles, 77

Kirschner, Jan, 67

knapweed, 119

Koenigia islandica (Iceland Purslane), 29, 30, 178–81

Kyle of Lochalsh, Highlands, 188

Lady Park Wood, 204–6

Lady’s Slipper orchid, 34, 112

Lady’s Smock, 48

lady’s-mantles, 20

ladybirds, 211

Lake District

Alpine Catchfly, 159–63

Alpine Enchanter’s Nightshade, 151

Creeping Spearwort, 156–8

Elongated Sedge, 142–6

Leafless Hawk’s-beard, 147–9

Thread Rush, 151, 153–4

Yarrow Broomrape, 119, 120, 121–2

Lakenheath, Suffolk, 118, 120

Lamium confertum (Northern Dead-nettle), 233–4

Lancashire, England, 50

Lancastrian Whitebeam, 144

lanceolate leaves, 12

Landseer, Edwin Henry, 197

Langdon Beck, County Durham, 167

Lapland, 173

Lapworth, Charles, 189

Large Copper butterfly, 105, 106

Large Skipper butterfly, 126

Large-leaved Lime, 94

Leach, Simon, 255–6, 265

Leafless Hawk’s-beard, 28, 30, 147–9

Least Whitebeam, 28, 90–96

Lesne’s Earwig, 213

Lesser Spearwort, 157

Lesser Tree-mallow, 27

Lewisian gneiss, 189, 232

Ley, Augustus, 99

Ley’s Whitebeam, 28, 98–101

lilies, 222

lime trees, 94, 144

limestone, 42

Craig y Cilau, 93

Merthyr Tydfil, 98

Orton, 147

Roudsea Wood, 144

Tor Bay, 23

and whitebeams, 91, 93, 98

Limestone Hawkweed, 96

Lincolnshire, England, 102

lithography, 17

liverworts, 74

Lizard Orchid, 20, 111

The Lizard, Cornwall, 16, 220

Lobelia urens, 15

Loch a Mhill Aird, Coll, 235

Loch Leven, Perth and Kinross, 157

Lochaber, Highlands, 143, 170–77

Loddon Pondweed, 27

London Catalogue of British Plants, 15, 21

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 139

Lotus berthelotii (Parrot’s Beak), 62

louseworts, 191

Lousley, Ted 99

Lugnaquilla, County Wicklow, 183

Lundy, Devon, 24

Lundy Cabbage, 34


Narrow-leaved, 45

Suffolk, 21, 28, 44–8

Luton, Bedfordshire, 74

Luzula multiflora (Heath Woodrush), 64

Luzula pallescens (Fen Woodrush), 63–8

Lychnis alpina (Alpine Catchfly), 29

Lychnis flos-cuculi (Ragged-Robin), 171, 233

Lyme disease, 123–5

Lyndhurst, Hampshire, 123

Mabey, Richard, 25, 99, 107–9

MacDonald, Iain, 168–9, 260, 263

Maiden Moor, Borrowdale, 153

Manchester, England, 58

Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, 38

maple trees, 46

Martini Bianco, 131

Maryport, Cumbria, 118

Massey, Maurice, 64–5

Mat-grass Fescue, 20

McClintock, David, 4, 5, 17, 21, 196

Meadow-rues, 11

Meallan Diomhain, Cul Mor, 191

medicks, 149

Medieval era, 30, 61

Medway river, 225

Melampyrum Bank, Cambridgeshire, 71–2

Melampyrum, see cow-wheats

Memorable Hawkweed, 97

Merthyr Tydfil, Mid Glamorgan, 98

Mibora minima (Early Sand-grass), 28, 40–43

Michelin star-system, 17

micro-species, 21, 93, 99, 276

Middle Ages, 30, 61

milkmaids, 48

milkwort, 191, 196

Millard, Pat, 81, 83

Ministry of Defence, 257

mizzle, 174

molecular taxonomy, 225

Monarch of the Glen, The (Landseer), 197

Monkey Orchid, 31

Monks Wood, Cambridgeshire, 69–72

Moon Carrot, 79

Morecambe Bay, 144

mosses, 13, 35, 51, 74

Mossy Saxifrage, 15

moths, 10, 13, 157, 202

Motley, Graham, 101

Motley’s Whitebeam, 100–101

motorbikes, 42

Mount Washington, New Hampshire, 176

Mourning Bells of Sodom, 30

mudwort, 24, 145

muntjac deer, 67, 111

music, 103

My Family and Other Animals (Durrell), 223

mycelium, 2

mycorrhizal fungi, 176

naiads, 30, 138–41

Holly-leaved (Najas marina), 28, 138–41, 237

Slender (Najas flexilis), 29, 235, 237–40, 243, 261

Narrow-leaved Lungwort, 45

Narrow-lipped Helleborine, 7

National Magazine Company, 19

National Museum Wales, 268

National Trust, 27, 82, 157, 174, 227

natterjack toads, 129

Natural England, 45, 85, 133, 264

Natural History Museum, London, 59, 67, 249

Nature Conservancy Council, 64, 167

Nature of Wyre, The (Westwood), 220

Neat Hawkweed, 97

Netherlands, 257

nettles, 34, 71, 72, 75, 171, 274

New Atlas of the British & Irish Flora, 205, 206

New England, 173

New Forest, 49–54, 122–7, 220, 275

New Hampshire, United States, 176

Newmarket, Suffolk, 103

nitrates, 221, 274

Noble Hawkweed, 97

Norfolk, England, 69, 123

Crested Buckler-fern, 132–7

Holly-leaved Naiad, 28, 138–41

Proliferous Pink, 113, 114–15

Northern Dead-nettle, 233–4

Northern Knotgrass, 240

Northern Rock-cress, 187

Northumberland, England, 129

Norway, 157, 177, 190

Norwegian Mugwort, 29, 30, 189–94, 275

Norwich, Norfolk, 45

Nottingham Catchfly, 34

Oblong Woodsia, 134

Observer’s Book of Wild Flowers, The, 243

ochroleuca (Early Marsh-orchid), 28, 107–12

Old Man of Storr, Isle of Skye, 179

old plants, 207

Ongar, Essex, 251–3

onionweed, 140

oraches, 91, 255

orchids, 9, 20, 23, 79–80

Autumn Lady’s-tresses, 79–80

Bird’s-nest, 271

Burnt-tip, 80, 244

Butterfly, 111

Common-spotted, 84

Early Marsh, 28, 107–12

Early Purple, 46

Early Spider, 244

Frog, 111

Ghost, 1–8, 22, 27, 261, 264–72

Helleborines, 271

Irish Lady’s-tresses, 23, 29, 231–4

Lady’s Slipper, 34, 112

Lizard, 20, 111

Monkey, 31

Ordnance Survey, 143, 216

Oregon, United States, 163

Orkney, Scotland, 129, 240


purpurea (Yarrow Broomrape), 28, 119–22

rapum-genistae (Greater Broomrape), 119

reticulata (Thistle Broomrape), 29, 119, 259, 262

Orton, Cumbria, 147–50

ospreys, 144–5

Outen, Alan, 74

Over the Hills (Keble Martin), 19

Overbury Park, Gloucestershire, 13

owls, 152, 164


Aston Rowant, 58–9

Aston Upthorpe Down, 11

Downy Woundwort, 34

Dunsden, 11

Henley-on-Thames, 5–8, 265, 266

Oxford University, 13–14

Oxytropis halleri (Purple Oxytropis), 29, 195–7, 201

Pagham Harbour, West Sussex, 89

Pale Willowherb, 210

pan-listers, 26–7

pansies, 30

papillosities, 52

parasitic plants

Ghost Orchid, 1–8, 22, 27, 261, 264–72

Thistle Broomrape, 119, 259, 262

Yarrow Broomrape, 119–21

Parnassus, 14–15

Parrot’s Beak, 62

Pasqueflower, 11, 79

Paul, Vera, 6

Peak District, 15

Pearman, Anita ‘Sammy’, 232, 238

Pearman, David, 276

and Greek Spurrey, 27

and Irish Lady’s-tresses, 231, 232

and Lesser Tree-mallow, 27

and medicks, 149

and Northern Knotgrass, 242

and Slender Naiad, 238–40

and Tintern Spurge, 206, 208

Pedunculate Oak, 16

Pedunculate Sea-purslane, 29, 254–8, 265

Pegsdon, Bedfordshire, 73, 78

Pen y Fan, Brecon Beacons, 195–6

Penmoelallt, Mid Glamorgan, 98

Pennines, 163, 167

Penrith, Cumbria, 167

Perennial Knawel, 114


hydropiper (Common Water-pepper), 211–12, 213

mitis (Tasteless Water-pepper), 29, 210–14

Peterken, George, 204–7


nantuelii (Childing Pink), 28, 87–9, 114, 115

prolifera (Proliferous Pink), 28, 113, 115–16

Pheasant’s Eye, 11

pheasants, 46

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 18

Phleum phleoides (Purple-stem Cat’s-tail), 28, 114, 115, 116–18, 120

phosphates, 274

photosynthesis, 2, 70, 118

Phyllodoce caerulea (Blue Heath), 29, 260, 262–4

Phyteuma spicatum (Spiked Rampion), 28, 81–6

pimpernels, 30, 84

pine, 197


Cheddar, 34

Childing, 28, 87–9, 114

Proliferous, 28, 113, 115–16

Pipewort, 29, 235, 239

Pitlochry, Perthshire, 143, 168–9

plankton, 141, 221

plantains, 29, 34

Plantlife, 13, 92, 267

Plymouth, Devon, 27

Poland, 129, 130, 132

Poland, John, 66

Polygonatum verticillatum (Whorled Solomon’s-seal), 29, 168


boreale (Northern Knotgrass), 240

mite (Tasteless Water-pepper), 29, 209–14

pondweeds, 9, 12, 149

Bog, 51

Loddon, 27

Slender-leaved, 29, 236, 239–240

ponies, 53, 124, 166

poppies, 76

population dynamics, 164–8

Porter, Julie, 143, 149, 155

Porter, Mike

and Alpine Enchanter’s Nightshade, 152, 154–5

and Creeping Spearwort, 156–8

and Few-flowered Sedge, 150

and Elongated Sedge, 142–6

and Holy-grass, 130–132

and sedges, 142–6, 150, 156, 200, 276

and Thread Rush, 152, 153

and Yarrow Broomrape, 118, 121

Post Office, 19

Potamogeton filiformis (Slender-leaved Pondweed), 29

Povlsen, Anders, 197

Powys, Wales

Brecon Beacons, 15, 90–97, 194–5

Builth Wells, 36

Prague, Czech Republic, 67

Prendergast, Alex, 44–8, 132, 138–41

Preston, Chris, 149, 237

Price, Dominic, 85

Pride of Sussex, 82–3

primroses, 30, 46, 84

Bird’s-eye Primrose, 109–10

Proliferous Pink, 28, 113, 114–15

Prymnesium, 141

Pugsley, Herbert William, 16

Pullen, Phil, 27


longifolia (Narrow-leaved Lungwort), 45

obscura (Suffolk Lungwort), 21, 28, 44–8

Purbeck, Dorset, 220

Purple Broomrape, see Yarrow Broomrape

Purple Oxytropis, 29, 194–8, 200

Purple-stem Cat’s-tail, 28, 114, 115, 116–18, 120

Pyner, Tim, 254, 256

quaker grass, 171, 243

quartzite, 175

quillworts, 133

Quinag, Highlands, 189

rabbits, 38–9, 42, 79, 250, 253

Rackham, Oliver, 26

Radio Four, 210

Radnor Lily, 21, 28, 30, 33–9

Ragged Robin, 171, 233

ragwort, 88, 102–6

Rainbird, George, 18, 19

Rainbow Dust (Marren), 201, 219


Round-headed, 82–3

Spiked, 28, 81–6

Rand, Martin, 215, 216–18

Random House, 19


bulbosus (Bulbous buttercup), 12

flammula (Lesser Spearwort), 157

ophioglossifolius (Adderstongue Spearwort), 252

parviflorus (Small-flowered buttercup), 12

repens (Creeping buttercup), 12

reptans (Creeping Spearwort), 29, 157–8

x levenensis, 157

Ratcliffe, Derek, 134

Raven, John, 175, 184, 185

Raven, Sarah, 165

ravens, 161

Ray, John, 61, 147

Red Data Book, 65, 115, 169, 252

Red Morocco, 11

Red Rattle, 112

Red Star-thistle, 27

reeds, 227

Rees, Ivor, 40, 41, 42

Rees, Jane, 40, 41

Remarkable Hawkweed, 97

rhododendron, 30

Ribbon-leaved Water-plantain, 29, 261, 264

Rich, Tim, 92, 149, 276

and hawkweeds, 149

and Least Whitebeam, 90, 93–7

and Ley’s Whitebeam, 98–101

Tim’s Whitebeam, 91

Rickard, Martin, 133, 134

Ringwood Chase, Shropshire, 5

Ripgut Brome, 116–17

Ripon Loop, North Yorkshire, 259, 262

Rix, Martin, 36

Robertson, James, 40, 41

Robertson, Joanna, 41

Robinson, Martin, 168–9, 260, 263–4

Rock Whitebeam, 95


Alpine, 29, 179, 182, 183–7, 261

Northern, 187

rock-roses, 24, 175

Rose, Frances, 52

Ross-Craig, Stella, 17

Roudsea Wood, Cumbria, 142–6

Rough Poppy, 60

Round-headed Rampion, 82–3

rowan, 92, 95, 100, 197

Royal Fern, 67

Royal Horticultural Society, 17

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), 13, 232, 233

Rumsey, Fred

and Crested Buckler-fern, 134, 136

and Fen Woodrush, 67

and ferns, 133–4

and Hartwort, 248, 249

and Interrupted Brome, 55, 59–60

and Pedunculate Sea-purslane, 254, 256–8

and Sickle-leaved Hare’s-ear, 251–3

Rumsey, Sue, 249

rushes, 9, 11, 112

Common Spike, 17

Thread, 28, 151, 152–3

Russian Vine, 216

Rutland, England, 144

Sail Fell, Borrowdale, 153

sainfoin, 56

Salisbury Plain, 27

Sand-crocus, 24

Sandwith, Noel Yvri, 17

sandwort, 32

Teesdale Sandwort, 163–5

Sandy Balls, Hampshire, 215–18

Sapey Brook, 5

Saturday Live, 201


Drooping, 16

Mossy, 15

Tufted, 24

Schoenoplectus triqueter (Triangular Club-rush), 29, 224–7

Scirpus triqueter (Triangular Club-rush), 29, 224–7

Scorpidium cossonii, 51

Scotland, 143

Alpine Catchfly, 159

Alpine Meadow Rue, 11

Alpine Rock-cress, 29, 179, 182, 183–7

Ben Lawers, 11, 16, 24, 243

Creeping Spearwort, 29, 156

Diapensia, 170–77

Drooping Saxifrage, 16

Estuarine Sedge, 199–202

Holy-grass, 128–31

Iceland Purslane, 178–81

Irish Lady’s-tresses, 231–4

Norwegian Mugwort, 188–93

Pipewort, 235, 239

Purple Oxytropis, 194–8

Ribbon-leaved Water-plantain, 261, 264

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 26, 173

Slender Naiad, 29, 235, 236–40, 243, 261

Whorled Solomon’s-seal, 168–9

Scots pine, 15

Scott, Michael and Sue, 184, 185–7

Scottish Natural Heritage, 169, 263

Sea Barley, 256

Sea Daffodil, 222–3

Sea-aster, 257

Sea-lavender, 257


Common, 255

Pedunculate, 29, 254–8

Sea-spurrey, 257

seashells, 42

Second World War (1939–45), 93

sedges, 9, 12, 20, 84, 112, 149–50, 264

Elongated, 28, 142–6

Estuarine, 29, 199–201

Few-flowered, 150

seed-heads, 12

Senecio paludosus (Fen Ragwort), 28, 102–6

sepals, 12

Seven Sisters, Sussex, 27

Severn river, 210, 211

Sgùrr a’ Mhadaidh, Black Cuillin, 184

Shakespeare, William, 30, 192–3

Shannon river, 225

Sharp-leaved Fluellen, 60

Shaw, Andrew, 33, 36–9

sheep, 79–80, 164–6, 180, 186

Shepherd’s Cress, 163

Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex, 87–9, 114

Sickle-leaved Hare’s-ear, 29, 251–3

Silene suecica (Alpine Catchfly), 29

Silver Sands, Shoreham, 88–9

Site of Special Scientific Interest, 212

Skiddaw, Cumbria, 163

Skye, Inner Hebrides, 143, 178–81, 182–7

skylarks, 42, 131

Slapton Ley, Devon, 219–23

Slender Cotton-grass, 28, 49–54

Slender Naiad, 29, 235, 236–40, 242

Slender-leaved Pondweed, 29, 236, 239–41

sloe, 72

Small Toadflax, 78

Small-flowered buttercup, 12

Smith, Philip Morgans, 56, 58

snake’s-heads, 30

Snowdon Lily, 35–6

snowdrops, 14

Solway Firth, 128

Somerset Hair-grass, 34


anglica (English Whitebeam), 95

aria (Common Whitebeam), 92

cambrensis (Welsh Whitebeam), 94

intermedia (Swedish Whitebeam), 99

lancastriensis (Lancastrian white-beam), 144

leptophylla (Thin-leaved Whitebeam), 94, 96

leyana (Ley’s Whitebeam), 28, 98–101

minima (Least Whitebeam), 28, 90–96

richii (Tim’s Whitebeam), 91

rupicola (Rock Whitebeam), 95

x motleyi (Motley’s Whitebeam), 100

sorrels, 171, 178

Southend, Essex, 248–50, 254–8

Southern Damselfly, 51

Sow of Atholl, Perthshire, 260, 262–4

Sowerby, James, 243

Spanish Catchfly, 114

Spear Thistle, 34

spearworts, 233

Adderstongue, 252

Creeping, 29, 156–8

Lesser, 157

Species Recovery Trust, 83, 85

speedwells, 9, 172

Fingered, 114–15

Germander, 243

Western Spiked, 38

Spike-rush, Common, 17

Spiked Rampion, 28, 81–6

Spiranthes romanzoffiana (Irish Lady’s-tresses), 23, 29, 231–4

Splendid Hawkweed, 97

Spotted Cat’s-ear, 79

Spring Gentian, 165–6

Spruce Wormwood, 190

Squirrel Awareness Week, 152

St Briavels, Gloucestershire, 203–8

St Neots, Cambridgeshire, 172

Stac Polly, Highlands, 189

Stace, Clive, 26, 256

Stace-tickers, 26, 45

stamens, 16

stamps, 19

Stanner Rocks, 33–9

Starry Clover, 87–9

Staverton, Devon, 13

Sterile Brome, 60


Circaea x intermedia, 153

Fen Ragwort, 105

Ghost Orchid, 4

Parrot’s Beak, 62

Radnor Lily, 35

Triangular Club-rush, 225

Stewart, Amy, 131

Sticky Catchfly, 38

stinging nettles, 34, 71, 72, 75, 171, 274

Stinking Hawksbeard, 27

Stokes, Jonathan, 122–7

stoneworts, 46, 139, 140

Storr, Isle of Skye, 178–81

Strachan, Ian, 170, 174–7, 276

Strapwort, 29, 219–23

strawberries, 165

Stroh, Peter, 63, 65–8, 69, 72, 116

subglobose fruit, 79

Suffolk, England

Early Marsh-orchid, 28, 107–12

Lungwort, 21, 28, 44–8

Purple-stem Cat’s-tail, 114, 115, 116–18, 120

Yarrow Broomrape, 118, 121

Suilven, Highlands, 189

Summerhayes, Victor Samuel, 6

super-ragwort, 103

Surrey, England, 135

Sussex, England, 27, 81–6

Childing Pink, 87–9, 115

Round-headed Rampion, 82

Spiked Rampion, 28, 81–6

Starry Clover, 87–9

Sutherland, Highlands, 194–8, 199–202

Sway, Hampshire, 49–54

Sweden, 129, 197, 272

Swedish Whitebeam, 99

Swithland Wood, Leicestershire, 243

sycamore, 20

Tamar Valley, Cotehele, 224–8

tansy, 172

Tasteless Water-pepper, 29, 209–14

Tebbutt, Charles Frederick, 172

Tedstone Delamere, Herefordshire, 5

Teesdale, County Durham, 16, 163–7

Sandwort, 163–7

Violet, 165, 166

Teesdale, Robert, 164

Teesdalia (Shepherd’s Cress), 164

Tennyson, Alfred, 217

Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, 209–14

Thames river, 225, 249, 250

Theophrastus, 70

Thetford, Norfolk, 69, 113

Thin-leaved Whitebeam, 94, 96

thistle, 72, 119, 253

Thistle Broomrape, 29, 119, 259, 262

thistledown, 53

Thread Rush, 28, 151, 152–4

Thurso, Highlands, 200

thyme, 42, 196

ticks, 123–5

Tim’s Whitebeam, 91

Tintern Spurge, 29, 30, 203–8

toads, 41, 42, 129

Tomlinson, Graham, 159, 162–3

Tor Bay, Devon, 23

Tordylium maximum (Hartwort), 29, 248–50

Torridonian sandstone, 189

toxins, 62

Trailing Azalea, 175

Tree Council, 99

Triangular Club-rush, 29, 224–8

Trifolium stellatum (Starry Clover), 87–9

Trivia, 240

Trotternish, Isle of Skye, 180

Tuberous Thistle, 27

Tufted Saxifrage, 24

Tutin, Thomas Gaskell, 18

twayblades, 84

Tweet of the Day, 210

Ullapool, Highlands, 189

Ullswater, Cumbria, 156–8

umbellifers, 12

umbels, 12

unimproved meadows, 57

United States

Connecticut, 271

Florida, 138

New England, 173

New Hampshire, 176

Oregon, 163

Unspotted Lungwort, see Suffolk Lungwort

Upper Lode, Tewkesbury, 209, 211–13

Upper Lune Valley, Cumbria, 147

Upper Teesdale, County Durham, 16, 164–5

Upright Spurge, 29, 30, 203–8

Ural mountains, 191

Ure river, 259, 261–2

Vachell, Eleanor, 7

Vale of Ffestiniog, Snowdonia, 134

Valhalla, 14–15

vasculums, 46

Venus’s Looking-glass, 60, 78

Victorian Fern Craze, 133

Vigur’s Eyebright, 20

Violet Horned-poppy, 20

violets, 7, 46

Viper’s Bugloss, 88

Virgin Marys, 45

vodka, 128, 129, 131

Wainwright, Alfred, 143, 159–61, 269


Early Sand-grass, 40–43

Killarney Fern, 134, 269–70

Ghost Orchid, 267–70

Least Whitebeam, 90–96

Ley’s Whitebeam, 98–101

lightning strikes, 194–5

Radnor Lily, 33–9

Slender Cotton-grass, 52

Snowdon Lily, 35–6

Walker, Kevin, 75

Wall Germander, 27

Warburg, Edmund Frederic, 18

Wardian Cases, 133

water mint, 233

weather, 32

Wells, Terry, 79–80

Welsh Mudwort, 24

West, Will, 132–3, 136

Western Spiked Speedwell, 38

Westerness, Highlands, 173, 276

Westwood, Brett, 27

and Copse Bindweed, 215, 218

and Ribbon-leaved Water-plantain, 261, 264

and Strapwort, 219, 220

and Tasteless Water-pepper, 209, 210, 212–3

and Triangular Club-rush, 224, 227

Westwood Great Pool, Droitwich, 261, 264

Wheeler, Belinda, 85

Whinlatter Pass, Cumbria, 159–63

Whispering Reeds, Hickling Broad, 139, 141

White Bryony, 243

whitebeams, 90–96, 98–101, 276

Common, 92

English, 95

Lancastrian, 144

Least, 28, 90–96

Ley’s, 28, 98–101

Motley’s, 100–101

Rock, 95

Swedish, 99

Thin-leaved, 94, 96

Tim’s, 91

Welsh, 94

Whiteford Burrows, Gower Peninsula, 41

Whittlesey Mere, 64

Whittlesford, Cambridgeshire, 55, 56, 58–62

Whorled Solomon’s-seal, 29, 168–9

Wild Carrot, 119

Wild Gladiolus, 28, 30, 122–7

Wild Orchids of Britain (Summerhayes), 6

wild ox, 53

Wild Tulip, 31

Wildflower Society, 14–15, 47

Wildlife & Countryside Act (1981), 141

Wildlife Trusts, 220, 262

Williams, William, 24

willow trees, 68

willowherb, 154, 172

Wiltshire, England, 13, 27, 30

Winchester College, 13

Wood Vetch, 206

Woodbastwick Fen, Norfolk, 132–7

Woodbury, Devon, 19

Woodland Trust, 26


Fen, 63–8

Heath, 64

Woods, Ray, 35–6

Woodsia, 134

Alpine, 24

Oblong, 134

Woodwalton, Cambridgeshire, 64, 69, 102, 105–6

Worcestershire, England

Burlish Top, 27

Droitwich, 261, 264

Worcester, 209

Wyre Forest, 220

Workington, Cumbria, 121

woundworts, 84

Downy, 34

Wye Valley, 93, 203–8

Wyre Forest, Worcestershire, 220

Yarner Wood, Devon, 15

Yarrow Broomrape, 28, 119–121

Yellow Bird’s-nest, 7, 225

yellow composites, 12

Yellow Horned-poppy, 88

yellow-wort, 205

yew, 15

Yorkshire, England, 259, 261–2

Zubrowka, 129, 130, 131