
Every time I write one of these acknowledgment pages, it reminds me how much work goes into a novel and how I could never, ever do it alone. There are people I need to thank. If I forget anyone, forgive me please. So many people play a role in the making of a book like this it’s difficult to keep track of all the fingerprints sometimes.

My wife, Jen, who supports my writing efforts, promotes my books, and listens to my rants from time to time.

My daughters, who give me all the motivation I need.

My parents and family, who tirelessly encourage me.

My agent, Les Stobbe. Without him I’d be lost. Truly.

My editors, Jan Stob and Caleb Sjogren. The patience they show and the encouragement they give is priceless. I am truly blessed to be able to work with such fine professionals and people.

Everyone else at Tyndale who makes these books possible, from Shaina Turner and the marketing team to Mike Bachman and the rest of the sales team to the designers and the finance people and the rest of the editorial staff. They are a great bunch to work with.

There are two heroes who did not want name recognition but need to be thanked. Two soldiers, Rangers, gave advice and answered questions about some of the military aspects of this novel. Their input makes it all the more realistic. Anything that is off or inaccurate is strictly my fault.

Dan Grove, who gave input on the technical and computer aspects of the story. He, too, answered a bunch of questions, and his input was invaluable to completing the story.

Lastly, but always most importantly, thank you to my heavenly Father, my Dad, and my Lord, Jesus, for giving me life, hope, and a reason for doing all of this.