Discussion Questions
- In the first chapters, Jed learns his new life may not be the opportunity to start over, as he hoped it would. When have you been disillusioned? How did you respond when faced with a new or unpleasant reality?
- Do Jed and Karen make the right choice when they part ways? What would you have done?
- In his attempt to rescue Lilly, Jed finds himself in a weak position —no leverage, no information, nothing to do but follow the path laid out for him. In what ways are you in control of your own life? In what ways are you at the mercy of events and situations you cannot control? How does Proverbs 16:9 apply?
- When Tiffany discovers something wrong in the financial accounts, she risks her career and breaks the law to dig deeper. Is this the right choice? What determines whether a choice like this is right or wrong? Why does she not simply report the discrepancy to her superiors?
- During Jed’s time beneath Alcatraz, Murphy exposes him to numerous stimuli in an effort to convince Jed about the assassination mission. Which of Murphy’s tactics were effective or convincing? Which should Jed have been more suspicious of?
- Have you ever felt compelled to act contrary to your conscience? What were the circumstances? If you could return to that situation, would you do anything differently? When does the precept in Romans 14:23 come into play?
- One of the main factors that convinces Jed to act is Karen’s counsel. When have you faced a difficult choice and relied on advice from others? How can a person discern good counsel from bad?
- Tiffany takes a risk and trusts Jack with the incendiary information she finds. Have you ever extended unproven trust to someone? Did that person keep your trust, or were you burned as a result? How do Jesus’ words in Matthew 18:21-22 relate to such situations?
- Think of a task you’ve faced that pushed your capabilities to their limit. Were you successful? What did the attempt teach you about your own abilities?
- Which of the plot points in Kill Devil took you by surprise? Which ones did you see coming?