
Cover    1

Title Page    3

Copyright Page    4

Endorsements    5

Dedication    7

1. Why Was I a Victim of Human Trafficking?    11

2. My New Friend    17

3. “You Can Call Me Daddy”    27

4. The Bridal Game    37

5. “You Have to Make It Right”    43

6. Left to Die    53

7. My Vulnerability    59

8. Enduring Rage    69

9. From Bullying to Cocaine    77

10. Another Escape    89

11. Enslaved . . . Again    101

12. Unsuspected Predators    107

13. Fearing Paco    111

14. Almost Busted    125

15. From Clubs to Gangs    131

16. A Modeling Career    135

17. Wedded Bliss?    145

18. Learning about Boundaries    155

19. Lessons from Law School    161

20. Making the Break    169

21. Living Alone    175

22. My Emancipation Proclamation    183

23. Changed    191

24. Rescue Ministry    195

25. Survivor Stories    205

26. Setting the Captives Free    217

About There Is H.O.P.E For Me, Inc.    227

Acknowledgments    231

About the Authors    235

Back Ads    236

Back Cover    240