We hope the preceding pages sparked some ideas and encouraged you to take a few baby steps toward learning environments that are more child-led, play-full, and open-ended. While we believe books are useful containers for sharing ideas and offering support, we do not believe our job as authors ends when you put down your highlighter and close up the pages. Too often, people read books like this one, get inspired to try a new thing or to make some sort of change, when real life takes over and forces the new thing or the change to the sideline. We feel our job—after book—is to be a continuing source of support. So, if you have questions, require inspiration, want to share stories, pictures, or ideas, need a hand to hold while you take a baby step, or just want to connect, here is how you can find us:
We both pay attention to the Let Them Play Facebook page: www.facebook.com/letthemplaybook.
And you can connect to us individually online with these links: