British Library


Add Mss 9094–9113 Marlborough’s correspondence

Add Mss 9114 Journal of campaigns (usually attributed to Chaplain General Francis Hare, though the earlier material is probably the work of Josias Sandby, secretary to General Charles Churchill and chaplain to the artillery train)

Add Mss 9118–9122 Letters and Papers of the Duchess of Marlborough

Add Mss 61101 Letters from Queen Anne to Marlborough

Add Mss 61119–61122 Letters to Marlborough from Sir Charles Hedges

Add Mss 61125 Letters to Marlborough from Harley (later Earl of Oxford)

Add Mss 61132 Letters to Marlborough from St John (later Viscount Bolingbroke)

Add Mss 61133 Letters to Marlborough from William Blathwayt

Add Mss 61157 Letters from Lord Portmore to Marlborough

Add Mss 61163 Letters from Lieutenant General Richard Ingoldsby to Marlborough

Add Mss 61363 Letters from the Duke of Buckingham and Knightley Chetwode to Marlborough

Add Mss 61366 Letters from Charles Davenant to Marlborough

Add Mss 61368 Letters from William Godolphin, Viscount Rialton (later Marquess of Blandford) to Marlborough

Add Mss 61270 Letters from Duke of Berwick to Marlborough

Add Mss 70938–70943 Marlborough to Sir Charles Hedges, William Blathwayt and Dutch officials

Add Mss 70944 (formerly Philipps Mss 11539) Orders of battle with watercolour illustrations 1703–1712

Add Mss 70945 Miscellaneous correspondence


Add Mss 22196 Cadogan to Lord Raby (later Earl of Strafford)


Add Mss 28917–8 Letters from Cardonnel to John Ellis, under-secretary of state

Add Mss 42176 Letters from Cardonnel to deputy judge advocate general John Watkins


Stowe Mss 222–231 includes correspondence with Cadogan and Marlborough

National Archives

WO 5/1 Secretary at War, Marching and militia orders

National Army Museum

6909/4 Account and map of the action at Elixheim (Lines of Brabant) 1705

Cadogan Papers, Cadogan Estate Office

Assorted correspondence of William Cadogan, much of it duplicating letters in BL Add Mss 22196, but including some original material

Unpublished Mss biography ‘William, 1st Earl Cadogan’ by Patricia Dickson

Published Collections of Papers

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‘Review of a late Treatise entitled an Account of the Conduct of the Dowager D______ of M________’ (London 1742)

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