Some of the Many Reasons

There were spiritual difficulties. She simply would not drain away the nonsense. She had no outpourings of generous beauty. She halted all discussions of our future beyond sharing my bed. I did not have excellent teeth and was a ruin for her mother. I was felled by her demonstration of the verb whine. The stars when I looked at them seemed irregular. I was always stopping short of bodily anguish. Her hectoring had no halting. Nature did not have a command of words and remained uncommunicative. There was just the cool moon and me with a heart of oak.

The one who has it right is the guy standing on the Six-Mile Highway happily shouting, “I’m leaving another woman on her front porch shaking her fist at me!” A guy like me with ice-cream stains on his shirt, who might otherwise spend many hours alone and loving his dog.

“Sparky, I’m back!”