We are grateful to so many. First and foremost, we thank the authors for their tireless efforts in producing such valuable contributions to this book. Without them this work would not have been possible. We would also like to thank Brian O’Roark, the editor of the Routledge Economics and Popular Culture book series, for seeing the value of this contribution to the series even at its infant stage. Gratitude is also due to Emma Morley, Andy Humphries, Catherine Scarratt, Natalie Tomlinson, Anna Cuthbert, and other current and former members of the economics editorial team at Routledge for their expertise and professionalism in bringing this project to fruition. A special thanks goes to Carlos Asarta for offering encouragement and support throughout this process. Lastly, we are grateful to the many economic educators who have inspired us along the way, and who have supported us in this and other professional endeavors.