Knowing how to start a campfire really comes in handy. You can cook your food, get warm, dry your clothes, and maybe even keep animals and insects away.
First, gather up some dry pieces of wood. It’s really hard to burn wet wood. Then search for dried leaves or moss to use as tinder and small sticks to use for kindling. These things catch fire quickly and help the larger pieces of wood to burn.
Find a clearing away from piles of leaves, bushes, or trees. Lay down some dry wood and then pile leaves on top. Pile the small sticks onto the leaves and finish up with the larger pieces of wood on the very top.
With an adult’s help, use matches to light the tinder. (Don’t forget to strike the match away from you, or you might become a campfire yourself!) Once the fire starts, cook some good food, stay warm, and sing campfire songs until you get tired.