In Africa, we learned a lot about lions. If a lion lashed its tail back and forth and stared at us, we knew it meant business! (And that business was probably us!) We’ve never met any other kids who have faced a lion. But here’s what we advise if it happens:

1. When a lion stalks you, stand tall, lift your arms above your head, and yell with all your might.

2. If the lion charges, don’t run or turn your back. Chances are it’s faking an attack. Lions charge at about fifty miles per hour and roar their heads off. Don’t move a muscle or even blink your eyes!

3. If the lion backs off, you back off, too … very slowly. If the lion starts to move toward you again, freeze once more.

4. Actually it’s probably a good idea to stay away from lions on the loose whether they’re lashing their tails or not!

Lions in the wild sleep about twenty hours a day.