1 Das Aegäische Fest: Die Meergötterszene in Goethes Faust II.

2 [First Swiss edn., 1944, but the two chief component essays first appeared in Eranos Jahrbuch 1935 and 1936.—EDITORS.]

3 Problems of Mysticism and Its Symbolism, first pub. 1914.

4 From Image, ‘rend, tear, stretch out’, Image, ‘bring or collect together’.

5 Cf. “Psychology of the Transference.”

6 [This refers to the Swiss edition, which was published in three parts, each a separate volume, the third being devoted to a contribution by M.-L. von Franz. Parts I and II constitute the present volume. Part III has appeared in English under the title Aurora Consurgens: A Document Attributed to Thomas Aquinas on the Problem of Opposites in Alchemy (Bollingen Series LXXVII, New York and London, 1966), as a companion volume to Mysterium Coniunctionis but outside the Collected Works.—EDITORS.]

7 [The Swiss edition adds: “For Parts I and II I am responsible, while my coworker, Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz, is responsible for Part III. We have brought the book out jointly, because each author has participated in the work of the other.”]