I am deeply appreciative of the assistance a number of people have given in the preparation of this book.

John McDonald, an outstanding business historian, brought his notable talents to the original selection and organization of the material that forms the basis of the story. His integrity, his keen editorial insights and research guidance were of inestimable value.

Alvin Moscow, who aided in the preparation of the final manuscript, brought to that work not only his very special abilities as a biographer but also a professionalism that was both demanding and unstinting. His assistance was extremely important and appreciated.

Much of the information about CBS was researched and verified through reference to the company’s fine historical files, which were compiled so efficiently under the direction of Margaret Kennedy. Her associate, Linda Savasta Mancia, was another tower of strength in the many months of work.

Geoffrey Colvin, Harriet Heck and Terry Ryan were of great help in exploring and verifying a tremendous volume of material, and Rosemary Barthold Grieco was both meticulous and expert in translating dictation into manuscript.

I have been privileged to be associated with several generations of outstanding people at CBS. To all of them, I express my appreciation for their help in the living of this story.