
A&W, 145

Acid rain, 36

Activism, 211. See also Specific organization

boycotts and, 191-194, 199, 206, 220-221

celebrities and, 183, 193, 198, 201, 204-205, 217

consumer apathy and, 193-194

consumer campaigns and, 189-192

cooperation and, 212, 217

diffused focus of, 194, 200-201

dye sprays and, 187, 189-190, 258n11

education and, 183-184

films and, 184, 188

in the Front, 189-190, 258n8

fund raising and, 183, 186-189, 204

harp seal hunting and, 171, 182-192, 198-201, 221

improved organization of, 183

lessened impact of, 193-194, 205-206

mail-in campaigns and, 190

market effects from, 189

Newfoundland and, 183, 187-192

in the 1960s, 183-186

in the 1970s, 186-187

petitions and, 183, 190, 193

protestor blocking and, 188

publicity and, 184-188, 190, 193

public relations teams and, 194

Report of the Royal Commission on Seals and Sealing in Canada and, 205

“Stop the Seal Hunt” campaign and, 186

television and, 183-184

tourist boycotts and, 189

Adbusters, 211

Aerosol spray cans, 99, 104

China and, 111-114

impact of, 108-109

ozone layer and, 108-109

Africa, xiii, 7, 10, 16, 22, 94, 211, 214

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 109-110

Dakar Declaration and, 90-92

leaded gasoline and, 89-92, 223

Agriculture. See also Beef

antibiotics and, 135, 137, 143, 147, 151-160, 163, 166, 253n17

chemicals and, 11-12, 20-21, 25, 29, 135, 139, 147-148, 155, 158, 160, 166

corn and, 143, 147-148, 150-151, 158, 166, 253n18

fertilizers and, 11-12, 21, 139, 147-148, 160

freshwater resources and, 20

government subsidies and, 147

historical perspective on, 138-139

organic, 212-213

slash-and-burn, 153

Agriculture (cont.)

soybeans and, 149-151, 166

starvation and, 135-136

Air bags, 43, 48, 51, 62, 214,223

Air Care program, 47

Air conditioners, 13

China and, 111-114

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 99, 103, 108-109, 111-114, 120, 122, 246n4

energy use and, 220

Airplanes, 4, 6, 73, 246n1

Air Pollution Control Act, 44

Air quality

Air Pollution Control Act and, 44

automobiles and, 43-47, 57-58, 62

California standards and, 43-47, 62

Canada and, 47

carbon dioxide and, 3, 21-23, 36, 45-46, 53, 55, 57-58, 121, 124, 128, 147, 152, 212, 233n1

catalytic converters and, 45

Clean Air Acts and, 44, 77, 80, 131, 238n1

Climate Saver deals and, 211-212

deaths and, 57

emissions standards and, 43-47

fuel injection and, 45-46

leaded gasoline and, 67, 80 (see also Leaded gasoline)

nitrogen oxides and, 3, 21, 36, 45- 47, 55, 57-58

Smog Check Program and, 228

technology and, 228

Albemarle Paper, 77, 95

Alcohol, 64, 68, 88, 241n3

Amazon region, 11, 147, 152-154, 226, 254n14

American Cancer Society, 25, 28

American Chemical Society, 99, 103

American Duryea Motor Wagon Company, 37

American Grassfed Association, 158-159

American Lung Association, 228

American National Inventors Hall of Fame, 73

American Petroleum Institute, 76

American Plastics Council, 27

American Zinc Institute, 86

Aniline, 68-69

Animal Alliance of Canada, 199

Antarctica, 7, 105, 214, 230, 242n28, 251n1


in beef, 135, 137, 143, 147, 151 160, 163, 166, 253n17

medical advances and, 28

sust.lainability and, 155-160

Antiknock agents, 67-69, 96, 129

Antilock braking system (ABS), 43, 50, 62, 228

Anti-sealing coalition, 198-201, 206

Antitrust violations, 41, 142

Aral Sea, 20

Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), 150-151

Archives of Environmental Health journal, 75

Argentina, 139

Artek Films, 184

Ashland Oil, 84

Associated Ethyl Company, 86

Associated Octel Company, 86

Associated Press, 51

Atcham, 106

Australia, 212

activism and, 190

automobile emissions and,43-44

beef exports and, 153

efficient refrigerators and, 120

fast food chains and, 145

historical beef consumption in, 139

incandescent lightbulbs and, 229

lap belts and, 50

leaded gasoline and, 86, 94

traffic deaths and, 52

Automobiles, 4, 10, 28-29, 132, 167

air bags and, 43, 48, 51, 62, 214, 223

air quality and, 43-47, 57-58, 62

American culture of, 37-40, 56

antilock brakes and, 43, 50, 62, 228

antitrust violations and, 41

California standards and, 43-47, 62

carbon dioxide and, 36, 45-46, 53, 55, 57-58

catalytic converters and, 45, 48, 57- 58, 77, 79, 81, 91, 95-96

chemicals and, 36, 57

cleaner fuels and, 47

climate change and, 57

deaths from, 35-37, 51-53,59-60, 63-64, 228

dependency upon, 40-42

destroying alternative transportation and, 35, 41

developing countries and, 53, 56

drunk driving and, 64

ecological shadows of, 53-54

emissions standards and, 43-47, 62

environmental issues and, 36, 40, 43-47, 54-59

falling prices of, 37

first fatality from, 35-36

first speeding ticket and, 38

first theft of, 38

fuel injection and, 45-46

government regulation and, 43-54

greenhouse gases and, 57, 63

highways and, 38, 41-42

hybrid, 55, 220-221, 239n5

ignoring risks and, 93-94

infant car seats and, 51

interest group influence and, 41-42

lap belts and, 50

legal issues and, 40-41

maintenance costs of, 40

National System of Interstate and Defense Highways Act and, 38

nitrogen oxides and, 36, 45, 57-58

planned obsolescence and, 35, 40-41

plastics use in, 48-49

positive crankcase ventilation and, 44

production efficiency and, 37-38, 54-55, 61-64

rail transit and, 41-42

recycling and, 43-44, 47-49, 53-54, 58-59, 238nn8,10

reduced cost of, 61-62

resource use of, 57, 63

rising number of, 35, 37-40, 53-54, 62-64, 228

safety and, 35-37, 43-52, 62-64, 214, 223, 227-228

Smog Check Program and, 228

sport-utility vehicles (SUVs) and, 39-40, 51, 55-56, 58-59, 63-64

status of owning, 61

style and, 41

suburbs and, 38-39

total distance traveled by, 40

traffic regulation and, 44-45, 49-54

use phase of, 44

world energy output and, 53

Ayles ice shelf, 3, 16

Baby bottles, 26-27

Bakeries, 147, 150

Bangladesh, 4

Bardot, Brigitte, 188

Barry Group of Companies, 196

Bayer, 26

Beef, 28-29, 204, 215, 220

antibiotics in, 135, 137, 143, 147, 151-160, 163, 166, 253n17

antitrust violations and, 142

artificial ingredients and, 156

bone mush in, 144

Brazilian Amazon and, 147, 152-154

cattle feed and, 142-143

Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease and, 162

declining nutrition of, 147

deforestation from, 147, 152-154, 164

developing countries and, 148-149

ecological costs of, 147-154

efficient production and, 137-138, 143

energy use for, 149

environmental labels and, 155-156, 162-163, 166-167

falling prices and, 143-144

farm assurance programs and,162

feedlot conditions and, 141, 143, 147, 158-160

Beef (cont.)

foot-and-mouth disease and, 153-154

grain/grass fed, 148-149, 155, 157-164

growth hormones in, 135, 137, 143, 147, 152, 155-163

hamburgers and, 144-145, 204

health issues and, 138

historical consumption levels of, 138-139

increased consumption of, 144-146, 165-166

increased supply of, 137-138

legal meat and, 143-144

mad cow disease and, 144, 152, 161-162

Meat Inspection Act and, 137

meatpackers and, 136-137, 141- 144, 157, 166, 252n3

National Organic Program and, 157-158

natural, 155-157

obesity and, 136, 145-146

organic, 138, 148-149, 155, 157- 159, 161-163, 166-167, 255n11

Packers and Stockyards Administration and, 142

pesticides and, 147-148, 155, 158, 160, 166

protein supplements in, 143

Pure Food and Drug Act and, 137

rural ecosystems and, 166

Sinclair on, 136-137

slaughterhouse conditions and, 136- 137, 143-144

small ranchers and, 163

soy fillers and, 149-151, 163, 166

sustainable, 138, 155-167

taste and, 159, 163

technology and, 135-136

USDA and, 156-160, 252n9

veal production and, 141

water supplies and, 147

Beef Trust, 141-142

Belgium, 55, 120, 194, 201, 206, 229

Bellaventure (ship), 175

Bent, Silas, 71

Benz, Karl, 37

Biodiversity, 7-8, 14, 19, 147, 152-153

Biodynamic Beef Institute, 163

Bisphenol A (BPA), 26-27

Blanchard, Lawrence, 83-84

Bluebacks, 190, 192

BMW, 56

Body Mass Index, 145

Bonavista Bay, 177

Boothe, David, 25-26

Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte (BSH), 109, 116, 120, 248n12

climate change, 124

environmental responsibility and, 113, 119, 124-125, 131, 250n12

market share of, 249n4

Bowring Brothers, 179

Braking systems, 43, 50, 62, 228

Braun/Gillette, 123

Brazil, 23

Amazonian ranching and, 147, 152- 154, 166

Biodynamic Beef Institute and, 163

deforestation and, 19

energy usage and, 128

leaded gasoline phasedown and, 86, 94

Mato Grosso and, 163

refrigerators and, 119, 123, 248n12

soybeans and, 151

Breast cancer, 25

Breast milk, 24

British Petroleum, 91

Buffet, Warren, 10

Bunge, 150-151

Burger King, 145-146, 191

Burn, Hilary, 103

Buses, 60


air pollution in, 228

environmental standards of, 43-47, 62, 213, 228-229

incandescent lightbulbs and, 229

California effect, 238n3

California Highway Patrol, 45

California Institute of Technology, 75

California Smog Check Program, 45, 228

Caltex Oil, 91

Cambodia, 215, 245n9

Cameroon, 91

Canada, 19, 57, 86

activism and, 189-192

aerosols and, 108

air quality and, 47, 228

beef consumption in, 166

boycotts of, 171, 189-194, 199, 206

cod stocks and, 19-20, 194-195, 203-204

consumer anger against, 188-189

Department of Fisheries and, 188, 191, 195, 197

fast food chains and, 145

First Nations peoples and, 23, 177, 259n26

fishing zone adoption by, 188

the Front and, 172, 176, 180-182, 184-190, 204, 257n20, 258n8

Gulf of St. Lawrence and, 172, 175- 176, 181, 184-186, 190-191, 204

harp seals and, 189 (see also Harp seals)

leaded gasoline phasedown and, 86

Marine Mammal Regulations and, 194, 197

Ministry of Fisheries and, 184

Newfoundland and, 171-173, 176- 177, 180, 183-195, 204, 260n8

PBDEs level in, 24

protestor blocking by, 188-189

recycling and, 47

reopening of seal hunt by, 193-201 (see also Seal hunting)

Report of the Royal Commission on Seals and Sealing in Canada and, 205

Canadian Audubon Society, 182,184

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), 184, 187

Canadian Sealers’ Association, 191

Canadian Seal Industry Development Council, 195

Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, 197-198

Cancer, 30

breast, 25

chemicals and, 25-28, 224

death rates from, 27-28, 222

liver, 25

ozone layer and, 103-104, 106

prostate, 26

skin, 103-104, 106

Canola, 150

Cape Verde, 91

Capitalism, 6, 216

Carbon dioxide, 3, 212, 233n1

automobiles and, 36, 45-46, 53, 55, 57-58

beef production and, 147, 152

catalytic converters and, 45

China and, 128

corporate codes of conduct and, 124

political economy and, 21-23

refrigerators and, 121, 124, 128

Cardiovascular disease, 28

Cargill, 142, 148, 150-151

Carle, Eric, 4

Catalytic converters, 45, 48, 57-58, 77, 79, 81, 91, 95-96

Cattle. See Beef

Cattle Buyers Weekly, 144

Cellars, 100

Central African Republic, 91

CFC-11, 108-109, 111

CFC-12, 99, 102, 111, 129

CFC-113, 108-109, 247n1

Chad, 91

Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering journal, 74

Chemicals, 13, 224. See also Specific chemical

agriculture and, 11-12, 20-21, 25, 29, 135, 139, 147-148, 155, 158, 160, 166

antiknock agents and, 67-69, 129

automobiles and, 36, 57

brain damage from, 24-25

in breast milk, 24

cancer and, 25-28

Chemicals (cont.)


CFCs and, 23 (see also Chlorofluorocarbons [CFCs])

climate change and, 21, 23, 114

computers and, 23-24

elimination of, 24

environmental progress and, 210

fertilizers and, 11-12, 21, 135, 139, 147-148, 155, 158, 160, 166

flame retardant, 23-25

government regulation and, 26

greenhouse gases and, 3-4, 21-22, 57, 63, 109

hormones and, 24-26

household environment and, 23-27

insecticides and, 246n4

lawsuits over, 27

leaded gasoline and, 67 (see also Leaded gasoline)

mattresses and, 23-24

perfluorochemicals and, 25-27

pesticides and, 20-21, 25, 29, 135, 147-148, 155, 158, 160, 166

plastics and, 48-49 “Responsible Care” code and, 210

water bottles and, 26

Chicago meatpackers, 136-137, 141, 252n3

Chickens, 139, 145, 149, 151, 160- 161, 221

Children, 23

germs and, 222

infant car seats and, 51

infant formula and, 150

leaded gasoline and, 85, 91

obesity and, 145-146

traffic deaths and, 59-60

Chile, 153, 166

China, 4-5, 9-12, 59

automobiles and, 53, 56

carbon dioxide and, 128

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 100, 111-114, 130

cost deflection and, 6

deforestation and, 227

efficient refrigerators and, 120

electricity use and, 127, 131

Electrolux and, 119, 122, 131

energy usage and, 128

leaded gasoline and, 86

meat consumption in, 139-140, 166

Montreal Protocol and, 111-114

power grids and, 115

recycling and, 58-59

refrigerators and, 108, 111-117

seal pelts and, 15, 194, 196, 201, 206

Whirlpool and, 116

Chlorine, 83-84

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), 13, 23, 96, 223-224, 228-229

aerosol cans and, 99, 104, 108-109

air conditioners and, 99, 103, 108- 109, 111-114, 120, 122, 246n4

applications of, 99

CFC-11, 108-109, 111

CFC-12, 99, 102, 108-109, 111, 129

CFC-113, 108-109, 247n1

China and, 111-114, 130

developing countries and, 109-110, 130-131

ENERGY STAR program and, 125-127

exporting of, 107

Freon, 99, 102, 129

global response to eliminating, 105- 108, 114

halons and, 105-106, 110

London Amendments and, 105

Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer and, 105-115, 129-130

ozone layer and, 99-100, 103-115, 131, 224

phaseout of, 100, 107-117, 129- 132, 248,n14

policy and, 105-106

safety and, 103-105

smuggling of, 109

stratosphere and, 103-104

substitutes for, 107-108, 112, 114, 130

United Nations and, 110

venting control and, 109

Vienna Convention for the

Protection of the Ozone Layer and, 105, 108

World War II and, 246n4

Chocolate, 179-180

Citigroup, 11

Clean Air Acts, 44, 77, 80, 238n1

Clear-cutting, 153

Climate change, 30, 211-212

automobiles and, 36, 57

Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte (BSH) and, 124

chemicals and, 21, 23, 114

deforestation and, 21, 227

economic issues and, 21

Electrolux and, 121, 123

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and, 126

extinctions and, 22-23

glaciers and, xiii, 3, 16

greenhouse gases and, 3-4, 21-22, 57, 63, 109, 114, 128, 152

IPCC and, 22, 235n14

rising temperatures and, 21-23

supporting evidence for, 3

tipping point and, 22, 235n17

Climate Saver deals, 211-212

Coca-Cola, 186

Cod, 10, 19-20, 174, 177,194-195, 203-204, 212

Coleman, Mel, Jr., 157

Coleman, Mel, Sr., 156-157

Coleman Natural Foods,

156-157 Compact disks, 26

Computers, 6, 12, 23-24, 216, 223, 227

ConAgra Beef, 142

Conca, Ken, 219

Conservation International, 163

Consumption, xi-xiii, 6-7, 29-31. See also Specific product

balanced, 219-232 (see also Sustainability)

dying of, xiv, 19-31

efficiency gains and, 100

environmental failures and, 214-217

food and, 135-146

future policy and, 231-232

ideology and, 216

increased refrigerator use and, 131-132

indefinite growth assumption and, 6-7

individual rights and, 215-217

indulgence and, 219

middle class growth and, 9-10

political economy of,5

population growth and,4

responsibility and, 220

rising, 4-5

waste and, 14-15

Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 6

Cooking oil, 147, 150

Copying, 173

Corn, 49, 68, 143, 147-148, 150- 151, 158, 163, 166, 253n18

Cottonseed, 150

Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, 162

Crewe, Albert John, 172-175

Crewe, Reuben, 172-175

Crosbie, John, 192

Culture jamming, 211

Customs duties, 115

Cyclists, 59

Daily Mirror newspaper, 185

DaimlerChrysler, 49, 55-56

Dakar Declaration, 90-92

Dakins, Dion, 196, 201

Davies, Brian, 185-188, 192, 200

da Vinci, Leonardo, 37

Davis Strait, 176

Day After Tomorrow, The (film), 22

DDT, 12, 20, 23, 25


developing countries and, 15-16, 147, 215, 230

relief of, 231

De Bané, Pierre, 191

Deforestation, xiii, 4, 10, 16, 211

Amazon rainforest and, 147, 152-154

amount of, 19

Deforestation (cont.)

beef and, 147, 152-154, 164

China and, 227

clear-cutting and, 153

climate change and, 21

greenhouse gases and, 21

Japan and, 14-15, 233n7

logging and, 11-14, 153, 226-227

soybeans and, 153

sustainability and, 212-213

wasteful consumption and, 14-15

De Jong, Robert, 90-91

Dell Computers, 24

Dental sealants, 26

Deserts, xiii, 4, 16

Diabetes, 26

Diethyl telluride, 69

Dioxins, 12, 49

Directive on Restriction of the Use of Certain

Hazardous Substances, 123

Dow Chemical, 26

Driscoll, Bridget, 35-37

Driscoll, May, 36

Drought, 22

Drunk driving, 64

DuPont, 25-27, 64, 129

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 99, 104-109

EPA lead phasedown and, 81

ignoring risks and, 93

leaded gasoline and, 67, 73, 75, 96

mobilizing tactics by, 104

refrigerators and, 99, 102

tetraethyl lead and, 67-72

du Pont, Irénée, 69

du Pont, Pierre, 69

Durant, Billy, 101-102

Dye sprays, 187, 189-190, 258n11

Ecoguida, 124

Ecological shadows. See also Specific product

Corporations and, 10-13, 222-225

definition of, xi, 5-7, 233n7

education and, 29, 119-128, 183- 184, 210-211, 220-222

environmental failures and, 214-217

exporting harm and, xiii, 5, 16, 56, 85-87, 222-223

financing and, 15-16

formation mechanisms of, 17, 30- 31, 67-68

future policy and, 219-220, 231-232

globalization of, 5-7

government regulation and, 29

incremental advances and, 29-30

international aid and, 229-231

mapping of, xii, 28-31

shifting nature of, 29, 209

trade and, 13-15, 225-229

Ecology Center, 49

Economic issues, xiii

activism and, 183, 186-187, 189, 204

Amazonian ranching and, 152-154

antiknock agents and, 67-69

automobiles and, 37-40

balanced consumption and, 219-232

beef recovery and, 143-144

climate change and, 21

consumer campaigns and, 189-192

corporate behavior and, 10-13

cost deflection and, 5-9, 16-17

customs duties and, 115

Dakar Declaration and, 92

efficient refrigerators and, 119-128

electricity infrastructures and, 115

embargoes and, 8

environmentalism and, 210

financing effects and, 15-16

foreign aid and, 15-16

gasoline taxes and, 38

government subsidies and, 147

Great Depression and, 21, 38, 180, 203-204

increased fur sales and, 195-196

indefinite growth assumption and, 6-7

international aid and, 229-231

job creation and, 6

lead credits and, 84-85

leaded gasoline phasedown and, 80-82

liberalization and, 7

medical costs and, 146

middle class growth and, 9-10

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and, 115

race to the bottom and, 15

seal hunting and, 185, 189-190, 193, 195-197, 204, 259n26

soybeans and, 149-150

tourist boycotts and, 189

trade effects and, 8, 13-15

world export statistics and, 9

Economist magazine, 63

Edsall, Arthur, 35-36

Edsall, David, 74

Education, 29

activism and, 183-184

Ecoguida and, 124

energy usage and, 119-128

environmentalism and, xii-xiii, 210-211, 221-222

Egypt, 86, 153, 166

ElcoBrandt, 117


efficient refrigerators and, 119-128

ENERGY STAR program and, 125-127

globalization and, 127-128

industrial codes of conduct and, 122-125

infrastructures for, 115

Electrolux, 109, 116, 119, 125, 131, 249n4

China and, 122

climate change, 121, 123

corporate code of conduct and, 122-123

Directive on Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances and, 123-124

environmental issues and, 120-124

ISO ratings and, 121

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive and, 123

WorldStar award and, 122

Elf-Aquitaine, 106

Ellesmere Island, 3

El Niño, 22

End-of-life vehicles (ELVs), 48, 58- 59, 238n8

Eneco, 122

ENERGY STAR, 125-127

Energy use, 251n27

beef production and, 149

California and, 213

efficient refrigerators and, 119-128, 131

ENERGY STAR program and, 125-127

environmental progress in, 212-214

global electricity and, 127-128

hybrid automobiles and, 55, 220- 221, 239n5

incandescent lightbulbs and, 229, 262n5

industrial codes of conduct and, 122-125

mandatory limits on, 213

recycling and, 220

soybeans and, 163

Environmentalism, xi, 234n1

activism and, 183-192, 211 (see also Activism)

Adbusters and, 211

Amazonian ranching and, 147, 152-154

automobiles and, 36, 40, 43-47, 54-59

beef and, 152-154 (see also Beef)

Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte (BSH) and, 124-125

California standards and, 43-47, 62

career choice and, 220

chemicals and, 11-13, 20 (see also Chemicals)

children and, 23

climate change and, 3-4, 21-23

Environmentalism (cont.)

corporate behavior and, 10-13, 122-125

cost deflection and, 6

deforestation and, 19 (see also Deforestation)

diminishing lakes and, 20

Directive on Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances and, 123-124

Ecoguida and, 124

education and, xii-xiii, 210-211, 221-222

electricity demand and, 127-128

Electrolux and, 120-124

ENERGY STAR and, 125-127

exporting of, 7-9

extinctions and, xiii, 20, 22-23

failures of, 214-217

fair trade and, 213, 220

feedlot pollution and, 147

fish and, 19-20

fund raising and, 210

future policy and, 231-232

ignoring risk and, 93-96

illusions of, 209-217

ISO ratings and, 121

label issues and, 155-159, 166-167, 210, 212

language use and, 211

logos and, 212

low-end manufacturing effects and 230-231

management issues and, 7-9

ozone layer and, 99-100, 103-106 (see also Ozone layer)

progress of, 210-214

recycling and, 43-44, 47-49

seal hunting and, 182 (see also Seal hunting)

sustainability and, 7-9, 12, 210, 215 (see also Sustainability)

SUVs and, 58, 64

Toyota Production System and, 54-55

United Nations Global Compact and, 124

Waste Electrical and Electronic

Equipment (WEEE) Directive and, 123

water and, 20, 22, 57, 124, 147, 156

Whirlpool and, 125

WorldStar award and, 122

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 24, 89, 95

climate change, 126

catalytic converters and, 81

emissions and, 26

ENERGY STAR program and, 126-127

leaded gasoline phasedown and, 80-88

Reagan and, 83

Environmental Working Group, 25

Environment Voters, 199

EPA’s Position on the Health Implications of

Airborne Lead (EPA report), 81

Equatorial Guinea, 91

Eritrea, 91

Essay on the Principle of Population, An (Malthus), 135

Estrogens, 26, 150

Ethiopia, 91, 148

Ethylene dibromide, 69

Ethyl Export, 85-86

Ethyl Gasoline Corporation

EPA regulations and, 81-88

ignoring risks and, 93

leaded gasoline and, 70, 72, 75-77, 81-88, 93, 95, 99, 241n1, 245n27

shareholders of, 86

Europe, 56

activism and, 190, 194, 206

automobile emissions and, 43-44

catalytic converters and, 45

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 109

consumer apathy and, 193-194

leaded gasoline phasedown and, 87

Marshall Plan and, 149

meat consumption in, 138-139, 153, 166

PBDEs level in, 24

precautionary approach and, 225

recycling and, 48, 58, 123

seal hunt activism and, 188-189

European Commission, 48, 190

European Committee of Manufacturers of Domestic

Equipment (CECED), 124, 250n13

European Community, 171

European Parliament, 190

European Recycling Platform, 123

European Union (EU), 48

beef imports and, 153

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 109

Directive on Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances and, 123-124

efficient refrigerators and, 120

leaded gasoline and, 87

mad cow disease and, 162

organic, definition of, 161

refrigerators and, 116, 131

seal imports and, 190, 201

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive and, 123

Excel, 142-143

Extinctions, xiii, 20, 22-23

Exxon Mobil, 11

Fast food, 27

increased beef consumption and, 144-145

obesity and, 145-146

soybeans and, 150

Feedlots, 141, 143, 147, 152, 158- 160, 163

Fertilizers, 11-12, 21, 139, 147-148, 160

Financing effects, 15-16

Finland, 196, 211

Fire extinguishers, 99, 111

Firestone Tire and Rubber, 41

First Nations peoples, 23, 177, 259n26

Fish, 19-20, 151

Canadian boycott and, 171

cod, 10, 19-20, 194-195, 203-204, 212

Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 197, 260n7


all-natural, 155-157

beef and, 137 (see also Beef)

fast food chains and, 27, 144-146, 150

healthy, 145

malnutrition and, 10

meat consumption and, 138-141

National Organic Program and, 157-158

obesity and, 136, 145-146

organic, 19, 29, 138, 155, 157-159, 212-213

population increase and, 135

processed, 147, 150, 236n20

refrigerators and, 100-101

restaurant conglomerates and, 145

seals and, 174, 177

soybeans and, 149-151

starvation and, 135-136, 148

supersizing and, 145

USDA and, 156-160

vegetable oils and, 147, 150

vegetarians and, 140-141

Food and Agriculture Organization, 141, 148

Foot-and-mouth disease, 154

Forbes magazine, 10

Ford, Henry, 35, 37, 40, 61

Ford Motor Company, 11, 49, 53, 69

assembly line and, 252n3

developing countries and, 56

ENERGY STAR program and, 127

Model T, 37-38, 61-62

production efficiency and, 37-38, 61-62

SUVs and, 55-56

Forests. See Deforestation

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), 212

Foster, Mark, 41

France, 10, 117

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 106

constitution and, 225

energy efficiency and, 120

harp seals and, 185

mad cow disease and, 161

meat consumption and, 138

motor vehicles and, 56

Toyota and, 55

Franklin & Marshall College, 224

Freezers, 109, 111, 119, 122

Freon, 99, 102, 129

Freund, Peter, 42

Friends of the Earth, 211-212

Frigidaire, 101-102

Front (seal hunting area)

activist campaigns in, 189-190, 258n8

definition of, 172

fishing zone and, 188

government regulations and, 184- 188, 204

Greenpeace and, 189-190

Norwegians and, 181, 185, 257n20

population recovery in, 180

swilers and, 172, 181-182

whelping grounds and, 176

Frugality, 219

Fuel injection, 45-46

Fuel switchers, 82

Fund for Animals, 189

Furans, 12, 49

Gaffs, 173, 178-179, 185, 258n7

Garcia-Johnson, Ronie, 7

Gasoline. See Leaded gasoline

Gates, Bill, 10

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 190

General Electric, 11, 26, 101 General Mills, 144

General Motors, 11

automobiles and, 35, 40-41, 49, 53-54, 81

Cadillac and, 70

catalytic converters and, 81

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 99, 101-102

developing countries and, 56

ignoring risks and, 93

leaded gasoline and, 67, 69-77, 95-96

refrigerators and, 99, 101

Research Corporation and, 67

SUVs and, 55-56

General Motors Chemical Company, 70

Germany, 40, 50

activism and, 184

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 109, 113

historical beef consumption in, 138

leaded gasoline phasedown and, 86

mad cow disease and, 161

precautionary approach and, 225

Glaciers, xiii, 3, 16

Global Environment Facility (GEF), 8, 89, 210

Globalization, xi-xii

automobiles and, 36, 61-64

beef and, 165-167

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 105-108, 114

consumption rights and, 215-217

corporate behavior and, 10-13 (see also Industry)

cost deflection and, 5-9

electricity and, 127-128

environmentalism and, 209-217 (see also Environmentalism)

financing effects and, 15-16

future policy and, 231-232

ignoring risk and, 93-96

incremental advances and, 29-30

indefinite growth assumption and, 6-7

ISO ratings and, 121

leaded gasoline phasedown and, 85-88

next wave of, 9-10

obesity and, 14, 145-146

of risk, 93-96

seal hunting and, 193-206

shifting effects of, 209

slippery markets and, 203-206

sustainable development and, 7-9 (see also Sustainability)

technology and, 6

trade effects and, 13-15

unbalanced political economy and, 3-17

unequal outcomes from, 10

world export statistics and, 9

Global Ten, 54, 64

Goats, 139

Gore, Al, 211

Goudie, Andrew, 58

Grand Banks, 194-195

Grassfed Association, 158-159

Great Depression, 21, 38, 180, 203-204

Great Newfoundland Sealing Disaster of 1914, 175

Green Belt Movement, 211

Greenhouse gases, 3-4. See also Carbon dioxide; Methane

automobiles and, 57, 63

CFCs and, 109 (see also Chlorofluorocarbons [CFCs])

deforestation and, 21

emission rates of, 21-22

tipping point and, 22

Greenland, 176, 181, 196, 199, 259n20, 260n7

Green Party of Canada, 198, 261n19

Greenpeace, 29, 114

anti-sealing coalition and, 199,206

compromise of, 187-188

consumer campaigns and, 189-192

cooperation and, 212

diffused focus of, 194

dye sprays and, 187, 189-190, 258n11

fund raising and, 204

growth of, 211

Gulf of St. Lawrence and, 190

harp seals and, 183, 187-194, 199

Guardian Frigerator Company, 101 301

Gulf of St. Lawrence

Greenpeace and, 190

seal hunting and, 172, 175-176, 181, 184-186, 188, 197, 204

Haier, 116

Halons, 105-106, 110, 114

Hamburgers, 144-145, 204

Hamilton, Alice, 74

Hammar, Henrik, 87

Hardees, 145

Harp Seal and Hooded Seal Protocol, 185-186

Harp seals

activism and, 171, 182-192, 198- 201, 221

beaters and, 177-180, 191-201, 205-206, 260n9

birth of, 176

cod stock and, 194-195

celebrities and, 183, 188, 193, 198, 201, 217

documentaries on, 183-184 as food, 174

the Front and, 172, 176, 180-182, 184-190, 204, 257n20, 258n8

gaffs and, 173, 178-179, 185, 258n7

Greenpeace and, 183, 187-194, 199

human uses of, 177-178

hunting of adult, 178-179, 184

International Fund for Animal Welfare and, 183, 187-194, 198- 201, 204, 206

migration of, 176

Norwegian fur process and, 180

population of, 177-178, 180-182, 185-186, 197, 203-204

pup development and, 176-177

recovery of, 192

Seal Protection Act and, 188

skinning alive of, 173, 184, 258n9

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and, 185

sustainability and, 172, 190, 194, 197-199, 203-206

swimming reflex and, 173, 258n9

Harp seals (cont.)

whitecoats, 171-175, 178-179, 183, 186-191, 194, 201, 204, 206, 221

Harvard School of Public Health, 74

Hazardous materials, 12, 19, 29, 210, 226

Directive on Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances and, 123-124

Freon and, 102

household chemicals and, 23-27

refrigerators and, 102

soybeans and, 150-151

tetraethyl lead and, 67, 70-77, 241n13

Health issues, 30. See also Cancer; Safety

air quality and, 57

antibiotic overuse and, 151-152

automobiles and, 35-37, 51-53, 59-60

balanced consumption and, 222

beef and, 138

chemicals and, 23-27

Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease and, 162

Freon and, 99, 102

germs and, 222

leaded gasoline and, 70-77, 80, 85, 91

life expectancy and, 28

mad cow disease and, 161-162

obesity and, 136, 145-146

soybeans and, 150-151

starvation and, 135-136, 148

thyroid damage and, 151

tobacco and, 222

Hearn, Loyola, 197

Heart transplants, 28

Heifer International, 163

Helmets, 26

Helú, Carlos Slim, 10

Hemingway, Ernest, 20

Henderson, Yandell, 73-74, 93-94

Henne, Albert, 102

Hentges, Steven, 27

Herbicides, 25

Hewlett Packard, 123

Highways, 38, 41-42

increasing number of, 62-64

safety regulation and, 44-45, 49-51, 53-54

traffic deaths and, 35-37, 51-54, 59-60

Hilton, Hank, 87

Hitachi, 116

Home Depot, 127, 212

Honda, 49, 56


beef and, 135, 137, 143, 147, 152, 155-163

chemicals and, 24-26

soybeans and, 150-151

Horwood, Harold, 184, 256n2

Humane Society, 198-199

Hungary, 122

Hunter, Robert, 188

Hunting. See Seal hunting

Hybrid automobiles, 55, 220-221, 239n5

Hydrocarbons, 43-47, 123

Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), 112, 114, 248n19

Hydroelectricity, 20

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), 109, 113-114, 223-224

Hydrogenation, 179

Hyundai-Kia, 56

IBM, 212

IBP, 142

Iceboxes, 101

Ice pans, 173

Idaho Health Department, 83

IKEA, 24, 212

Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI), 106

India, 4, 9, 59, 215

air pollution and, 228

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 100, 111, 114

cost deflection and, 6

energy usage and, 128, 251n27

Keoladeo National Park and, 211

liberalization and, 115

livestock crops and, 148

meat consumption in, 139-140

power grids and, 115

Indianapolis 500, 70

Indian Department of the

Environment, 111

Indonesia, 4, 7, 11, 14, 19, 86, 127- 128, 139-140, 227, 254n7


accountability and, 12, 121-128

activist cooperation and, 212, 217

agriculture and, 11-12, 20-21 (see also Beef)

automobiles and, 43-47 (see also Automobiles)

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 99-108 (see also Chlorofluorocarbons [CFCs])

consumption rights and, 215-217

corporate codes of conduct and, 122-125, 210

cost deflection and, 6, 8-9, 16-17

deceit and, 222

Directive on Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances and, 123-124

double standards of, 12-13

Ecoguida and, 124

ENERGY STAR program and, 125-127

environmental failures and, 214-217

exporting harm and, 56, 85-87, 222-223

growth of, 11

hype and, 222

ignoring risks and, 93-96

leaded gasoline campaigns and, 73- 75, 79, 83-84

legalese of, 13

low-end manufacturing effects and, 230-231

mergers and, 142-143, 156

Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer and, 105, 107-115, 129-130

politicians and, 13

profit and, 96

Reagan and, 83

refrigerators and, 101-105, 108-117

scientific evidence and, 83-84, 104

sealing, 172-176 (see also Seal hunting)

shifting effects of, 209

Sinclair on, 136-137

soybean, 149-151

sustainability and, 210, 222-225 (see also Sustainability)

technology and, 11

tobacco, 222

UN Global Compact and, 225

untested products and, 224

Infant car seats, 51

Infant formula, 150

Insecticides, 246n4

Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, 151

Insulation, 99, 101

Insurance, 40

Internal combustion engines, 67-68

International Commission of the Northwest Atlantic

Fisheries (ICNAF), 185-186

International Energy Agency, 229

International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), 186

anti-sealing coalition and, 199

diffused focus of, 200-201, 206

fund raising and, 204

harp seals and, 183, 187-194, 198- 201, 204, 206

multiple interests of, 194

International Lead Zinc Research Organization, 86, 243n10

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 7, 15, 230

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 8, 121, 125

Inuit, 23, 177, 259n26

Iodine, 68

Italy, 117, 124, 185

activism and, 194, 201

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 113

Italy (cont.)

leaded gasoline phasedown and, 86

mad cow disease and, 161

Jan Mayen Island, 181

Japan, 6, 94, 210

automobiles and, 40, 42-45, 55-56, 62, 239n9

deforestation and, 14-15

developing countries and, 56

leaded gasoline phasedown and, 85- 86, 244n18, 245n26

meat consumption in, 139

PBDEs level in, 24

recycling and, 47-48, 58, 249n10

refrigerators and, 113, 116-117, 249n10

soy consumption and, 150

Japanese Forestry Agency, 14

Job Brothers, 179

Johnson & Johnson, 212

Jungle, The (Sinclair), 136-137, 252n1

Just-in-time efficiency, 53-55

Kauffman, George, 73

Kean, Abram, 172, 174-175, 179

Kean, Westbury, 172, 175

Kehoe, Robert, 75-76, 80, 93

Kelvinator, 101

Kentucky Fried Chicken, 145

Kenya, 91, 211

Keoladeo National Park, 211

Kettering, Charles F.

leaded gasoline and, 68, 70, 72, 74, 96

refrigerators and, 101-102

Kettering Laboratory of Applied Physiology, 75-76

Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants, 199

Kinetic Chemicals, 102

Krause, Erik, 74

Labor, 37, 61-62

busting unions and, 143

Packers and Stockyards Administration and, 142

Sinclair on, 136-137

tetraethyl lead hazards and, 70-71, 241n13

Labrador, 172, 176-177, 204, 259n26

Lap belts, 50

Last Seal, The (Lust), 184

Lead credits, 84-85

Leaded gasoline, 28, 99, 101, 167, 211, 221

African phasedown and, 89-92

air quality and, 67

antiknock agents and, 67-69, 129

banning of, 71

catalytic converters and, 45, 57-58, 77, 79, 81, 91, 95-96

children and, 91

Clean Air Acts and, 80

cleaner fuels and, 47

consumer reassurance and, 72-73

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and, 80-88

exporting of, 85-87

fuel switchers and, 82

gasoline taxes and, 38

ignoring risks and, 93-94

industry campaigns and, 73-75, 79, 83-84

IQ scores and, 91

lead credits and, 84-85

lead poisoning from, 30, 70-71

marketing of, 70

narrower fuel inlets and, 81

patent for, 67, 69

phasedown of, 80-92, 244n23, 245n26, 245n9

prices and, 81

profit motives and, 74, 77, 96

public response to removal of, 82

regulation of, 74-77

safety of, 67-77, 91, 241n13, 244n16

scientists’ concern over, 73-74

U.S.Surgeon General and, 69, 72-75

Lead Industries Association, 86

Lead poisoning, 30, 70-71, 244n16

Legal issues

automobiles and, 36, 40-41

leaded gasoline phasedown and, 81-85

Marine Mammal Regulations and, 194

Packers and Stockyards Administration and, 142

protestor blocking and, 188

Legal meat, 143-144

Legislation. See Policy

Liberalization, 7, 15, 115, 227, 230

Life expectancy, 28

Lightbulbs, 229

Lillie, Harry, 183-184

Liver cancer, 25

Löfgren, Asa, 87

Logging, 11-14, 153, 226-227

Logos, 48, 159, 212

Lomborg, Bjørn, 214

London Amendments, 105

Long John Silver’s, 145

Lust, Peter, 184

Luxembourg, 194, 201

Lysol, 222

McCann-Erickson, 186

McCartney, Paul, 193, 198, 201, 217

McDonald’s, 127, 145

activism and, 191

chemicals and, 26

increased beef consumption and, 144

recovery beef and, 144

Machine That Changed the World, The (Womack, Jones, and Roos), 54

McNary, Robert, 102

Mad cow disease, 144, 152, 161-162

Malaria, 20, 246n4

Malaysia, 11, 14, 59, 86

Malnutrition, 10

Malthus, Thomas, 135

Maniates, Michael, 219

Manufacturers of Emission Controls Association, 95


Margarine, 147, 150, 179

Marine Mammal Protection Act, 186, 195

Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), 212


activism and, 189

automobiles and, 37-42 (see also Automobiles)

balanced consumption and, 225-229

beef and, 142 (see also Beef)

chlorofluorocarbon dumping and, 109-110

consumer campaigns and, 189-192

corporate behavior and, 10-13

customs duties and, 115

electricity infrastructures and, 115

embargoes and, 8

exporting environmentalism and, 7-9

fishing and, 19-20

foreign aid and, 15-16

globalization and, 203-206 (see also Globalization)

increased fur sales and, 195-196

lead industry campaigns and, 73-75, 79, 83-84

liberalization and, 7, 15, 227, 230

Marshall Plan and, 149

Mercosur and, 115

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and, 115

planned obsolescence and, 35, 40-41

refrigerators and, 101-105, 108- 117, 120-121

seals and, 172-179 (see also Seal hunting)

slippery, 203-206

sustainable development and, 7-9, 155-164 (see also Sustainability)

technological efficiency and, 11

trade effects and, 8, 13-15

world export statistics and, 9

Marriott, 127

Marshall Plan, 149

Martin, George, 42

Maathai, Wangari, 211

Mattresses, 23-24

Mauritania, 91

Mauritius, 91

Meat. See also Beef

America and, 140

China and, 139-140

consumption levels of, 138-141, 221, 252n5

legal meat and, 143-144

spinal cord tissue and, 144

Meat Inspection Act, 137


assembly line and, 252n3

beef production and, 136-137, 141- 144, 157, 166, 252n3

Chicago, 136-137, 141, 252n3

Mergers, 142-143, 156

Methane, 3, 21-22, 147, 152, 154, 254n12

Metsähallitus, 211

Mexico, 10, 86, 117, 128, 142, 228, 244n23

Microsoft, 11

Microwavable plastics, 26

Midgley, Thomas, Jr., 224

aims of, 129

as genius, 96

leaded gasoline and, 68-74, 92-94, 95, 101

legacy of, 95

refrigerators and, 99, 102

tetraethyl lead and, 67, 69

Minivans, 55

Mobil Oil Corporation, 77

Model T Ford, 37-38, 61-62

Molina, Mario, 99, 103-104, 106

Mombasa, 91

Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer

China and, 111-114

chlorofluorocarbons and, 105-115, 129-130

Multilateral Fund and, 110-114, 130

refrigerators sales and, 115

Moore, Patrick, 188

Morrison, Percy, 36

Mosquitoes, 20

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), 64

Motorcyclists, 59

Motor Wagons, 37

“Murder Island” (Lust), 184

Nader, Ralph, 49-50, 211

National Academy of Sciences, 80, 104

National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA), 22

National Beef Packing Company, 142-143

National City Lines, 41-42

National Consumers League, 144

National Highway Traffic Safety

Administration, 51

National Organic Program, 157-158

National Organic Standards Board, 157

National Safety Council, 59

National System of Interstate and

Defense Highways Act, 38

Nature journal, 102-103

NBC News, 187

Needleman, Herbert, 76, 84-85

Netherlands, 122

Neurodegenerative illnesses, 25

Newfoundland, 171, 173, 260n8

activism and, 183-192

the Front and, 172, 176, 180-190, 204, 257n20, 258n8

Grand Banks and, 194-195 Great

Newfoundland Sealing Disaster of 1914 and, 175

seal hunting and, 177, 180 (see also Seal hunting)

Newfoundland (ship), 172-175

New Jersey, 71, 229

Newsweek, 82

New York Times, 71, 84, 191

New Zealand, 50, 88, 139, 229

Nicaragua, 211

Nigeria, 4, 60, 91

Nike, 212

Niman Ranch, 159-161

Nissan, 49, 56

Nitrogen oxides, 3, 21, 77

automobiles and, 36, 45, 57-58

California emission standards and, 46-47

catalytic converters and, 45

Nobel Prize, 99, 211

Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 29, 49, 90, 119, 211-212, 216-217, 223.

See also Specific organization

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 115

North Pole, 3


aerosols and, 108

factory ships and, 187

seal hunting and, 180-181, 184- 186, 188, 196, 257n20, 258n8

Nova Scotia, 180, 181, 190

Novo Nordisk, 212

Obesity, 14, 136, 145-146, 215

Obstetrics, 28

Octel Associates, 88, 245n27

Okuda, Hiroshi, 54

Old Man and the Sea, The (Hemingway), 20

Ontario Medical Association, 57

O’Regan, Frederick, 200

Original Fish Legal Sea Foods, 199

Ortolano, Leonard, 112

Ozone-depleting substances (ODS), 112

Ozone layer, 4, 27, 30

aerosols and, 108-109

Antarctic records and, 251n1

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 99-100, 103-115, 131, 223-224

destruction of, 103-105, 251n1

London Amendments and, 105

Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer and, 105

skin cancer and, 103-104, 106

ultraviolet radiation and, 103

United Nations Environment Programme and, 104-105

Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and, 105, 108

Packers and Stockyards Administration, 142

Pakistan, 4

Palladium, 58

Panning, 179, 184

Papua New Guinea, 14

Paris Match newspaper, 185, 188

Parkinson’s disease, 25

Parmelee, H. C., 74

Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles, 91-92

Pasteurization, 28

Patents, 67, 69

Path through Penguin City, The (Lillie), 183-184

Patterson, Clair, 67, 75-76, 80, 93- 95, 242n28

Paulange, Jean-Michel, 123

Peanuts, 150

Pedestrians, 59-60

Penan of Sarawak, 23

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), 199

PepsiCo, 127

Perfluorochemicals, 25-27

Perfluorooctanyl sulfonate (PFOS), 25-26

Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), 25-27

Pesticides, 29

beef production and, 147-148, 155, 158, 160, 166

reliance on, 20-21

Malthus and, 135

neurodegenerative illnesses and, 25

Philippines, 14, 86, 127

Pigs, 29, 71, 139, 149, 151, 171, 204

Pizza Hut, 145

Plastic bags, 214


American Plastics Council, 27

automobiles and, 48-49

baby bottles and, 26-27

chemical dangers and, 23-27

microwavable, 26

recycling of, 43-44, 48-49

Platinum, 58

Poland, 86, 117

Polaroid, 212

Polar S. A., 117

Policy, xiv

Air Pollution Control Act and, 44

automobile emissions and, 43

balanced consumption and, 219-232

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 100, 105-117

Clean Air Acts and, 44, 77, 80, 238n1

Dakar Declaration and, 91-92

Directive on Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances and, 123-124

Ecoguida and, 124

environmental labels and, 155-159

environmental progress and, 210-214

EPA lead phasedown and, 80-85, 95

future, 231-232

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and, 190

Harp Seal and Hooded Seal Protocol and, 185-186

ignoring risk and, 93-96

incandescent lightbulbs and, 229

industrial codes of conduct and, 122-125

lead industry lobbying and, 73-75, 79, 83-84

liberalization and, 7, 15, 227, 230

lobbyists and, 35

London Amendments and, 105

Marine Mammal Protection Act and, 186, 195

Marshall Plan and, 149

Meat Inspection Act and, 137

Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer and, 105-115, 129-130

National Organic Program and, 157-158

National System of Interstate and Defense Highways Act and, 38

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and, 115

Packers and Stockyards Administration and, 142

precautionary approach and, 227-228

Pure Food and Drug Act and, 137

recycling and, 43-44, 47-49

Report of the Royal

Commission on

Seals and Sealing in

Canada and, 205 Seal Protection Act and, 188

sustainability and, 210, 212 (see also Sustainability)

traffic regulation and, 44-45

trustbusters and, 142

United Nations Global Compact and, 124

USDA and, 156-159

Vienna Convention for the

Protection of the Ozone Layer and, 105, 108

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive and, 123

Political economy, 29

emissions and, 21-23

environmentalism failures and, 209-217

unbalanced 3-17

Politics. See also Regulation

activism and, 183-206, 211, 221

automobile industry and, 41-42

balanced consumption and, 219-232

double standards of, 12-13

foreign aid and, 15-16

international waters and, 185, 187

lead industry campaigns and, 73-75, 79, 83-84

multinational companies and, 13

protestor blocking and, 188

Reagan and, 83, 95, 142-143

Pollution. See Environmentalism

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), 23-25, 27, 250n11

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 12, 23-24, 49

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 49

Population growth, 4, 135

Pork, 139, 161, 174, 204

Porter, Richard, 38

Potsdam Institute of Technology, 74

Poultry, 139, 145, 151

Poverty, 6, 17

automobiles and, 56-57

Dakar Declaration and, 91-92

inequality and, 10

seal hunting and, 195

Prices, 147

automobile, 37

balanced consumption and, 225-229

beef, 143-144

environmental failures and, 214-215

leaded gasoline phasedown and, 81

refrigerators and, 101-102

seal pelts and, 185, 189-190, 193, 196-197, 204, 259n26

trade effects and, 13-15

Princen, Thomas, 219

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 21

Production. See Industry

Prostate cancer, 26

Puberty, 26

Pure Food and Drug Act, 137

Race to the bottom, 15

Raddock, Charles Edwin, 35

Rail transit, 41-42

Rainbow Warrior (ship), 189-190

Rainforests, xiii, 6, 215, 226-227

Amazon, 11, 147, 152-154

beef production and, 137-138, 151- 154, 166

biodiversity loss and, 19

corporate behavior and, 10, 12, 16

Ralston Purina, 148

Reagan, Ronald, 83, 95, 142-143

Recycling, 219

automobiles and, 43-44, 47-49, 53- 54, 58-59, 238nn8,10

dismantlers and, 48

energy use and, 220

environmental progress in, 213-214

European Recycling

Platform and, 123

nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and, 119

plastics and, 43-44, 48-49

promotion of, 119

refrigerators and, 109, 249n10

Waste Electrical and Electronic

Equipment (WEEE) Directive and, 123

WorldStar award and, 122

Red Lobster, 199, 217

Refrigerators, 28-29, 167, 223-224

affordability and, 101

Brazil and, 119, 123, 248n12

CFCs and, 105, 109 (see also Chlorofluorocarbons [CFCs])

China and, 111-116

developed countries and, 109-110

disposal effects of, 131

efficient, 119-128, 131

electricity infrastructures and, 115

Electrolux and, 109, 116, 119-124, 131, 249n4

ENERGY STAR and, 125-127

environmentally friendly, 107-108, 114, 116, 119-128, 130-131, 228-229

Freon and, 99, 102, 129

Frigidaire and, 101-102

General Electric and, 101

historical perspective on, 100-101

home meals and, 117

Refrigerators (cont.)

increased consumption effects and, 131-132

increased sales of, 115-117

industry and, 101-105, 108-117

leakage and, 103

Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer and, 105-115, 129-130

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and, 115

prices of, 101-102

rating system for, 120-121

recycling and, 109, 249n10

seal hunting and, 181

storage capacity and, 119

Super Efficient Refrigerator Program and, 125 toxicity and, 102


automobile emissions, 43-47, 62

balanced consumption and, 219-232

California standards and, 43-47, 62

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 105-117

declining nutrition and, 147

ENERGY STAR program and, 125-127

environmental labels and, 155-159, 162-163, 166-167

ISO ratings and, 121

leaded gasoline and, 73-77

lead industry campaigns and, 73-75, 79, 83-84

Marine Mammal Protection Act and, 186

meatpackers and, 144

Montreal Protocol on Substances

That Deplete the Ozone Layer and, 105-115, 129-130

organic food and, 157-159

recycling and, 47-49

seal hunting and, 179-180, 184- 186, 193-201, 204

traffic, 44-45

Report of the Royal Commission on

Seals and Sealing in Canada, 205

Reproductive hormones, 25

Responsible Care, 8

Restriction of the Use of Certain

Hazardous Substances, 123

Rhodium, 58

Rowland, F. Sherwood, 99, 103-104, 106

Ruckelshaus, William, 80


beef consumption in, 154

customs duties and, 115

energy usage and, 128

seal pelts and, 15, 194, 196, 201, 206

Rwanda, 91, 251n27


automobile design and, 35-37, 43- 52, 62-64, 214, 223, 227-228

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 103-105

drunk driving and, 64

Freon and, 99, 102

gaffs and, 185

helmets and, 26

infant car seats and, 51

lap belts and, 50

leaded gasoline and, 67-77, 91, 241n13, 244n16

National Safety Council and, 59

public transportation and, 60

safety glass and, 51

seal hunting and, 172-176

SUVs and, 51, 59, 63

traffic and, 35-37, 44-45, 49-54, 59-60

U.S. Surgeon General and, 69, 72-75

wooden ships and, 175-176

Safeway, 191

St. John’s harbor, 190-191

Salads, 147

“Save Our Cod, Eat a Seal”

campaign, 190

Schlosser, Eric, 142

Scotchgard, 26

Seal hunting, 28, 141, 211

activists and, 171, 182-192, 198- 201, 221

anti-sealing coalition and, 198-201

ban of, 184-185, 190-192, 201, 258n8

beaters and, 177-180, 191-201, 205-206, 260n9

clubbing and, 173, 178

cod stocks and, 194-195

consumer campaigns and, 189-192

copying and, 173

decline of, 179-180

dye sprays and, 187, 189-190, 258n11

economic issues and, 199

factory ships and, 187

fashion industry and, 195

First Nations peoples and, 177

fishing zone and, 188

the Front and, 172, 176, 180-182, 184-190, 204, 257n20, 258n8

gaffs and, 173, 178-179, 185, 258n7

globalization effects and, 193-206

government subsidies and, 195-196

Harp Seal and Hooded Seal Protocol and, 185-186 (see also Harp seals)

highliner title and, 173

increased fur sales and, 195-196

international waters and, 185, 187

language use for, 187

licensing and, 184-185

Marine Mammal Protection Act and, 186, 195

Marine Mammal Regulations and, 194, 197

nineteenth century heyday of, 177-179

Norway and, 180-181, 184-186, 196

Nova Scotia and, 180-181

panning and, 173, 179

pelt prices and, 185, 189-190, 193, 196-197, 204, 259n26

postwar resurgence of, 180-182 311

process of, 173-174, 183-185, 197-198

publicity and, 184-185

quotas and, 186, 188, 193-199, 205-206

refrigerators and, 181, 203

regulation of, 179-180, 184-186, 193-201, 204

resurgence of, 193-201, 205-206

safety and, 172-176, 185, 187

SS Newfoundland and, 172-175

statistics of, 177-185, 189-198, 205-206

sustainability and, 172, 190, 194, 197-199, 203-206

swilers and, 171-175, 256n1

technology and, 178-179, 181, 203

UK market for, 178, 180

wooden steamships and, 175-176, 178-179, 203

Sealing guns, 178

Seal Protection Act, 188

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, 190-192, 198-199

Sea Shepherd II (ship), 190-191

Sea Shepherd (ship), 189

Selenium oxychloride, 69

Self-reliance, 219

Self-service gas stations, 82

Senate Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution, 76

Senegal, 90-91

Shapiro, Irving S., 104

Sheen, Martin, 193, 198

Sheep, 139

Shindell, Drew, 22

Shortening, 147, 150

Siberia, 21-22

Simplicity, 219

Sinclair, Upton, 136-137, 252n1

Skeptical Environmentalist, The (Lomborg), 214

Skin cancer, 103-104, 106

Slash-and-burn agriculture, 153

Sloan, Alfred, 35, 40-41, 73

Smog, 36, 45, 57-58, 228

Smoke alarms, 223

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), 185

Solomon Islands, 14

Sony, 123

Soto, Ana, 28

South Africa, 91-92, 245n6

Southern Common Market (Mercosur), 115

Southern Cross (ship), 175

South Korea, 56, 86, 127


beef production and, 149-151, 163, 166

deforestation and, 147

energy use and, 163

as grain additive, 149

Spain, 10, 56, 117, 161

Sperm counts, 26

Sport-utility vehicles (SUVs), 39-40

deaths from, 59, 63

environmental issues and,58

fuel efficiency and, 55

image of, 64

parking spaces for, 55-56

safety and, 51, 59, 63

Standard Oil Company, 41, 70-72, 93

Steers. See Beef

Stephano (ship), 174-175

Stern, Der, 187

Stern, Nicholas, 21

Stop signs, 38

“Stop the Seal Hunt” campaign, 186

Stratosphere, 103-104

“Stratospheric Sink for Chlorofluoromethanes:

Chlorine Atom-Catalysed Destruction of Ozone”

(Molina and Rowland), 103

Styrofoam, 220

Suburbs, 39

Subway, 145

Sulfur dioxide, 36, 45, 57

Sunflower oil, 150

Sunoco, 26

Sundström, Henrik, 122

Sustainability, 31

balanced consumption and, 219-232

beef and, 138, 155-167

chlorofluorocarbons and, 113, 124, 131

concept of, 7

consumer choice and, 17

environmental labeling and, 12

failure of, 215

fair trade and, 213, 220

harp seals and, 172, 190, 194, 197- 199, 203-206

low-end manufacturing effects and, 230-231

meat industry and, 221

plastic waste and, 49

World Summit on Sustainable Development and, 89-90, 92, 223

Sweden, 24, 108-109, 211. See also Electrolux

Swift and Company, 142-143

Swilers, 171-175, 256n1

Taco Bell, 145

Taiwan, 117

Tanchou, Stanislas, 28

Technology, 6

agriculture and, 135-136

air bags and, 43, 48, 51, 62, 214, 223

air quality and, 228

antilock brakes and, 43, 50, 62, 228

balanced consumption and, 219-232

beef processing and, 137-138

catalytic converters and, 45, 48, 57- 58, 77, 79, 81, 91

chemicals and, 11-13

electronic fuel injection and, 45-46

exporting harm and, 56, 85-87, 222-223

food production and, 135-136 future

policy and, 231-232 hazardous

waste and, 12

individual rights and, 215-216

market efficiency and, 11

multinational companies and, 11

precautionary approach to, 224-228

seal hunting and, 178-179, 181, 185, 203

Toyota Production System and, 54-55

wooden steamships and, 178-179

Teflon, 25-26

Television, 183-184, 187

Télévision de Radio-Canada, 184

Temperature. See Climate change Tesco, 191

Tetraethyl lead, 73, 88, 92

deaths from, 72, 241n13

patent for, 69-70, 77

poisoning from, 70-71

safety of, 13, 69-77, 80, 93, 96

testing as a gasoline additive, 67-69

U.S. Surgeon General and, 69, 72, 74

Tetra Pak, 211

Thailand, 55, 86, 94, 127

3M (Minnesota Mining and Manufactring), 26

Thrift, 219

Thyroid gland, 25, 151

Time, 82

Tin cans, 26

Tobacco industry, 222

Tobin, Brian, 195, 259n2

Toronto Star, 191

Toxicity, 224, 226

Directive on Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances and, 123-124

Freon and, 102

household chemicals and, 23-27

leaded gasoline and, 67-77, 85 (see also Leaded gasoline)

refrigerators and, 102

soybeans and, 150-151

tetraethyl lead and, 67, 70-77, 241n13

Toyota, 49

developing countries and, 56

ENERGY STAR program and, 127

as global sales leader, 53-55

just-in-time efficiency of, 53-55

Production System of, 54-55, 63-64

SUVs and, 55-56

Toyota-ization, 58

Traffic. See also Automobiles

increase of, 54

lights and, 38

safety regulation and, 44-45, 49-51, 53-54

stop signs and, 38

Trolleys, 35, 41

Trucks, 39-40, 50, 55, 58

Trustbusters, 142

Tufts University, 28

Twillingate, 177

Tyson Foods, 142-143

Ultraviolet radiation, 103

Unified Opposition, 199

Unilever, 212

Union of Concerned Scientists,58

United Kingdom, 40, 50, 94

air pollution and, 228

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 106

farm assurance programs and, 162

harp seals and, 178, 185, 195

increased fur sales in, 195

leaded gasoline and, 85-86

mad cow disease and, 144, 161-162

meat consumption in, 138

Organic Livestock Marketing Co-op, 162-163

seal market and, 178

soybeans and, 150-151

traffic fatality rates and, 52

vegetarians and, 140

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 8, 110, 210

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 8, 89-91, 104-105, 110, 210

United Nations Global Compact, 124-125, 210, 225, 262n4

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), 110

United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 22, 235n14

United States, 6, 94

activism and, 186

aerosols and, 108

air pollution and, 228

anti-sealing campaign and, 171, 186, 189, 191, 198-199

automobile and, 36-40, 56, 221

California emission standards and, 43-47, 62

cancer in, 28

Chicago meatpackers and, 136-137, 141, 252n3

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 108-109, 113

Clean Air Acts and, 44, 77, 80, 238n1

ENERGY STAR program and, 125-127

energy usage and, 128

environmental labels in, 155-159

fast food chains and, 144-145

fur imports and, 195

Federal Highway Act and, 38

feedlot conditions in, 143, 158-160

Humane Society and, 198-199

lead concentrations in, 75

leaded gasoline phasedown and, 80-87

livestock crops and, 148-149

mad cow disease and, 144

Marshall Plan and, 149

meat consumption in, 139-140

Meat Inspection Act and, 137

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and, 115

obesity in, 145-146

oil reserves of, 68

PBDEs level in, 24

plastics use in, 49

precautionary approach and, 225

Pure Food and Drug Act and, 137

rail transit and, 41-42

recycling and, 48-49, 58

refrigerators and, 101-102, 116- 117, 120, 125-127

sealskin imports and, 180

self-service gas stations and, 82

small ranchers and, 163

soybeans and, 149-150

tourist boycotts and, 189

Toyota Way and, 55

traffic fatality rates and, 52

trustbusters and, 142

vegetarians and, 140

University of California, 103

University of Cincinnati, 75

Unsafe at Any Speed (Nader), 50

Uruguay, 152

U.S. Bureau of Mines, 70-71, 73

U.S. Congress, 76-77

U.S. Court of Appeals, 82

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

beef and, 143-144, 156-160, 252n9

environmental labels and, 156-159

U.S. Department of Energy, 127

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 85

U.S. Department of Justice, 83

U.S. Energy Information Administration, 127-128

U.S. Federal Trade Commission, 142

U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 104

U.S. Public Health Service, 76

U.S. Surgeon General

beef and, 146

ignoring risks and, 93

leaded gasoline and, 69, 72-76

Vaccines, 28

Veal, 141

Vegetable oils, 147, 150

Vegetarians, 140-141

Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone

Layer, 105, 108

Volkswagen, 56

Volvo, 24, 45, 50

vom Saal, Frederick, 27

Wages, 37

Wallinga, David, 151

Wal-Mart, 11, 116, 212

Washington Post, 104, 187

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive, 123

Water, 20, 156

beef industry and, 147

corporate codes of conduct and, 124

drought and, 22

feedlot pollution and, 147

highway effects on, 57

Water bottles, 26

Watson, Paul, 189, 190-191

Wendy’s, 145

West Eye View (documentary series), 162

Westinghouse, 101

West Wing (TV show), 198

Weyler, Rex, 188

Whales, 29, 141, 167, 200, 203, 205


Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 108

Environmental responsibility and, 125

refrigerators and, 109, 116-117, 119, 131

Super Efficient Refrigerator Program

and, 125

White Sea, 181

Whiteside, Kerry, 224

Wild Oats Markets, 199

Wiles, Richard, 25

Windshields, 51

World Bank

automobiles and, 59

beef production and, 148

economic growth and, 215

environmentalism and, 7-9, 21, 29, 110, 163, 210, 220

financing effects and, 15

liberalization and, 7, 15, 227, 230

living standards and, 10

organic farming and, 163

ozone depletion and, 110

sustainable development and, 7, 89-90

traffic deaths and, 59

World Health Organization (WHO), 28, 59, 90, 222

World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 105

World Society for the Protection of Animals, 199

WorldStar award, 122

World Summit on Sustainable Development, 89-90, 92, 223

World Trade Organization, 226, 227

World War I era, 68, 203

chemical warfare and, 83

climate change comparison and, 21

Du Pont family and, 241n6

seal hunting and, 179-181

World War II era, 203

beef production and, 139

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and, 246n4

climate change comparison and, 21

economic growth and, 9, 14, 62, 102

Marshall Plan and, 149

seal hunting and, 180-181

U.S. advantage in, 73

Worldwatch Institute, 20

World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms, 213

World Wildlife Fund/World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 29, 123-124, 211-212, 261n18

Yale University, 73

Yankel, Anthony, 83

YUM! Brands, 145

Zambia, 92, 109-110

Zhao, Jimin, 112

Zinc, 101