1. Samuel W. Mitcham, Eagles of the Third Reich, p. 19.
2. Telford Taylor, Sword & Swastika: Generals and Nazis in the Third Reich (Simon & Shuster, NY, 1952), p. 248.
3. Bruce R. Pirnie, ‘First Test for the War Machine’, WW II, Vol 1, No. 5, January 1987, pp. 44–5.
4. Karl Drum, The German Air Force in the Spanish Civil War (USAF Historical Studies No. 150, Aerospace Studies Institute, Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, Alabama, 1965).
5. Mitcham, Eagles of the Third Reich, p. 29.
6. Ibid., p. 64
7. Mike Spick, Luftwaffe Fighter Aces, p. 32.
8. Mitcham, Eagles of the Third Reich, p. 70.
9. Brian Cull & Bruce Lander with Heinrich Weiss, Twelve Days in May, pp. 10–13.
10. Spick, Luftwaffe Fighter Aces, p. 41.
11. Tony Holmes, Dogfight, The Greatest Air Duels of WW II, ‘Spitfire v Bf 109E’, p. 60.
12. Spick, Luftwaffe Fighter Aces, p. 42.
13. Richard Hough & Denis Richards, The Battle of Britain, p. 359.
14. Alfred Price, The Hardest Day, pp. 183–6.
15. Alfred Price, Battle of Britain Day, p. 77.
16. Spick, Luftwaffe Fighter Aces, p. 94.
17. Christopher Shores and Brian Cull with Nicola Malizia, Malta: The Hurricane Years 1940–41, p. 158.
18. Ibid., p. 161.
19. Spick, Luftwaffe Fighter Aces, p. 75.
20. Ibid., p. 78.
21. Ibid.
22. The second-highest-scoring German fighter pilot of the First World War who was credited with sixty-two victories and was the nation’s highest-scoring fighter pilot to have survived the war, Udet became the Luftwaffe’s Director General of Equipment in 1939 but committed suicide in November 1941 after Göring deflected Hitler’s ire for the Luftwaffe’s poor performance onto him.
23. John Weal, Jagdgeschwader 27 ‘Afrika’, p. 64).
24. Ibid., p. 68.
25. Ibid., p. 76.
26. Ibid., p. 4.
27. Matthew Cooper, The German Air Force 1933–45 (Janes, London, 1981), p. 245.
28. John Weal, Focke-Wulf FW 190 Aces of the Russian Front, p. 12.
29. Earl F. Ziemke, Stalingrad to Berlin: The German Defeat in the East (US Dept of the Army, Washington DC, US Govt Printing Office, 1966), pp. 61 & 75.
30. Jerry Scutts, Luftwaffe Night Fighter Units 1939–45 (Osprey Ltd, London, 1978), pp. 3–4.
31. David P. Williams, Hunters of the Reich, Night Fighters, p. 39.
32. Spick, Luftwaffe Fighter Aces, p. 175.
33. Ibid., pp. 42–3.
34. Holmes, Dogfight, ‘P-47 Thunderbolt v Bf 109G/K’ by Martin Bowman, p. 84.
35. Spick, Luftwaffe Fighter Aces, p. 161.
36. An excellent graphic showing a head-on attack against an American B-17 heavy bomber can be found in Mike Spick’s Luftwaffe Fighter Aces p. 158.
37. Spick, Luftwaffe Fighter Aces, p. 162.
38. Mitcham, Eagles of the Third Reich, p. 236.
39. As things turned out, Hitler’s demand for the Me 262 to be used exclusively as a fighter-bomber did not overly delay its introduction as a fighter.
40. Holmes, Dogfight, ‘P-47 Thunderbolt v Bf 109G/K’ by Martin Bowman, p. 115.
41. Spick, Luftwaffe Fighter Aces, p. 196.
42. This table of victories was put together using a number of sources but starting with Appendices 2 and 3 of Mike Spick’s Luftwaffe Fighter Aces and then cross-referring with several other sources.