
AB Anchor Bible

ABRL Anchor Bible Reference Library

ABS Archaeology and Biblical Studies

AOAT Alter Orient und Altes Testament

ATD Das Alte Testament Deutsch

AUSS Andrews University Seminary Studies

BAR Biblical Archaeology Review

BASOR Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research

BBR Bulletin for Biblical Research

BHS Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia

Bib Biblica

BSac Bibliotheca Sacra

BT The Bible Translator

BWANT Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament

CBOT Coniectanea Biblica Old Testament Series

CC Continental Commentary

DJD Discoveries in the Judean Desert

DSD Dead Sea Discoveries

EA El Amarna tablets

ErIsr Eretz Israel

ETL Ephermerides theologicae lovanienses

FOTL Forms of Old Testament Literature

GKC Gesenius-Kautzsch-Cowley, Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar

HALAT Hebräisches und aramäisches Lexikon zum alten Testament

HSM Harvard Semitic Monographs

ICC International Critical Commentary

IDB Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible

IDBSup Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, Supplement

IEJ Israel Exploration Journal

Int Interpretation

ISBE International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

JBL Journal of Biblical Literature

JCS Journal of Cuneiform Studies

JETS Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies

JNSL Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages

JSOT Journal for the Study of the Old Testament

JSOTSup Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplements

KJV King James Version

KTU The Cuneiform Alphabetic Texts from Ugarit

LXX Septuagint

NASB New American Standard Bible

NCBC New Century Bible Commentary

NEB New English Bible

NIBC New International Biblical Commentary

NIDOTTE New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis

NIV New International Version

NIVAC NIV Application Commentary

NLT New Living Translation

NRSV New Revised Standard Version

NSBT New Studies in Biblical Theology

OBO Orbis biblicus et orientalis

OTL Old Testament Library

OtSt Oudtestamentische Studiën

PEQ Palestine Exploration Quarterly

RevExp Review and Expositor

RIMA The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Assyrian Periods

RSV Revised Standard Version

SBT Studies in Biblical Theology

ScrHier Scripta Hierosolymitana

SJOT Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament

SJT Scottish Journal of Theology

TDOT Theological Dictionary of the Testament

THAT Theologishes Handwörterbuch zum Alten Testament

TOTC Tyndale Old Testament Commentary

TrinJ Trinity Journal

TS Theological Studies

UF Ugarit-Forschungen

VE Vox Evangelica

VTSup Vetus Testamentum Supplements

WBC Word Biblical Commentary

ZAW Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft