I’ve always been fascinated by ghosts and have wanted to write a story about them for some time. Pair that with a longstanding love of Sherlock Holmes, that started when I was about nine, and you have the Madame Chalamet series.
A big thank you to my team of beta readers: Ami A., Charlotte Z, Davida, Diana P., Elizabeth C., Inas M., Jennifer H., Jessica F., Laurie H., Merricat A., and Stephanie A.
Beta readers get the first look at the story and provide helpful and valuable feedback on pacing, characters, and plot. Your thoughts helped me develop the story and make it better.
A shout-out to my editor, Emma, who did a very thorough developmental edit on this book. Her suggestions made me reach deeper for polishing up Elinor’s adventures.
As always, to my readers who keep me going through their follows and reviews, I greatly appreciate you!
Find Byrd at her website (blog and games), Goodreads (for giveaways), Bookbub (notification of new releases), or join the private Facebook Fan group for up-close and personal discussion.