⚬ Elinor Chalamet (Shall-ah-may)— A Ghost Talker residing in the city of Alenbonné (Alan-bon-ay) in the country of Sarnesse (Sar-nessie).
⚬ Tristan Fontaine, duke of Archambeau (Are-shem-bow) is Alenbonné nobility and “takes care of things” for King Guénard. While not a member of the police department he is sometimes given control of officers when working for the Crown.
Address: mysir de duke, Mysir de Archambeau (title address) or Mysir de Duke de Chambaux, Mysir de Chambaux (province title). Duke is only capitalized as part of a title. “Mysir de duke” is not an actual title.
Family and Friends:
⚬ Minette Fontaine, the previous Duchesse de Chambaux (deceased)— wife of Tristan.
⚬ The Duchesse de Chambaux (Sham-beau)— Tristan’s mother.
⚬ Lady Valentina Fontaine— Tristan’s sister.
⚬ Lady Josephine Baudelaire (Bowed-lair)— a society lady who was a friend of Minette’s and the Chambaux family.
⚬ Augustus Chalamet (deceased) Elinor’s father— was murdered about 12 years ago at the start of Ghost Talker. He was a well-known jeweler to the king and nobility.
⚬ Jacques Moreau (More-row)— a childhood friend of Elinor’s who is now a soldier.
⚬ Dr. Charlotte LaRue (Lah-roo)— the city’s coroner and university instructor, and a friend of Elinor's.
⚬ Inspector Marcellus Barbier (Bahr-bee-er)— a police inspector who Elinor met when her father was murdered, and who she works with now to solve crimes.
⚬ Sergeant Quincy Dupont (Dew-pon)— Barbier’s subordinate.
Servants and Helpers:
⚬ Anne-Marie— Elinor’s servant, a daughter of a sailor.
⚬ Marcus— an orphaned street urchin who occasionally helps Elinor.
⚬ Ruben— a footman in the de Chambaux household.
⚬ Georgette— a house maid in the de Chambaux household.
⚬ Madeline— the duchesse’s personal servant.
⚬ Madame Darly— the duke’s cook at his townhouse.
Clients and Ghosts:
⚬ Giles Monet (Mo-nay)— a victim of a crime, and relative to the king.
⚬ Bastiaan Hagen— a student killed in a duel.
⚬ Natalie Bakhuize (Ba-kozie)— Bastiaan’s lover.
⚬ Louisa (Lou-Lou) Smit-Vossen— a widow, husband Leo.
⚬ Joris Jakobsen— a merchant.
Sarnesse (Sar-nessie)- a land of hills, with a coastline. Vineyards. Provinces. King Guénard (Gie-nar) is the ruler with an elected parliament.
Zulskaya (Zul-sky-a)- the closest neighbor with a large land border. Mountainous.
Perino (Pa-rin-o)— a country of tropical rain forest, separated from Sarnesse by an ocean.
Madame (Ma-dahm)— address to any independent or married woman.
Mys (Miss)— address for dependent young ladies.
Lady— address denotes a woman of upper class, nobility.
Mysir (my-sur)— address to any man, suitable for all social levels.
Lord— address to any man of clear nobility, or title.
Money system:
Lowest coin— a knight, slang a “candy”
Medium coin— a castle, slang a “rook”
Highest coin— a royal (because it has an imprint of the monarch on it).
Bills— in decimal denominations of royals: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100.