26 July: Huxley born Godalming, Surrey.
Huxley family leave ‘Laleham’, the house at Godalming for Prior’s Field nearby where Huxley’s mother, Julia, opens a school the following year.
Huxley goes to Hillside Preparatory School (to June 1908).
Huxley goes to Eton in September as King’s Scholar; his mother dies, 29 November.
Huxley’s father, Leonard, moves to Westbourne Square, London.
Huxley forced to leave Eton in March because of an eye infection; tutored at home; stays with various relatives; nearly blind for at least a year; learns Braille.
Leonard Huxley remarries to Rosalind Bruce; Huxley possibly writes first (lost) novel; travels to Marburg, Germany.
Stays with brother, Trevenen, at Oxford; visits Grenoble with Lewis Gielgud; enters Balliol College, Oxford in October.
Suicide of Trevenen, 23 August; October lodges with Haldanes in Oxford for second year.
First visit to Garsington, 29 November; first meeting in same month with D.H. Lawrence in Hampstead; meets future wife, Maria Nys, at Garsington in December or early the following year.
Rejected on health grounds by Army; helps to found Palatine Review; gains First in English; July and August temporary master at Repton School; September first book published, The Burning Wheel (poems); September goes to stay at Garsington for next seven months working on Philip Morrell’s farm; proposes to Maria on lawn at Garsington during late summer or autumn.
April to July clerical job at Air Board; living with father and stepmother at 16 Bracknell Gardens, Hampstead; 18 September takes up post as master at Eton (until Feburary 1919); December, Jonah.
The Defeat of Youth (third book of poems), August; at work on first piece of fiction, ‘The Farcical History of Richard Greenow’
Leaves Eton in April and visits Maria Nys (after a separation of more than two years) at her parents’ home in Belgium; officially engaged; April starts work on The Athenaeum magazine (until October 1920); May moves into 18 Hampstead Hill Gardens, London; 10 July marries Maria at Bellem in Belgium.
February first volume of short stories, Limbo; April, Matthew born; dramatic critic of Westminster Gazette; May, Leda published; part-time job with Chelsea Book Club; October moves from Athenaeum to House and Garden; December leaves Hampstead flat; Maria and Matthew go to Belgium for winter.
January to March lodges Regent Square, Bloomsbury; begins to see Mary Hutchinson; April rejoins Maria at Villa Minucci, Florence; May to August writes first novel on Tuscan coast at Forte dei Marmi, Crome Yellow (published November); October returns to London to flat at 155 Westbourne Terrace (to December 1922) working again for Condé Nast.
May, Mortal Coils; August to September holiday at Forte in Villa Tacchella.
January, move to flat at 44 Prince’s Gardens, London; signs first three-year publishing deal with Chatto; May, On The Margin; June to July, summer in Forte dei Marmi, writes Antic Hay (published November); August moves to Florence, Castel a Montici (to June 1925).
May, Little Mexican and The Discovery; travels in France and Italy; writing Those Barren Leaves.
January, Those Barren Leaves; March to April travels in Tunisia; July, London; August Belgium; September, Along The Road; 15 September Huxleys sail from Genoa (leaving Matthew for eleven months) on a round-the-world-trip beginning in India, then south-east Asia, United States until June 1926.
May, Two or Three Graces; July, London; August, St Trond, Belgium;
August to December, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy; renews acquaintance there with D.H. Lawrence; December, Essays New and Old.
January and February, Cortina; starts Point Counter Point; March to May, London and Belgium; May to December, Forte at Villa Majetta; November, Proper Studies; December, spends Christmas with D.H. and Frieda Lawrence in Florence.
January to February, Les Diablerets, Switzerland; March to May, Onslow Mews, London; June takes house (until April 1930) at 3 Rue du Bac, Suresnes, Paris (but not in full residence until October, spending summer in Forte); November, Point Counter Point.
January, Bandol with Lawrence; February, Florence; April, Spain; May, Arabia Infelix; in London; June to September, final summer at Forte; August, Apuan mountains; September, Suresnes; October, Do What You Will; October to November, motor tour of Spain.
London production of This Way to Paradise at Daly’s Theatre; March, with Lawrence on his deathbed at Vence; April move in to Villa at La Gorguette, Sanary-sur-Mer until February 1937; May, Brief Candles; September to October, London, Paris, Berlin, Nottingham; November, Vulgarity in Literature.
January to March, London, Dalmeny Court, Duke Street; March The World of Light at Royalty Theatre; May, The Cicadas; May to August at Sanary, writing Brave New World; September, Music at Night; October to December, London.
February, Brave New World; May to June, Belgium, Germany; June to December at Sanary writes play Now More Than Ever (finished in October); September, The Letters of D.H. Lawrence edited by Huxley;
November, Texts and Pretexts; starts Eyeless in Gaza; December, London.
January to May, travels in West Indies, Guatemala, Mexico; 3 May Leonard Huxley dies; June to December at Sanary; November, travels in Spain.
April, Beyond the Mexique Bay; at work on Eyeless in Gaza; October to December in London at 18 St Alban’s Place, Regent Street; December, takes out seven year lease on flat at E2, Albany, Piccadilly whilst retaining Sanary; Huxley in poor physical and mental health; beginning of crucial turn in his life.
January to March, Albany (with visits to Paris); March to October at Sanary working on Eyeless in Gaza; October to December at Albany, taking lessons with F.M. Alexander; November joins Dick Sheppard’s Peace Pledge Union; 3 December gives address on pacifism at Friend’s House, London.
January to March at Albany active in PPU; March finishes Eyeless in Gaza; April to September, Sanary; April, What Are You Going to Do About It?; June, Eyeless in Gaza; October to November, London; December, The Olive Tree; at Sanary.
19 February finally leaves Sanary; 7 April Huxleys sail with Gerald Heard for New York; five week journey across states by car to San Cristobal, Taos, New Mexico, to stay the summer with Frieda Lawrence at her ranch; July, An Encyclopaedia of Pacifism; October to November, Colorado and Hollywood (North Crescent Heights Boulevard); November, Ends and Means; November to December, Huxley and Heard lecture on peace; December, Maria at Rhinebeck NY where Huxley joins her.
February studio accepts screenplay so cancels plans to return to Europe; takes house at North Laurel Avenue, LA; Huxley in hospital with bronchitis for weeks; April begins never to be completed novel; July house at North Linden Drive, Beverly Hills; August to September works on script about Madame Curie at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer; November, explores the Bates method of improving eyesight.
February to July working on After Many A Summer; April move to 701 Amalfi Drive, Pacific Palisades (to February 1942); summer first meeting with Christopher Isherwood; August works on screenplay of Pride and Prejudice; October, After Many A Summer.
August, after earlier ill-health, begins work on Grey Eminence.
May finishes Grey Eminence (published October); works on screenplay of Jane Eyre; starts on Time Must Have A Stop.
February, Huxleys move to desert house at Llano del Rio; at work on Jane Eyre; April starts The Art of Seeing (published October).
Resumes work on novel; July stays with Gerald Heard at Trabuco College; October, Huxleys take a flat at South Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills in addition to Llano (to 1945).
February finishes Time Must Have A Stop (published August); May starts The Perennial Philosophy.
March, finishes Perennial Philosophy (published September); June buys mountain chalet in Wrightwood, California; writing Science, Liberty and Peace; November to December works with Walt Disney on Alice and Wonderland.
Spending most of time at Llano in Mojave Desert; March Science, Liberty and Peace; July to October at work on script of The Gioconda Smile for Universal; September, at work on stage version of same story.
Finally abandons Llano for Wrightwood; March starts historical novel on Catherine of Siena which is never completed; September leaves California for first time since 1938 by car for New York; November to December returned from New York to write Ape and Essence.
February The Gioconda Smile published as play in US as Mortal Coils, released as film with title A Woman’s Vengeance; 3 June, stage version of Gioconda Smile opens in London for nine month run; 24 June, Huxleys sail for Europe (not seen since 1937) from New York; Paris, Siena, Rome, London; August, Ape and Essence; October return to New York; November to December in Palm Desert on doctor’s orders; at work on stage version of Ape and Essence.
February Paris stage version of Gioconda Smile; May buy house at 740 North King’s Road, Los Angeles (but May to September at Wrightwood).
April, Themes and Variations; Matthew marries Ellen Howde in New York; May sails on Queen Mary to France; Paris, Rome, Siena, London, Villa Rustique at Sanary; Paris; September, returns to New York; October, New York production of Gioconda Smile; visits Frieda Lawrence on way back to LA; November to December, starts work on The Devils of Loudun.
March, virus infection followed in July by severe attack of iritis.
January, Maria seriously ill, has treatment for breast cancer; October, The Devils of Loudun.
May, first mescalin experience with Dr Humphry Osmond; June tour through northwestern states followed by work on The Doors of Perception.
February, The Doors of Perception; 7 April, sails to Cherbourg; attends parapyscholocy conference, Vence; then Paris, Ismailia, Cairo, Jerusalem, Beirut, Cyprus, Athens, Rome, Paris, London; 21 August sails for New York; 7 September, returns to Los Angeles; October, lecturing, finishes The Genius and The Goddess; November, collaborates with Beth Wendell on stage version of The Genius and the Goddess.
12 February, Maria dies; April to May drives by car to New York via Southern states; May to June at 1035 Park Avenue, New York working on stage production of The Genius and the Goddess; novel appears June; July to August, summer with Matthew at Guilford, Connecticut; September to December back in Los Angeles
February, Heaven and Hell; 19 March, marries Laura Archera at Yuma, Arizona; July, couple move to 3276 Deronda Drive, Los Angeles; starts work on Island (not published until 1961); October, Adonis and the Alphabet.
July to November, at Shoreham Hotel, New York working on stage version of The Genius and The Goddess; December, begins Brave New World Revisited.
July to August, travels in Peru and Brazil; September, Italy; October, London, Paris, Venice; October, Brave New World Revisited;
November, lectures at Turin and other Italian cities; December, returns to Los Angeles.
February to May, first course of lectures at Santa Barbara on ‘The Human Situation’; July, serious fall; September to December, second series of lectures at Santa Barbara.
March to April, Visiting Professor at Menninger Foundation, Kansas; May, cancer diagnosed; June, radium treatment; September to November, Visiting Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
January, visits Hawaii; February, control of the mind conference, San Francisco; 12 May, Deronda Drive house destroyed by fire; June, finishes Island, visits London; July at Vence; August, Switzerland, Copenhagen; September, returns to Los Angeles to stay at 6233 Mulholland Highway; November India, Japan.
February to May, Visiting Professor at Berkeley; March, Island, conference at Santa Barbara on technology in the modern world; April to May, addresses further conferences in the US; June, illness recurs, The Genius and the Goddess performed in England; July minor operation; August to September, Brussels for meeting of World Academy of Arts and Sciences; September, London; November, lectures in Mid West.
March, at Rome conference of UN Food and Agricultural Organisation; March to April, lecturing at US universities; April to May, another relapse; August, Stockholm for meeting of World Academy of Arts and Sciences, London, Dartington, Italy; September, Literature and Science (his last book); 22 November, dies in Los Angeles; 17 December, Memorial Service, Friends House, London.