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Note: AH = Aldous Huxley
‘Abroad in England’ (essay)
Absalom and Achitophel (Dryden)
Académie du Var
Acton, Harold
Adler, Alfred
Adonis and the Alphabet (essay collection, 1956) entitled Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow in USA
After Many a Summer (novel, 1939) radio version stage version
After Strange Gods (Eliot)
‘After the Fireworks’ (short story)
Air Board
Albany, The, London
Albert I, king of the Belgians
Aldington, Richard
Alexander, F.M.
Alexander technique
Alice in Wonderland (Carroll) Disney film
Allen, Woody
Along the Road (essay collection, 1925)
American Academy of Arts and Letters
American Psychiatric Association
American Scholar, The (magazine)
Amis, Kingsley
Anrep, Boris
Anthony, Joseph
Antic Hay (novel, 1923) AH’s childhood depicted in AH’s mother depicted in dramatisation of family anger over film possibility moral outrage over Nancy Cunard depicted in reviews Waugh’s praise of
Ape and Essence (novel, 1948) stage version
Après Midi d’un Faune, L’ (Mallarmé; translated by AH) 100
‘Arabia Infelix’ (poem)
Arabia Infelix (poetry collection, 1929)
Aretino, Pietro
Arizona desert
Arnold, Julia, see Huxley, Julia
Arnold, Matthew (great-uncle); AH’s edition of birthplace death of son ‘Growing Old’ ideas
Arnold, Thomas (grandfather)
Art and Letters (magazine)
‘Art and the Obvious’ (essay)
Art of Mental Prayer, The (Frost)
Art of Seeing, The (book on defective vision, 1942)
Aspects of the Novel (Forster)
Asquith, Herbert Henry
Astor, J.J.
Athenaeum, The (magazine) Mary Hutchinson’s work for
Athenaeum club, London
Atkinson (painter)
Auden, W.H.
aun aprendo (motto)
Austen, Jane
Authors Take Sides on the Spanish War (pamphlet)
Authors’ World Peace Appeal
Ayer, Freddie
‘Babies State Property’ (article)
Bachardy, Don
Bagnold, Enid
Baillot, Juliette, see Huxley, Juliette
ballet, Russian
Balliol College, Oxford
Baltus, George
Baltus, Marguerite, see Nys, Marguerite
Balzac, Honoré de
Bandol, France
Barth, Karl
Bates, William H.
Bates method Jeanne Neveux and 366; refuted see also Art of Seeing, The
Baudelaire, Charles
Beach, Sylvia
Beaton, Cecil
Beaumont, Francis
Beaverbrook, Max
Bedford, Sybille (née von Schoenebeck) on AH’s funeral on AH’s sexual initiation on AH’s stepmother on Chandos interview with AH on Ejutla gun incident first meeting with Huxleys further meetings on Huxleys’ marriage and affairs last meeting with AH lodges with Huxleys on Maria’s appearance on Maria’s bisexuality on Maria’s designation of her own successor
Beerbohm, Marie
Beerbohm, Max
Belgenland, SS
Belgium see also Brussels; St Trond
Bell, Clive affair with Mary Hutchinson and death of Julian Bell eye problems and palm readings
Bell, George, Bishop of Chichester
Bell, Quentin
Bell, Vanessa
Belloc, Hilaire
Below the Equator (film script)
Benda, Julian
Bennett, Arnold
Benoit, Hubert
Berlin, Isaiah
Berners, Lord
Bernstein, Leonard
Best Poems of 1926, The
Betts, Frank
Bevan (clergyman)
Beyond the Mexique Bay (essay collection, 1934)
Bienvenu Restaurant, London
Biran, Maine de
Birrell, Francis
Birth of a Nation (film)
Blacker, C.P.
Blacker, P.J.
Blackwell, Basil
Blake, William
Bloomsbury Group AH’s relationship with Maria’s dislike of Omega sexual relationships
Boccaccio, Giovanni
Bodleian Library
Bonnet, Mademoiselle (teacher)
Bonnoli, Alberto
Bookmark (television programme)
‘Bookshop, The’ (short story)
Bordage, Judith, see Huxley, Judith
Bouvard et Pécuchet (Flaubert)
Bracknell Gardens, London
Bradshaw, David
Braine, John
Brains Trust, The (television programme)
Brave New World (novel, 1932) accuracy of predictions AH later revises timing of predictions Australian ban lifted complaint to FBI over current relevance of depiction of motherhood and the family disliked by Wells and eugenics film rights and Fordism hortatory jingles in humour in Island compared with less successful in USA mini-series musical rights possible influence of Kafka’s The Castle Surrey of AH’s childhood depicted in themes anticipated in earlier work themes of themes repeated in later works
Brave New World Revisited (essay collection, 1958)
Brett, Dorothy; advises Maria on relationship and career attempt to steal Lawrence’s ashes character decorates Huxleys’ home depicted in Crome Yellow
Bridges, Robert
Brief Candles (short story collection, 1930)
Britannic (liner)
Broch, Hermann
Brook, Peter
Brooke, Rupert
Brothers Karamazov, The (Dostoyevsky)
Broughton-Adderley, Peter
Brown, Harrison
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Brussels: peace congress boycott Royal Library
Burlington Magazine
Burning Wheel, The (poetry collection)
Burr, Courtney
Burt, Cyril
Burton-Brown, Beatrice
Burton-Brown, Mrs (headmistress)
Buy British campaign
Byron, Lord
California, University of: Berkeley Los Angeles Santa Barbara
Campaign Against Hunger
Campbell, Herbert
Campbell, Roy
Canfield, Cass
Cannan, Gilbert
Carey, John
Carlyle, Thomas
Carrington, Dorothy AH’s relationship with depicted in Crome Yellow illustrates AH poem suicide
Carroll, Lewis Muffin Man as character from Victorians as characters from see also Alice in Wonderland
Castle, The (Kafka)
Catherine of Siena, St
Cecil, David
Cedars of Lebanon hospital, LA
‘Censorship and Spoken Literature’ (essay)
Central America
Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions
Centre Polytechnique des Études Économiques
Century (magazine)
Chambers, Maria
Chance (Conrad)
Chandos, John
Chapelain, Yvette
Chaplin, Charlie
Charterhouse School
Chartreuse de Parme (Stendhal)
Chatto and Windus AH negotiates direct after liquidation of agent AH offers to invest money in AH owes money to AH’s first publication with and AH’s interest in photo-setting AH’s loyalty to AH’s missed deadlines and Crome Yellow contracts with AH defends AH’s residence in USA and Island and missing manuscript pamphlets on pacifism receives requests for names of Bates practitioners refuses to censor Antic Hay sales and royalties unhappiness with The Devils of Loudun see also Parsons, Ian; Prentice, Charles; Raymond, Harold; Swinnerton, Frank
Chatwin, Bruce
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Chelsea Book Club
Chesterton, G.K.
Chicago Herald and Examiner
Chichicastenango, Guatemala
Church of England
Cicadas (poetry collection, 1931)
Cirque Medrano
Clark, George
Clark, Kenneth and Jane
Clark, Virginia
Clarke, Ada
Clarke, Ernest
‘Claxtons, The’ (short story)
Cocteau, Jean
Cold War
Cole, G.D.H.
Colefax, George
Colefax, Sybil
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Collier, Constance
Collier, Ethel (aunt)
Collier, Joan (cousin)
Collier, John (uncle)
colonic irrigation
Comedy Theatre, London
Compton, Surrey
Conan Doyle, Arthur
Condé Nast
Congress of Unions for Intellectual Cooperation
Connel Ferry, Scotland
Connolly, Cyril interviews with AH relationship with Huxleys
Connolly, Jean
Conrad, Joseph
conscientious objectors see also pacifism
Constable (publisher)
Control of the Mind, conference on
Convocation on the Great Issues of Conscience in Modern Medicine
Cooper, Gary
Coppel, Alec
Corbett, Margaret
Cornhill Magazine
Cortina d’Ampezzo
Coster, Geraldine
Coterie (magazine)
Counterattack (anti-communist newsletter)
Courtrai, Belgium
Coward, Noel
Cox, Katherine
Craft, Robert
Crome Yellow (novel, 1921) depiction of Ottoline Morrell and subsequent rift portrays other friends of AH reviews success
Cromer, Lord
Crows of Pearblossom, The (children’s story)
Crucible, The (Miller)
Cukor, George
Cunard, Nancy AH’s relationship with depicted in Antic Hay depicted in Point Counter Point
Curie, Marie
Cutler, Max
da Fasola, Costanza
Daily Express
Daily Mail
Daily Sketch
Daily Telegraph
Daly’s Theatre, London
Dante Alighieri
D’Aranyi, Jelly AH’s relationship with
Dark Continent (Mazower)
Dartington, Devon
Dartington School
Davenport, John
Davidson, John
Davies, Marion
Davies, William
Davis, Kingsley
Davis, Mike
Day Lewis, Cecil
de Acosta, Mercedes
Death of a Salesman (Miller)
‘Death of Lully, The’ (short story)
Death of Virgil, The (Broch)
Defeat of Youth, The (poetry collection, 1918)
De La Warr, Earl
del Ré, Arundel
Depression, The
Derrida, Jacques
Descartes, René
Devils, The (film)
Devils of Loudun, The (novel, 1952) Chatto request cuts of gruesome elements film of pessimism and themes reactions to stage version
Dial, The (magazine)
Dickens, Charles
Dionysus the Areopagite
Discovery, The (play adaptation)
Disney, Walt
Dixon, Campbell
Do What You Will (essay collection, 1929)
docks, London
Doddite (magazine)
Dodgson, Charles, see Carroll, Lewis
Don Quixote (Cervantes)
Donne, John
‘Doodles in the Dictionary’ (essay)
Doors, The (group)
Doors of Perception, The (account of drug experiences, 1954)
Doran, George
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
‘Double Crisis, The’ (essay)
Doubleday (publisher)
Douglas, James
Douglas, Jimmy
Douglas, Norman
Down and Out in Paris and London (Orwell)
Dowson, Ernest
Dryden, John
Dufy, Raoul
Duke University
Dunaway, David King
Durrell, Lawrence
Dynasts, The (Hardy)
‘E’ therapy
Earp, Tommy
East End, London
Eastwood (Lawrence’s home)
Eckhart, Meister
Eden, Anthony
‘Education of an Amphibian, The’ (essay)
Edward VII, king: funeral procession as Prince of Wales unveils statue to Thomas Huxley
Eeman (psychotherapist)
Egoist, The (magazine)
Eiffel Tower restaurant, London
Eliot, Thomas Stearns accepts AH poems for The Egoist addictions AH’s criticisms of AH’s friendship with anti-Semitism belief that AH’s talent was for prose not poetry and French poets influence on AH’s poetry marriages and meditation
Elmhirst family
Empire Marketing Board
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Encyclopaedia of Pacifism (pamphlet)
Ends and Means (essay collection, 1937)
Enemies of Promise (Connolly)
England Made Me (Greene)
English, Miss (teacher)
English literature teaching
English Poets, The (Ward)
English Review, The (magazine)
Erlanger, Gustav
Eschelbach, Claire
Esmonde, Grattan
Esquire (magazine)
Eton College AH’s applications for posts at AH’s teaching job at
Eton Political Society
Eton Review, The (magazine)
‘Eugenics’ (essay)
Eugenics Society
Evan, A.B.C.
Evans, George Ewart
Evans, Paul
Evening Standard
Everyman Library
Exile in Paradise (Flügge)
Eyeless in Gaza (novel, 1936) as AH’s best novel? AH’s difficulties in writing autobiographical elements dislocated time scheme not Hollywood material origin of title reaction of Left to mystical elements reviews success themes Trevenen Huxley depicted in
Fanfare for Elizabeth (Sitwell)
‘Far Continents of the Mind, The’ (conference paper)
‘Farcical History of Richard Greenow, The’ (short story)
fascism English German Italian see also Nazism
Fasola family, see da Fasola, Costanza
Faux Monnayeurs, Les (Gide)
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
Fenton, Roy
Feuchtwanger, Lion
‘Fifth Philosopher’s Song’ (poem)
Firbank, Ronald
First Word War AH on deaths of friends in AH on precocity of youth during AH unable to fight in AH works at Air Board conscientious objectors effect on Nys family end of Ottoline Morrell and pessimism after poets of xenophobia during
Fisher, Geoffrey
Flaubert, Gustave
Fletcher, John
Flint, Frank Stuart
Florence AH’s opinion of Huxleys’ homes and life in Huxleys’ later visits to Huxleys meet Laura Archera in Maria’s stay in before marriage
Flügge, Manfred
Fontaine, Joan
Food and Agricultural Organisation conference
Ford, Arthur
Ford, Ford Madox
Ford, Henry
Ford Foundation
‘Forehead Villainous Low’ (essay)
Forest Hills High School
Forster, E.M.
Forsyte Saga, The (Galsworthy)
Forte dei Marmi, Italy AH’s liking for Huxleys’ homes and life in Huxleys’ later visits to Lawrence’s visits to Maria’s early stays in
Fountain Press
Foyle’s bookshop, London
France Alps mood in 1936 see also Paris; Sanary-sur-Mer, Suresnes
Franchetti, Luigino
Franchetti, Yvonne
Franchetti family
Freud, Sigmund
Friends House, London
Friends of Intellectual Freedom
Frogs (Aristophanes)
Frost, Father Bede
Fry, Christopher
Fry, Roger
Fugitive Pieces (Hutchinson)
Furbank, P.N.
Gabor, Dennis
Gandhi, Mahatma
Garbo, Greta
Garnett, David
Garrett, Eileen
Garsington Manor AH considers building house at AH meets and proposes to Maria at AH’s residency and farm work at AH’s visits to contrast with AH’s teaching environment depicted in Crome Yellow Maria’s dislike of Maria’s suicide attempt at Maria’s visits to sexual ethics of see also Morrell, Ottoline
Garson, Greer
Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri
Geller, James
General Strike
Genius and the Goddess, The (novel, 1955) stage productions
Genova, SS
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Loos) musical
George V, king
Germany AH visits persecution of Jews
Gertler, Mark depicted in Crome Yellow kept awake by AH Maria offers to sit for
Gesualdo, Carlo
Gide, André
Gielgud, John
Gielgud, Lewis amateur acting attempt at film script collaboration death friendship with AH Huxleys visit in Paris joint editor of Doddite
Gielgud, Mimi
‘Gioconda Smile, The’ (short story) film (A Woman’s Vengeance) French version stage version
Gish, Lillian
Glasgow University
Godalming, Surrey see also Laleham; Prior’s Field
Goddard, Paulette
Godel, Dr and Mme Paul
Godel, Robert
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Gollancz, Victor
Gorer, Geoffrey
Gorman, Herbert
Gosse, Edmund
Gourmont, Remy de
Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de
Grand Canyon
Grande Chartreuse, monastery of
Grant, Elspeth, see Huxley, Elspeth
Graves, Robert
Greco, El
Green, Henry
Green, Russell
Greene, Graham
Greenwood, Harold
Greenwood, Jill (second cousin)
Grenoble, France
Greville, Fulke
Grey Eminence (biography, 1941) description of loss of parent sales themes
Gstaad, Switzerland
Guardian, Manchester
Guilford, Connecticut
Guillemard family
Gunn, Thorn
Haldane, J.B.S.
Haldane, Professor and Mrs John Scott
Haldane, Naomi, see Mitchison, Naomi
Haldane, Richard, Lord
Halévy, Daniel
Halsberg, Helen
Halsey, Dorris
Halsey, Reece
Hamilton, Hamish
Hamilton, Robert
Hamnett, Nina
Hampstead, London: Huxleys’ flat in Lawrence’s house in Leonard Huxley’s house in
‘Happily Ever After’ (short story)
‘Happy Families’ (play)
Happy Valley School
Hardy, Thomas
Harman, Lord Justice
Harper, Allanah
Harper’s (publisher)
Harper’s Magazine
Harriman, Job
Harrison, Austin
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Austin
Hatry, Clarence
Hauser, Frank
Hay diet
Hayes, Helen
Haynes, E.S.P.
Hays Office
Heal’s, London
Hear the Lions Roar (Stokes)
Heard, Gerald achievements and character on AH’s character AH’s first meeting with AH’s involvement with criticised AH’s portrait of and AH’s remarriage on AH’s voice on AH’s wish to be a painter article on flying saucers bust of early visit to USA with AH homosexuality idea for biography of Père Joseph interest in parapsychology lecture tour on pacifism and LSD and Maria’s death and mescalin and mystical philosophies and Peace Pledge Union pessimism over world situation possible depiction in AH’s novels radio broadcasts with AH recommends breathing exercises and Trabuco community
Hearst, William Randolph
Hearst Essays
Heaven and Hell (study of visionary experience, 1956)
Henderson, Alexander
Herlitschka, Herbert
Hermann, Eva
Hermitage, Reigate
Herz, Ida
Heseltine, Philip
Hewlett, Maurice
Hibbert Journal
Hidden Persuaders, The
Hiles, Barbara
Hill, M.H.
Hillside School
‘History of Tension, The’ (lecture)
Hitler, Adolf
Hobhouse family
Hodson, James Lansdale
Hofmann, Albert
Hollywood see also Los Angeles
‘Home-Sickness – From the Town’ (poem)
Hopkins, Gerard Manley
Horizon (magazine)
Houellebecq, Michel
House and Garden (magazine)
House Committee on Un-American Activities
House of Commons
Houseman, John
Howde, Ellen, see Huxley, Ellen
Hubbard, L. Ron
Hubble, Edwin death
Hubble, Grace on AH on Amalfi Drive house on Edith Sitwell journals
Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death
Human Situation, The (lecture series)
Huntington Library
Hutchins, Robert
Hutchinson, Mary; on AH’s appearance AH’s early friendship with AH’s letters to beginning of AH’s affair with bisexuality and Clive Bell end of AH’s affair with on Maria’s appearance Maria’s letters to Maria’s post-war attitude to on Nancy Cunard receives wartime hamper from Huxleys relationship with Huxleys and revival of AH’s play and Virginia Woolf as writer
Hutchinson, St John (Jack)
Huxley, Aldous Leonard (1894–1963)
CHARACTERISTICS AND INTERESTS appearance attracted to free-spirited women as ‘cerebrotonic’ 2–3; charitable nature cynic or idealist? description of his own character desire for knowledge dislike of England dislike of lecturing dislike of socialising drawn to dominant personalities? enthusiasm for recordings ethical high-mindedness fear of relationships fears and anxiety gentleness good at languages good memory good with servants goodness impracticality insomnia intellect interest in art interest in astronomy interest in cinema interest in facts interest in music interest in science literary artist or thinker? love of Mediterranean love of music hall love of painting love of poetry love of Rome love of Russian ballet love of travelling love of walking loyalty to publishers modesty as moralist motto open mind poor eyesight (see also Bates method) poor health as public speaker reading habits and preferences seen as cold and high-brow self-criticism sexuality sociability stylish dresser tributes to Virginia Woolf’s descriptions of voice
LIFE: sources birth and background early childhood relationship with father relationship with mother nickname early education amateur acting experiences attends Eton College and mother’s death early career ambitions member of OTC contracts keratitis punctata which nearly blinds him learns Braille learns to play piano visits Germany and learns German has private tutors attends Balliol College relationship with stepmother goes skiing visits France and learns French and brother’s suicide sexual initiation relationship with Jelly D’Aranyi launches Palatine Review visits Scotland and First World War early visits to Garsington friendship with Lawrence rejected by army teaching post at Repton wins Stanhope Prize gains First degree meets Maria and proposes relationship with Dorothy Carrington difficulties of pursuing writing career prolonged separation from Maria takes up residence and works at Garsington works as book reviewer social life in London works at Air Board teaching post at Eton later visits to Garsington involved in launch of Eton Political Society defends Maria to family takes job with The Athenaeum visits and marries Maria in Belgium relationship with Nys family success of marriage affairs and openness of marriage sees Cirque Medrano in Paris wish to write more seriously birth of Matthew work at Chelsea Book Club faints at speaking engagement separation from family exhaustion through overwork joins family in Italy visits Rome returns to England rift with Ottoline over Crome Yellow married life in Westbourne Terrace relationship with Nancy Cunard relationship with Mary Hutchinson, see Hutchinson, Mary; moves to Princes Gardens moves to Italy visits to Forte dei Marmi pessimism in 1920s homes and life in Florence return visits to London and social life there first car motoring holidays in Europe considers lecturing reads Encyclopaedia Britannica trip to India and Asia trip to USA radio broadcasts Collier’s portrait visits Cortina d’Ampezzo homes and life in Forte dei Marmi later visits to Florence visits Switzerland visits Paris home and life in Suresnes and Lawrence’s illness and death marital problems buys Bugatti visits Spain home and life in Sanary-sur-Mer relationship with Cyril Connolly visits working-class areas of England Stokes’s interview with gives Huxley Lecture and deaths of Strachey and Carrington visits Cannes meets king and queen of Belgium revisits Forte trip to the Americas father’s death concern with diet state of mind at age of becomes involved with pacifist movement increasing interest in personal psychological development residence at The Albany, London pessimism about the future (1930s) insomnia and stay in French Alps investigated by FBI attends BUF rally personal crisis and recovery increasing interest in spirituality and mysticism Alexander technique improves health finances interest in yoga and meditation increasingly drawn to scientists and academic experts leaves Sanary and journeys to USA (intended as short-term visit) motoring tours in USA fame in New York visits Frieda Lawrence’s ranch lecture tour with Heard on pacifism radio interviews settles in Los Angeles and develops social life Bates method apparently improves eyesight birthday parties and Second World War decides to stay in USA moves to desert home of Llano del Rio visits Trabuco community involvement with Heard criticised skin allergy at Llano leads to decision to leave relationship with Matthew more positive outlook learns to drive moves to Wrightwood campaigns for Roosevelt post-war pessimism new-found serenity and wisdom visits New York accused of escapism return trips to Europe return visits to London return visits to Sanary tries Erlanger’s eye treatment contracts bronchitis and recuperates in Palm Desert moves to North King’s Road reaction to 1984, interest in dianetics concern to recover lost childhood memories interest in parapsychology Hollywood lifestyle bouts of ‘flu and bronchitis bring on new eye problems lectures at Happy Valley School interest in hypnosis declines invitation to India birth of grandson holiday in Arizona tries further alternative therapies documentary films meets Osmond and experiments with mescalin applies for American citizenship trip to Middle East and Maria’s illness 60th birthday lectures and conferences and Maria’s death belief in Maria’s spirit experiments with LSD marries Laura moves to Deronda Drive television interviews rejects request to preach pessimism and optimism gloomy predictions for future and anti-Bates article interviews visits Brazil love for Laura and Matthew’s marriage breakdown receives award develops cancer honorary degree visiting professorship at MIT visits Hawaii house and personal records destroyed by fire and Mulholland Highway house trip to India at ease with public appearances made Companion of Literature final illness and death
VIEWS AND THEMES: accuracy of predictions actors advertising anarchism Anglo-Saxon literature Apollo moon-shot art arms race artistic innovation avant-garde beauty-truth as mystical entity book reviewing capitalism class war coffee plantations consumer culture contemporary literature contemporary poets current affairs decentralization democracy ecology education eighteenth-century poets emotion ends and means doctrine eternal youth ethics eugenics family fascism fiction Florence freedom French poets friendship generation war H.G. Wells ‘have a good time’ mentality Hinduism history Hollywood homosexuality India influence of Arnold on influence of Thomas Huxley on intellectuals Jews language in international relations liberal humanism vs human nature limitations of words linguistics literature literature teaching machinery and production lines man-made vs cosmic problems Marxism mass culture media mediaeval literature mental deficiency middle-class affectation modern art nature of writing non-attachment old age parliament perfected humanity concept personal development poetry politics post-atomic novel post-1945 situation primitivism and civilization progress propaganda proportional representation psychology psychology of hate racial purity concept realism relationship of mind and body relationships religion sado-masochism search for light self-knowledge sex Sheldon’s theory of types snobbery sociology stupidity of the majority superstition a ‘synthesis for human beings’ tabloid journalists television thinking thirties poets ‘two cultures’ debate UFOs USA value of life Victorian age violence women working-class world as illusion xenophobia
WRITING: adaptation of Frances Sheridan’s play advertising jingles articles for Condé Nast Athenaeum articles attitude to his own poetry bibliography of work published book reviews children’s stories controversies and attempts to suppress his work contracts with Chatto & Windus dislike of journalism drama reviews early efforts early poetry film scripts first essay collection first novel lost first poetry collection published first short story collection Harper’s Magazine, articles Hearst essays on his own abilities as a novelist last poetry letter writing loses interest in books once written music reviews Nash’s Pall Mall Magazine articles not good at working-class characters pacifist pamphlets paper on visionary experience preference for ideas and essays over story-telling quality of American novels disputed quest for new literary forms quest to make money from staging plays sales and royalties satirical aspect success in USA travel writing unfinished projects unfulfilled ideas for books see also specific works
Huxley, Ellen (née Howde, Matthew’s first wife)
Huxley, Elspeth (née Grant, Gervas’s wife)
Huxley, Francis (nephew)
Huxley, Gervas (cousin): on AH’s isolation on AH’s sexual initiation childhood and schooldays with AH continued friendship with AH on death of AH’s mother and First World War on Leonard Huxley marriage at Oxford with AH later meetings with AH
Huxley, Henry (uncle)
Huxley, Judith (née Bordage, Matthew’s second wife)
Huxley, Julia (née Arnold, mother) death depicted in Antic Hay opens school
Huxley, Julian (brother) affairs on AH as child and AH’s career AH’s letters to AH’s relationship with and brother’s suicide clarity of writing collaboration on documentary film depicted in film script education and eugenics on his father holiday in Switzerland with AH and Jelly D’Aranyi marriage melancholic nature opinion of Maria and pressure of living up to grandfather’s success in USA wins Newdigate prize
Huxley, Juliette (née Baillot, Julian’s wife) on AH’s work becomes governess at Garsington and meets Huxleys engagement and marriage holiday in Switzerland with Huxleys on Julian and Julian’s affairs
Huxley, Laura Archera (second wife) meets Huxleys in Rome psychotherapy work Maria’s approval of and mescalin visits AH after Maria’s death marries AH on AH’s tiredness attends AH’s play visits Brazil and Europe visits Hawaii and destruction of home by fire and AH’s illness in Gstaad and Mulholland Highway house in India and LSD and AH’s death tribute to AH
Huxley, Leonard (father) and AH’s marriage background and first marriage biography of his father, Thomas character and AH’s relationship with death depicted in AH’s novels as editor of Cornhill Magazine moves to London second marriage
Huxley, Margaret (sister)
Huxley, Maria (nee Nys, first wife): on AH on AH’s writing appearance attitude to money bisexuality dress sense fears good with servants love of travelling unconventiality background and childhood nicknames visits to Garsington and relationship with Ottoline suicide attempt dislike of Garsington and Bloomsbury attends Newnham College, then absconds to London meets AH AH’s proposal to move to Florence and separation from AH visit to Forte dei Marmi and relationship with Costanza letters to Ottoline Christmas in Naples decision to marry AH concern for AH’s career wedding success of marriage and devotion to AH birth of son holidays in Italy career possibilities early married life in London openness of marriage relationship with Mary Hutchinson and AH’s affair with Nancy Cunard decision to live in Italy homes and life in Florence and driving trip to Asia anxiety over Matthew’s illness trip to USA stay in Cortina love of skiing and death of grandfather homes and life in Forte dei Marmi as AH’s secretary horror over child’s death in Point Counter Point later holidays in Florence plans to build house holiday in Switzerland types Lady Chatterley’s Lover manuscript home and life in Suresnes possible marital problems later holidays in Forte poses for AH and Lawrence’s death home and life in Sanary-sur-Mer relationship with Connollys meets king and queen of Belgium trip to Americas ill-health tour of Spain dislikes AH’s paintings holiday in Rome on AH’s decision to exercise and Alexander technique on AH’s “année horrible” and his recovery criticised by Ottoline sadness at leaving Sanary reluctance to go to USA on beauty of New York loss of weight dislike of housework homes and life in Los Angeles on Gary Cooper left behind during AH’s lecture tour liking for Salka Viertel and decision to stay in USA Isherwood on love of desert and home in Llano del Rio financial worries pets improved health and move to Wrightwood longing for Europe on former London friends tiredness visit to New York dislike of California reads Ape and Essence to AH trips to Europe and move to North King’s Road return visit to Sanary cancer holiday in Arizona and hypnosis initial suspicion of Osmond The Doors of Perception dedicated to applies for American citizenship visits Middle East visits Florence and receives treatment from Laura Archera possibility that she designated her own successor x-ray treatments and lumbago final illness and death ashes
Huxley, Marjorie (cousin)
Huxley, Mark Trevenen (grandson)
Huxley, Matthew (son) character birth and childhood not baptised governesses and nannies education parents’ trip abroad and lung problems improvement in health liked by Lawrence lives with father in London DIY skills motoring holiday in USA love of America helps at Llano del Rio joins US Army Medical Corps ill-health work at Warner Brothers union activities lives with partner at Wrightwood marriage birth of son applies for US citizenship and Maria’s illness and death AH visits and father’s remarriage failure of marriage and AH’s illness second marriage on Maria’s elegance Maria’s letters to on Maria’s sexuality
Huxley, Rosalind (stepmother)
Huxley, Sophy (aunt)
Huxley, Thomas Henry (grandfather) AH’s admiration for AH’s lecture on AH’s similar talents AH’s tribute to influence on Huxleys Leonard’s biography of melancholic nature reflected in Huxley brothers statue
Huxley, Trevenen (brother) depicted in Eyeless in Gaza suicide
Huxley and Film (Clark)
Huxley in Hollywood (Dunaway)
Huxley Memorial Lecture (1932)
‘Hyperion to a Satyr’ (essay)
I Take This City (Roberts)
Idaho State College
‘Idea of Equality, The’ (essay)
India Office
Institute for Modern Art, Washington
Institute for Tropical Medicine
Intellectuals and the Masses, The (Carey)
International Authors Congress for the Defence of Culture
International Writer’s Congress
‘Is Cruelty Out of Date’ (broadcast)
Isherwood, Christopher and AH’s illness on AH’s novels on AH’s remarriage asked to read Time Must Have A Stop contribution to Island film scripts friendship with AH on Gerald Heard as guest of Huxleys homosexuality and Llano handyman at Maria’s funeral picnics with Huxleys Prater Violet Spender’s letter to on Swami Prabhavananda
Island (novel, 1962) AH’s difficulties in writing death of Lakshmi decision on title depiction of bourgeoisie depiction of motherhood and family depiction of sexuality manuscript saved from fire reaction of film companies to reaction of publishers to themes
Isola Bella, Soho
Jacob’s Hands (film script)
Jacques, Mr (teacher)
Jaffe, Elsa
James, ‘Ma’
Jane Eyre (film)
Jazz Singer, The (film)
Jesting Pilate (essay collection)
Jewish exiles
Jigsaw (Bedford)
Joad, C.E.M.
John of the Cross, St
John XXIII, pope
‘Jonah’ (poem)
Jonson, Ben
Joseph, Père, see Grey Eminence
Journal Intime (de Biran)
Joyce, James Ulysses
Jung, Carl
Kafka, Franz
Kahn travelling fellowship
Kangaroo (Lawrence)
Kant, Immanuel
Kauffer, Ted McKnight
Kaufman, George
Kaufmann, J.A.
Kaye, J.A., see Kaufmann, J.A.
Kayser, Professor
Kennedy, Joe
Kennedy, John F.
Ker, W.P.
keratitis punctata
Kerouac, Jack
Kermode, Frank
Kester, Max
Keynes, John Maynard
Kiskadden, Bill
Kisdadden, Peggy
Kisling, Moshe and Renée
Kitselman, A.L.
‘Knowledge and Understanding’ (essay)
Knox, Ronald
Korda, Alexander
Korda, Zoltan
Koteliansky, Samuel
Kreuger, Ivar
Krig, Pat
Krishnamurti, Jiddu and Happy Valley School
Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Lawrence)
Laforgue, Jules
Laleham (house), Godalming
Lall, Chaman
Lamson, Peggy
Lansbury, George
La Rochelle, Drieu
Lauryssens, Stan
Law, William
Lawrence, D.H. accomplished at domestic tasks AH’s admiration for AH edits letters of on AH’s character AH’s friendship with AH’s tribute to AH’s views on writing of anger with Ottoline over Maria’s suicide attempt concern for Huxleys’ health death depicted in Point Counter Point depiction of Ottoline Morrell differing attitudes to AH discusses idea for book with AH on Huxleys ill-health influence on Do What You Will on Mary Hutchinson Murry’s account of in Paris scheme for authors’ publishing company similarities to AH suppression of writings of views on AH’s writings
Lawrence, Frieda ranch in New Mexico
Lear, Edward
Leary, Timothy
Leaves from the Tulip Tree (Juliette Huxley)
Leavis, F.R.
LeCron, Leslie
‘Leda’ (poem)
Leda (poetry collection, 1920)
Lee, Vernon
Lefevre, Frederic
Left Review
Lehmann, John
Lehmann, Rosamund
Leigh, Vivien
Leno, Dan
Leonard, Robert Z.
Le Put, Marie
Les Diablerets, Switzerland
Letters of D.H. Lawrence, The (edited by AH)
Lettres Persanes (Montesquieu)
Lewis, Wyndham
Liaisons Dangereuses, Les (Laclos)
Life (magazine)
Life and Letters of Thomas Huxley (Leonard Huxley)
‘Life Theoretic, The’ (poem)
Limbo (short story collection, 1920)
‘Lines’ (poem)
Lion, Leon
Listener, The (magazine)
Literature and Science (essay collection, 1963)
Little Mexican (short story collection, 1924)
Little Rock, Arkansas
Living (Green)
Llano del Rio AH’s allergy to ragweed at Harriman’s experiment Maria’s sadness at leaving
London Council of the Promotion of Public Morality
London Mercury
Loos, Anita AH’s admiration of on AH’s appearance and AH’s idea for biopic of Marie Curie as AH’s interpreter of American mores and Alice in Wonderland project description of LA picnic first meeting with Huxleys friendship with Huxleys on Huxleys’ houses on Laura on Maria persuades AH to accept Pride and Prejudice job and She Stoops to Conquer project wartime activities
Los Angeles Ape and Essence set in Farmer’s Market North King’s Road house Pacific Palisades Player’s Club Rose Dale Memorial Park Town and Country Market World’s Largest Drugstore Yolanda’s see also Hollywood
Los Angeles School of Journalism
Lucca, Italy
Luhan, Mabel Dodge
Lyceum Theatre, New York
Lydgate, John
MacArthur, Charles
Macaulay, Rose
Macaulay, Thomas Babington
Macintosh, Mr (teacher)
McCarthy, Desmond
McDonagh, J.E.R.
McEvoy (painter)
MacPhail, Dr
Malinowski, Bronislaw
Mallarmé, Stephane
Malthus, Thomas
Man Within, The (Greene)
Mann, Erika
Mann, Katia
Mann, Thomas
Mansard Gallery, London
Mansfield, Katherine
Maple’s, London
Marx, Harpo
Marx Brothers
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massingham, H.W.
Mauretania, (liner)
Mauriac, François
Max und Moritz (comic characters)
Maya culture
Mazower, Mark
Meier-Graefe, Julius
Mencken, H.L.: AH’s early correspondence with AH’s meetings with possible depiction in Crome Yellow
Mendl, Charles
Menninger Foundation, Topeka
Menuhin, Yehudi
Meredith, Burgess
Meredith, George
Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science (Burtt)
Middlesbrough, England
Middleton, Richard
Mill, James
Miller, Arthur
Miller, Henry
Mills, Dorothy
Milton, John
mines, coal
Mitchison, Dick
Mitchison, Naomi (nee Haldane) on AH’s poor eyesight death of child enjoyment of Those Barren Leaves friendship with AH marriage
Moffitt Hospital, San Francisco
Mojave Desert
‘Mole’ (poem)
Mond, Alfred
Monitor (television programme)
Monkey (Chinese story)
Monro, Harold
Montecatini spa
Montini, Rina
Morand, Paul
Moravia, Alberto
Morgan, Charles
Morgan, Evan, Viscount Tredegar AH’s first meeting with depicted in Crome Yellow dissolute lifestyle
Morning Post
Morrell, Ottoline AH’s liking for character criticises Maria death depiction in Crome Yellow leads to rift depiction in other novels descriptions of AH engineers meeting between AH and Lawrence on inadequacies of AH’s writing and Maria’s suicide attempt relationship with Maria rift with Huxleys healed see also Garsington Manor
Morrell, Philip character friction with Maria pacifism penchant for cutting girls’ hair
Mortal Coils (short story collection, 1922)
Mortimer, Raymond
Mosley, Oswald
Moulaert, Rene
Mount Royal Hotel, London
Muir, Edwin
Mumford, Christabel
Munster, University of
Murfin, Jane
Murray, Gilbert
Murray, John
Murry, John Middleton
Museum of Modern Art, New York
‘Music at Night’ (essay)
Music at Night (essay collection, 1931)
Mussolini, Benito
My Guru and His Disciple (Isherwood)
Naidu, Sarojini
Napier, Alan
Nash’s Pall Mall Magazine
Nation, The (magazine)
National Gallery of Art, Washington
Nature (magazine)
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Neveux, Georges
Neveux, Jeanne (née Nys; Maria’s sister) AH’s letter to and Bates method Huxleys visit Maria’s letters to
Neveux, Noèle
Neveux, Sophie
New Hampshire, University of
New Mexico
New Republic (magazine)
New Statesman (magazine)
New York
New York Academy of Sciences
New York American, The
New York Herald Tribune
New York Times
New Yorker (magazine)
Newdigate Prize
Newman, Cardinal
Newnham College, Cambridge
Nichols, Beverley
Nijinsky, Vaslav
Nicholl Smith, Robert
Nichols, Philip
Nichols, Phyllis
Nichols, Robert AH tries to persuade to live in Italy on AH’s dislike of Mosley and AH’s idea for picaresque novel on AH’s special glasses criticisms of Those Barren Leaves and proposed film script collaboration sonnets for Nancy Cunard
Nicolas, Joep
Nicolas, Suzanne (nee Nys; Maria’s sister) AH warns not to dwell on bad news lives with Huxleys marriage unpublished memoir
Nicolson, Harold
1984 (Orwell)
‘Ninth Philosopher’s Song, The’ (poem)
Niven, M.D.
Noa (children’s story)
Noailles, Charles, Vicomte de
Noon, Misses (two teachers)
Normandie, SS
Northumberland, Duchess of
‘Notes by the Way’ (essay series)
Nouvelle Revue Française (magazine)
Nouvelles Litteraires, Les (magazine)
Now More Than Ever (play, 1932)
Nys, Jeanne, see Neveux, Jeanne
Nys, Marguerite (née Baltus, Maria’s mother) AH’s opinion of and Maria’s stay in Italy and Second World War
Nys, Maria, see Huxley, Maria
Nys, Norbert (Maria’s father)
Nys, Rose (Maria’s sister) marriage and Second World War in USA
Nys, Suzanne, see Nicolas, Suzanne
Observer, The
Ocampo, Victoria
Occleve, Thomas
Odhams Press Book Club
Oeuvre, L’ (newspaper)
Ojai community
‘Olive Tree, The’ (essay)
Olive Tree, The (essay collection, 1936)
Olivier, Laurence
Omega (Bloomsbury studios)
On the Margin (essay collection 1923)
On the Road (Kerouac)
Organisation Man, The
Orioli, Giuseppe
Orlando (Woolf)
Orwell, George on Ape and Essence 1984 on pessimism of twenties writers ‘The Spike’
Osmond, Humphry and Maria’s illness visits AH in Cambridge
Our Mutual Friend (Dickens)
‘Outlook for American Culture, The: Some reflections in a machine age’ (essay)
Oxford Cherwell
Oxford Appointments Committee
Oxford Book of Mystical Verse
Oxford Poetry
Oxford University All Souls Co-op Shop English Literature as new subject Socialist Society women at see also Balliol College; Bodleian Library
pacifism see also conscientious objectors
Palatine Review (magazine)
Palm Desert
Palme Dutt, R.
Pareto, Vilfred
Paris AH sees The Jazz Singer in conferences Lewis Gielgud in see also Suresnes
Parr, Hugh
Parsons, Ian
Particules élémentaires, Les (Houellebecq)
Partisan Review (magazine)
Pascal, Blaise
Pascal, Gabriel
Pater, Walter Horatio
Patrician, The (magazine)
Payne, Robert
Peace Pledge Union
Peacock, Thomas Love
Pearblossom, California
Pearl Harbour
People, The
Perennial Philosophy, The (anthology, 1945) reactions themes
Petersen, Frances
Pfeiffer, Virginia
Phillips, Stephen
Picasso, Pablo
Pickwick Papers (Dickens)
Picture Post (magazine)
Pinker, Eric
Pinker, J. B.
Pinker, Ralph
Pirandello, Luigi
Piranesi, Giambattista
Pittsburg, University of
Playfair, Nigel
Poe, Edgar Allan
Point Counter Point (novel, 1928) AH’s difficulties in writing autobiographical elements decision on title epigraph by Fulke Greville film possibilities financial success length Maria‘s horror over death of child in musical analogy Nancy Cunard depicted in reviews and reactions sales stage version themes and structure
Pole, Reginald
Political and Economic Planning Group
‘Political Democracy’ (essay)
Pollack, Philip
Ponsonby, Lord
population, documentary on
Port of London Authority
Porter, Alan
Pound, Ezra
Prabhavananda, Swami
Prater Violet (Isherwood)
Prentice, Charles and AH’s late delivery pleased with Those Barren Leaves
President Cleveland, SS
Pride and Prejudice (film)
Priestley, J.B.
Princes Gardens, London
Prior’s Field, Surrey school
Pritchett, V.S.
Proper Studies (essay collection, 1927)
‘Prospects of Fascism in England, The’ (essay)
Proust, Marcel
‘psychedelic’: invention of term
Pugs and Peacocks (Cannan)
Puttenham, Surrey
Queen Elizabeth, HMS
Queen Mary, HMS
Quirigua, Guatemala
Rainbow, The (Lawrence)
Rajagopal, Rosalind
Raleigh, Walter
Rattlesnake, HMS
Ravagli, Angiolini
Raymond, Harold asks AH to cut gruesome details from The Devils of Loudun on Eyeless in Gaza reviews offered two ideas for new novel on press’s interest in AH’s religious views reaction to The Doors of Perception
Rees, Richard
Regent Palace Hotel, London
Reid-Hayman, S.
Reisch, Walter
Renan, Ernest
Repton School
‘Rest Cure, The’ (short story)
Rhine, J.B.
Rhinebeck, New York
Rimbaud, Arthur
Rivers, Augustine
Roberts, J. Glyn
Robinson, Gidley
Rock Pool, The (Connolly)
Rontini, Rina
Room at the Top (Braine)
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rose, Ralph
Rosenberg, John
Ross, Robert
Rothenstein, William
Royal Academy
Royal Institution
Royal Shakespeare Company
Royal Society of Literature
Royalty Theatre, London
Royde-Smith, Naomi
Runciman, Steven
Ruskin, John
Russell, Bertrand on AH’s reading of Encyclopaedia Britannica depicted in Crome Yellow ideas
Russell, Ken
Russell, Rachel
Sackville-West, Edward
Sackville-West, Vita
Sadleir, Michael
St Bruno’s school
St Joan (Shaw)
St Paul de Vence, France
St Trond, Belgium funeral in
Salkowski, Ella
Salt Lake City
Salvemini, Gaetano
Samson Agonistes (Milton)
Samuel, Lesser
San Cristobal, New Mexico
San Francisco
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Examiner
Sanary-sur-Mer, France beauty in springtime commercialisation of effect of Depression German-Jewish exiles in Huxleys,’ social life in Matthew’s love of revisited by Huxleys sale of house
Sands, Ethel
Sarton, May
Sassoon, Siegfried
Saturday Review, The (magazine)
Sava-Goiu, Henrietta
Saxton, Eugene death
Schiff, Sydney
Schuster, Frank
‘Science and Civilisation’ (talk)
Science, Liberty and Peace (treatise)
Scott Fitzgerald, F.
Scott James, R.A.
Screen Writers’ Guild of America
‘Sea Horses’ (poem)
Seabrook, Marjorie
Seabrook, William
Second World War Pearl Harbour
Selwyn family
Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band (Beatles)
17 Club, London
Sex and Culture (Unwin)
Sexton, James
Sexual Life of Savages (Malinowski)
sexual reform
Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare and Company, Paris
‘Shakespeare and Religion’ (essay)
Shaw, George Bernard
She Stoops to Conquer (Goldsmith)
Shearman, Montague
Sheldon, William
Sheppard, Dick
Sheridan, Frances
Shirley, Andrew
Shove, Gerald
Shove, Trevegond
‘Sight-Seeing in Alien Englands’ (essay)
Sinclair, Upton
Sitwell, Edith AH’s opinion of celebrates end of war with AH Daily Express attack on Grace Hubble’s description of involvement in japes of Lord Berners on Maria’s beauty and Montegufoni and Wheels
Sitwell, Osbert on AH’s goodness AH’s opinion of celebrates end of war with AH Daily Express attack on depiction of Ottoline Morrell involvement in japes of Lord Berners and Montegufoni Parkinson’s disease visit to Atkinson’s studio
Sitwell, Sacheverell
Sleepwalkers, The (Broch)
Smart Set, The (magazine)
Smith, Elder (publisher)
Smollett, Tobias George
Smythies, John
Snow, C.P
Snowden, Philip
Society for Psychical Research
Society for Sexual Information and Progress
Socioliogica Generale (Pareto)
Soviet Union
Spanish Civil War
Spectator, The (magazine)
Spender, Stephen
Sprott, Sebastian
Squire, J.C.
Stamp, Terence
Stanford University
Stanhope Prize
Statendam, SS
Stein, Gertrude
Stevenson, Robert
Stocks (house), Tring
Stokes, Sewell
Strachey, Lytton AH’s essay on death relationship with AH
Stravinsky, Igor
Stravinsky, Vera
Strousse, Flora
Struwelpeter (Hoffman)
Stuart Richardson, Constance
Studd and Millington
Success (film script)
Sullivan, J.W.N.
sun, documentary on
Sunday Express
Sunday Times
Suresnes, Paris
Surrey see also Compton; Godalming; Prior’s Field
Swaffer, Hannen
Swift, Jonathan
Swinnerton, Frank on AH’s pessimism in 1920s
Taos, New Mexico
Tarquinia, Italy
tat tvam asi
‘Technology in the Modern World’ (conference)
Temple, William
Tetrazzini, Luisa
Texts and Pretexts (essay collection, 1932)
Theis, Mrs
Themes and Variations (essay collection, 1950)
Theosophical Society
Thirty Years War
This Timeless Moment (Laura Archera Huxley)
This Way to Paradise (play)
Thomas Huxley Lecture
Those Barren Leaves (novel, 1925) reactions themes
300 Club, London
Thriplow, Mary
Thurber, James
Tibetan Book of the Dead
Tiddy, R.J.E.
‘Tillotson Banquet, The’ (short story)
Time (magazine)
Time and Tide (magazine)
Time Must Have A Stop (novel, 1944)
Times, The
Times Book Club
Times Literary Supplement
Titus, Edward
To the Lighthouse (Woolf)
‘To the Puritan All Things are Impure’ (essay)
Tolstoy, Leo see also War and Peace
Tom Jones (Fielding)
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow see Adonis and the Alphabet
Trabuco community
Traherne, Thomas
Tredegar, Lady
Tree, Iris
Triple Fugue (Sitwell)
twenties, pessimism of
Twentieth Century Fox
Twilight Sleep (Wharton)
Two Cultures, The (Snow)
Two or Three Graces (short story collection, 1926)
Tyndall, W.Y.
Ulysses (Joyce)
‘Uncle Spencer’ (short story)
Urquhart, ‘Sligger’
Valéry, Paul
Vandervelde, Lalla
Van Druten, John
Van Gogh, Vincent
Vanity Fair (magazine)
Variations of the Protestant Religion (Bossuet)
Vedanta Society of Southern California
Victoria, Queen
Victorian Age
‘Victory of Art Over Humanity, The’ (essay)
Viertel, Salka
‘Views of Holland’ (essay)
Viking Press
Vile Bodies (Waugh)
Vines, Sherard
Virgin Heart, A (de Gourmont)
Vivekananda, Swami
Vogue (magazine)
von Schoenebeck, Sybille, see Bedford, Sybille
Vulgarity in Literature (pamphlet and essay)
Waley, Arthur
Wallace, Mike
Walter, Grey
Walton, William
War and Peace (Tolstoy)
Ward, Arnold (cousin)
Ward, Dorothy (cousin)
Ward, Gertrude
Ward, Mary Augusta (Mrs Humphry Ward, aunt)
Ward, Thomas
Warner Brothers
Warren, Herbert
Watts, Alan
Watts Memorial Chapel
Waugh, Evelyn
Wedgwood, C.V.
Welles, Orson
Wells, H.G.
Wendel, Betty
‘We’re Not Going to Do Nothing’ (Day Lewis)
Werner, Miss (writer)
Wescott, Glenway
Wessberg, Sigfried
West, Rebecca
West Wind (magazine)
Westbourne Terrace, London
Westminster Gazette
Wharton, Edith
What Are You Going to Do About It? The Case for Constructive Peace (pamplet)
‘What is Happening to Our Population’ (essay)
Wheels (magazine)
White, William Allen
Whiteley’s, London
Whiting, John
Whitworth, A.W.
‘Why Not Stay at Home’ (essay)
Wilde, Oscar
Wilhelm Meister (Goethe)
William Morris Agency
Williams, Tennessee
Williams, William Carlos
Williams-Ellis, Lady
Willington, County Durham
Wilson, Charles
‘Winter Dream’ (poem)
Wolff, Charlotte
Woman’s Vengeance, A (film)
Women in Love (Lawrence)
Wood, Christopher
Woodcock, George
Woolf, Leonard
Woolf, Virginia AH’s opinion of books of on AH’s dislike of thirties poets on AH’s opinion of Lawrence descriptions of AH dislike of Elinor Wylie on fashionable dress of Huxleys house in Bloomsbury and Mary Hutchinson on Nancy Cunard on Ottoline Morrell and Ottoline’s anger over AH’s depiction of her at Paul Valéry lecture on reaction to AH’s play reviews of AH’s writings visits Thomas Hardy
Wordsworth, William
Worker’s Educational Association
World Academy of Arts and Sciences, Stockholm
World of Light, The (play)
World’s Largest Drugstore, LA
Wrightwood, California
Wylie, Elinor
Wylie, Philip
Yeats, W.B.
Yoga and Western Psychology (Coster)
You Are Not the Target (Laura Archera Huxley)
’Young Archimedes’ (short story)
Younghusband, Francis
Zeitlin, Jake
Zinneman, Fred