
Abreu, Claudio Furquim de, 210
Abreu, Grácia de, 164
Abreu, Paulo Proença de, 109, 110
Açu Valley, 80
Adorno, Afonso Rodrigues, 65
Agostinho, Indian, 165
Aguilar, Martim Rodrigues Tenorio de, 51
Aimoré Indians, 36
Albana, Indian, 153
Albernaz, Pedro Homem, 60
aldeamentos. See mission villages
Alekhine, Nicolau, 116
Almeida, Francisco Xavier de, 210
Almeida, Guilherme Pompeu de, 72, 111, 163, 206
Almeida, João Anhaia de, 74
Almeida, Pedro Taques de, 75, 83, 163
Alvarenga, Antonio Pedroso de, 98
Alvarenga, Bento de, 149
Alvarenga, Estévão Ribeiro de, 171172
Alvarenga, Francisco de, 97, 190
Alvarenga, Inês Monteiro de, 99, 189190
Amaral, Paulo do, 137
Amaro, Indian, 156
Amazonas, province of, 142
Amboapira. See Tememinó (Amboapira) Indians
Ambrósia, Indian, 169
Anayo Indians, 7879
Anchieta, José de, 1115, 2122, 2628, 3334
Angola, 65, 80, 92, 104, 105106
Anhangabaú River, 24, 94
anti-Portuguese resistance 
against absolute Jesuit control, 31
and spatial organization of everyday life, 162
and the promotion of indigenous slavery, 35
and the question of Indian freedom, 158
as main obstacle to missionary project, 32
early Tupi resistance, 19
first major Indian slave revolt, 168
flight and absenteeism, 170175
general unrest, 193
increased rebellion and flight in 1650s, 71
increasingly tied to the question of slavery, 38
indigenous alliances, 22
Mbororé disaster, 64
of non-Tupi-Guarani groups, 63, 167
of older Indians in mission villages, 32
Portuguese shift to extermination over enslavement, 79
punitive responses to, 38
revolt of 1590, 35
revolts against founding of São Paulo, 25
settlerJesuit collaboration against, 25, 125
slave crime, 164166
small-scale revolts, 168170
to bandeirantismo, 63, 77, 203
Tupinikin rebellions, 35
Antonio Bueno, bairro of, 186187, 190192
Antunes, Petronilha, 103
Apuatiyara. See Tobajara Indians
Aragonês, Pedro Fernandes, 109, 192, 210
Araujo, Simão de, 150
Araxá Indians, 52, 55
armações, 7176
and subsistence agriculture, 75
as a remedy for poverty, 71
delivery of captives with expeditions, 74
key participation of Indians in, 75
Arzão family, 95
Arzão, Cornélio Rodrigues de, 149
Arzão, Manuel Rodrigues de, 78
Ascensa, Indian, 169
Ascenso, Indian, 169
Atibaia River, 6869, 97, 168, 184, 190, 192
Atibaia, bairro of, 69, 186, 191, 192
concentration of wealth at, 188
Azevedo, Antonio Pereira de, 77
Bahehu (Úrsula), 171
Bahia, 11, 32, 36, 49, 64, 93, 105, 115
Bananal, island of, 67
bandeirantismo. See also slave raiding
Antonio Raposo Tavares expedition (bandeira of 1628), 6062
armações and changing nature of, 71
change in meanings of, 48
decline of, 82
destruction of mission villages, 62
large-scale bandeiras, 6467
mercenaries, 48
Nicolau Barreto expedition (bandeira of 1602), 61
surge of 16281641, 64
baptism, 7, 2829, 3234, 65, 152162
compadrio (ritual coparentage), 153156
Baquirivu River, 196
Bárbaros, War of the, 7781
Barbosa, Maria de Lima, 207
Barreiro, Antonio, 29
Barreto, Antonio Raposo, 71
Barreto, Francisco, 77
Barreto, João, 149, 174
Barreto, Nicolau, 5152
expedition of, 51, 52, 61
Barriga, Antonio de Aguiar, 97
Barros, Antonio Pedroso de, 68, 130, 168, 170, 172
Barros, Fernão Pais de, 115, 166, 170, 197
Barros, Luís Pedroso de, 170
Barros, Pedro Vaz de, 51, 61, 77, 111, 151, 168, 172, 197, 205
Barros, Sebastião Pais de, 67
Barros, Valentim de, 104
barter system, 1920
acquisition of Indian labor, 49
in the forging of Lusoindigenous relations, 20
Barueri, mission village, 35, 9596, 100, 111, 134136, 161, 186, 196
concentration of wealth at, 188
Paulista seizure of, 194
Bastarda, Micaela, 209210
Batatais, camp of. See Camp of Batatais. See also armações: subsistence agriculture
Belém, 6768
Benavides, Antonio Lopes, 149
Benci, Jorge, 141
Benedictine order, 65
Bicudo de Brito family, 191
Bicudo, Maria, 74
Bicudo, Salvador, 164
Biobeba Indians, 129
Bom Jesus dos Perdões, 192
Bonsucesso, chapel of, 197198, 211, 212
Borges, Francisco, 72
Borges, Francisco (son), 72
Borges, Gaspar, 72
Bororo, Antonio, 166
Botafogo, João Pereira de Sousa, 50
Branco, Manuel João, 61
Brás, Afonso, 33
Brito, Jerônimo de, 163
Bueno family, 75, 98, 110, 190194
Bueno, Amador, 191, 193
Bueno, Antonio, 69, 73, 190, 191
Bueno, Bartolomeu, 78
Bueno, Diogo, 191
Bueno, Jerônimo, 78
Caaçapaguaçu, 64
Caaguaçu, bairro of, 186, 197, 198
Caatinga, 67
Cabo Frio, 22, 137
mission villages in, 55
Cabral, Braz Moreira, 172
Cabral, Jacinto Moreira, 166
Cabral, João dos Reis, 212
Cacunda, Bartolomeu Bueno, 69, 171
Caeté Indians, 28
caipira society, 211
Caiubi (Tupinikin chief), 11
Calheiros, Domingos Barbosa, 77
Camacho, Sebastião Fernandes, 98
Camargo family, 98, 110, 189194
Camargo, Catarina, 134
Camargo, Fernão de, 78
Camargo, Francisco Bueno de, 75
Camargo, Jerônimo de, 69, 73, 192, 197
Camargo, José Ortiz de, 69, 73, 163, 165
Camargo, Lucas Ortiz de, 71
Camargo, Marcellino de, 193
Camp of Batatais, 76
Candelária, mission of, 60
Canduguá, estate of, 191
cannibalism. See ritual sacrifice
Cantareira Range, 38, 98, 189
Canto, Domingos da Rocha do, 109
Carajaúna, 67
Carambeí, estate of, 205
Carapicuíba, mission village, 134135, 137
Indian requests for land in, 30
Cardim, Fernão, 9, 13
Cardoso de Almeida family, 192
Cardoso, Domingos, 74
Cardoso, Feliciano, 78
Cardoso, Francisco, 74
Carijó Indians, 24, 25, 29, 51, 55, 56, 61, 64, 65, 134, 168. See also bandeirantismo, mission villages, Sertão dos Carijós, slavery
as generalized ethnonym, 157159
Carijó identity and disintegration of Indian slavery, 210211
in early mission villages of São Vicente, 28
Jesuitsettler contestation for domination over, 25
just war against, 37. See also just war
resistance, 35
Carijó, Maria, 158
Carmelite order, 73, 210
Carneiro, Belchior Dias, 51
Carvalho, Bartolomeu Lopes de, 127129, 217
Carvalho, Domingos Leite de, 151
Castelo Branco, Dom Rodrigo, 81, 173
Cataldino, Guiseppe, 58
cattle ranching, 9495
destructive to land, 217
extermination of Indians to clear the way for, 78
for expanding coastal market, 94
indigenous resistance to, 79
renewed interests in, 114
trade with the mining region, 216
Caucaia, bairro of, 186, 196, 198
Cauibi, Tupinikin chief, 11
Ceará, captaincy of, 79
Chaves, Antonia de, 163, 172
cofre dos órfãos (as a source of credit), 102
Colaço, Antonio da Costa, 72
College of São Paulo de Piratininga, 11, 2425, 111, 113, 134, 137, 141, 142, 198
commercial agriculture, 112. See also wheat production
decline of, 206
development of Indian slavery and, 104
expansion of, 49, 50, 66, 81, 92, 97
in the creation of Brazil as a slave society, 115, 203
key centers of, 186
São Paulo as the granary of Brazil, 95
spread of rural poverty, 184
Company of Jesus, 25, 37
Conceição dos Guarulhos, mission village, 97, 126, 135, 168, 169, 191192, 196, 198, 210
Indian baptisms in, 154
Paulista seizure of, 194, 197
population decline of, 196
revolt at, 168170
Cordeiro, Antonio, 72
Correia, Gaspar, 113
Correia, Jorge, 125
Correia, Pedro, 1213, 19, 20, 21, 34
Correia, Tomás, 171
correições (municipal inspections), 101
Cortesão, Jaime, 67
Costa, Miguel da, 171
Cotia, bairro of, 134, 135
as center of wheat production, 105
Cristo, Brother João de, 74
Cristóvão, Indian, 160
Cruz, Francisco Coelho da, 169170
Cubas, Francisco, 75, 90, 164, 197198, 211
Cubatão, 111112, 113
Cunha, Henrique da, 78
Cunha, João da, 135, 210
Cunha, Maria da, 149
Cunhambebe (Tupinambá leader), 13
Curitiba, town of, 68
dÉvreux, Yves, 13
Dantas, Ascenso de Morais, 169
Dantas, Pedro Morais, 163
Deus, Frei Gaspar da Madre de, 92, 123
Dias (Pais Leme), Fernão, 63, 68, 81, 114115, 134, 172, 197, 203
Dias, Benta, 100
Dias, Francisco, 211
Dias, Pedro, 158
Dias, Suzana, 99100, 191
Dias, Úrsula, 211
Diniz, Cristóvão, 171
Diniz, Maria, 161
disease, 7, 2526, 32, 33, 35
associations with Jesuit proselytizing, 33
demographic decline, 31, 37, 39, 59, 60, 61, 78, 148, 150152, 204
disarticulation of indigenous societies, 17, 148
resistance to forced labor, 70
smallpox outbreaks, 49, 107, 112, 114
Domingues, Antonio, 131
Domingues, Pedro, 67
Donativo Real, 115, 183199
Dormundo, Antonio de Sousa, 192
and rural wealth, 190191
Indian slaves in, 72, 138
transmission of administration in, 141
wheat-flour credits in, 105
occupation of Pernambuco, 65
Portuguese conflicts with, 29, 77, 106
Embiacica, estate of, 73
Embu, mission village, 134, 137
Engenho São Jorge, 37
Portuguese conflicts with, 29
Espírito Santo, 26, 33, 4950, 64, 93, 137
Faria, Bartolomeu Fernandes de, 69, 161, 171, 174175
Faria, Diogo Domingues de, 153
Favacho, Gaspar, 207
Félix, Jacques, 68
Fernandes family, 98, 110
Fernandes, André, 61, 62, 67, 100, 161, 191
Fernandes, Baltasar, 31, 67, 166
Fernandes, Domingos, 67, 110
Fernandes, Isabel, 131
Fernandes, João Lopes, 166
Ferreira, Antonio Soares, 196
Ferreira, Gonçalo, 194
Fonseca, João Rodrigues da, 106, 138
Fonseca, Marcos da, 211
food supply 
barter system, 19, 20
indigenous foodstuffs, 19, 2324, 59, 94, 104, 162163
shortages, 60, 64, 9394, 150151, 167
forced labor. See slavery
Franco, Manuel, 98
Franco, Manuel Lobo, 75
Freire, Alexandre de Sousa, 77
Furquim, Estevão, 159, 173
Furtado, Antonio, 100
Furtado, Francisco José, 142
Furtado, Mateus, 73
Gabriel, Frei, 192
Gago, Henrique da Cunha, 196
Gaia, Francisco de, 103
Gândavo, Pero de Magalhães, 15
Garcia, Martinho, 153
Garcia, Miguel, 153
Gaspar, Frei, 217
Geraldo, João Mendes, 68
Gigante, João Missel, 173
Gil, Luís Eanes, 73
Glimmer, Willem Jost Ten, 51
Goiá Indians, 129, 130
Goiás, 68, 7576, 130, 217
Góis, Domingos de, 70
Góis, Manuel Rodrigues de, 173
Gonçalves, Margarida, 207
Gouveia, Father, 29
Grã, Luís da, 11, 25, 28, 34
Grou, Domingos Luís, 30, 38
Guaianá Indians, 910, 29, 35, 65, 6871, 167, 168, 171, 172
alliance with Tupinikin, 38
depictions as lazy, 36
difficulties of recruitment, 70
in mission villages, 2829
resistance, 35, 38, 169
retreat to Paraíba Valley, 38
runaway communities, 168
sex ratio of captive population, 69
Guaikurú Indians, 63, 76
Guairá, 5157, 68, 133134, 158, 160, 190
precarious and isolated mission villages, 59
Spanish Jesuits in, 59
Guarani Indians, 24, 49, 5153, 5459, 62, 6364, 6871, 93, 98, 100, 151, 158, 189, 190, 195. See also bandeirantismo, Carijó, indigenous social organization, just war, mission villages, slavery
decimation of in the Guairá, 63
decline and destruction of, 68, 81
foodstuffs, 19
gendered division of labor under slavery, 56
language, 157
Portuguese preference for, 37
precolonial agriculture, 59
precolonial spatial organization, 162
preservation of precolonial division of labor in wheat production, 108
sex ratio of captive population, 69
Guaratinguetá, town of, 68, 101, 166
Guaré. See Piratininga
Guarulho, Diogo Martins, 196
Guarulhos Indians, 2829, 65, 68, 69, 71, 124, 134, 167, 171, 172, 191, 210
resistance, 35, 38, 169
retreat to Paraíba Valley, 38
Guedes, Domingos Soares, 65
Guedes, Manuel Pinto, 76
Guimarães, Domingos da Silva, 191
Gusmão, Alexandre de, 139
Iberian Union, 58
Ibirabaquiyara. See Kayapó Indians
Iguape, town of, 175
Inácio, Indian, 210
Indian extermination, 79, 124
disinfestation campaigns, 7780
effects on Paulista economy, 80
Indian freedom 
arguments for, 28, 55, 132, 140141
early legislation, 27
early Portuguese Indian policy, 23
question of, 26, 27, 95, 138142, 167, 209
Vatican proclamations of, 136137
Indian slavery. See also slavery
and surplus production, 93
arguments for, 27, 123133, 140
as dominant form of production, 123
comparisons with African slavery, 123
decline of, 203217
deepening crisis of, 204
flourishing of, 93
Indian economic autonomy, 163165
law of 1570, 27, 36, 38
Portuguese royal consent, 129
terminology, 157159
indigenous alliances. See also indigenous social organization
GuaianáTupinikin resistance to slavery, 38
shifting configurations of, 26
indigenous political leadership, 820, 22, 29, 30, 32, 34
as Lusoindigenous intermediaries, 54
during wartime, 14, 16
indigenous social organization, 8, 10, 32
alliances, 10, 12, 15, 17
and reproduction of labor, 29
and the making of Lusoindigenous relations, 7
CarijóPé-Largo conflict, 35
CarijóTupinikin conflict, 35
demographic decline, 22
erosion of, 8, 17, 19, 25, 29, 32, 39, 77, 148
factionalism, 22, 25
inter-village relations, 1617, 19
malocas, 12
marriage and family life, 32. See also marriage:indigenous marriage
migration, 11, 14, 56
Portuguese manipulation of, 54
preservation of, 13, 34
social equality, 12
spatial organization, 32
Tupi-Guarani culture, 9
TupinikinTupinambá conflict, 15, 17, 20
indigenous warfare, 1423, 26, 55, 60
Inhapuambuçu, village of, 11
Inocêncio (Indian informant), 152
Inquisition, Holy Office of the, 61
intra-colonial trade, 49, 93, 95, 105, 106, 114
Ipiranga, bairro of, 94
Itaberaba-açu, legend of, 49
Itanhaem, town of, 28
Itaquaquecetuba, mission village, 28
Itu, town of, 209
elevation to town status, 194
establishment, 67, 68, 97, 101
Indian baptisms in, 154, 161
Jacareí, town of, 68, 101, 175
Jacomé, Father Diogo, 11
Jaguaranho (Tupinikin leader), 25
Jaguari River, 196
Janduim Indians, 79
Jap-açu (Tupinambá leader), 13
Jerubatuba River. See Pinheiros River
Jerubatuba, village of, 11
Jesuits. See baptism, Jesuitsettler conflict, mission villages
Jesuitsettler conflict, 2339, 124127, 133142, 184, 193
decree of 1596, 125126
expulsion of the Jesuits, 134, 136, 137, 194195
Paulista attacks on Jesuit villages, 5860
Portuguese royal involvement in, 125126, 208209
return of the Jesuits to São Vicente, 137
rumors and anti-Jesuit sentiment, 137
settler victory, 137
Spanish Jesuit involvement in, 136
Joaquim, Indian, 210
Jorge, Manuel Preto, 103
Jorge, Onofre, 174
José, Indian, 210
Judge of the Indians (juíz dos índios), 126
Jundiaí River, 103
Jundiaí, town of 
as solution to question of land distribution, 103
elevation to town status, 194
establishment, 68, 97, 101
land grants, 103
Municipal Council, 103
municipal land policy, 103
Juqueri River, 69, 97, 189, 190, 196
Juqueri, bairro of, 99, 103, 105, 186, 190, 192
as center of wheat production, 105
concentration of wealth at, 188
early settlement of, 189
Indian revolts at, 169170
Pedroso de Barros estate at, 168, 170
just war, 2728, 3638, 7779, 128130, 140
captive labor, 17
Kayapó Indians, 29, 51, 54, 55, 76, 130, 171
and the question of Indian land, 195
artisanal production, 163
barter system, 18
changes to indigenous division of labor under slavery, 57
colonial organization of, 163
contract labor, 29
crisis in supply, 31, 48, 49, 76, 81, 94, 96, 100, 113, 114, 158
distribution and regulation of, 28, 48
early forms of indigenous recruitment, 18
expansion of labor force and Paulista agriculture, 95
gendered division of, 108109, 163
Indian labor and sesmarias, 96
relationship to landholding, 98
shifts in organization of, 8
timework relation, 32
transformation of labor force, 96
land grants, 30, 9499, 102104, 105, 184, 189, 191
applications for extended sesmarias, 97
as compensation for mercenaries, 80
clustering of, 97
diminished size of sesmarias, 216
secondary growth plots (capoeiras), 97
unoccupied sesmarias, 195
virgin forest (matos maninhos), 97
Lara, Francisco de Almeida, 166
Leão, André de, 51
Leitão, Jerônimo, 3738, 125
Leite, João, 138
Leme, Antonio Bicudo, 73
Leme, Lucrécia, 133
Leme, Luzia, 190, 206, 207
Leme, Maria, 169, 210
Leme, Pedro Taques de Almeida Paes, 75
Lencastre, João de, 79
Léry, Jean de, 1516, 22
Lima, Ana Machado de, 173
Lisbon, 101, 166
Lopes, Gonçalo, 115
Lopes, Manuel, 69
Luanda, 65
Luís, Domingos, 113, 125
Luís, Hilária, 132
Luís, Indian, 169
Luísa, Indian, 169
Lusoindigenous relations 
alliances, 7, 1718, 20, 21, 26, 79
early interactions, 8
early LusoTupi conflict, 18
Indian intermediaries, 5356
origins of slavery in early Portugueseindigenous relations, 8
Portuguese domination, 8, 21, 39
warfare, 15, 17, 26, 37
Macedo, Antonio, 38
Macedo, Jorge Soares de, 81
Maceta, Simon, 58, 64, 136
Maciel, Antonio Ribeiro, 198
Maciel, Gabriel Antunes, 205
Madalena, Indian, 206
Madeira River, 68
Madeira, João Vaz, 174
Madureira, Antonio de Morais, 73
Mamaluca, Domingas, 205
Mamaluco, José, 207
Mamiani, Luís, 141142
Mandaqui, 190, 193
Maniçoba, village of, 35
Mansilla, Father Justo, 64, 136
Mantiqueira Range, 50, 68, 71
manumission, 139, 204208
Maranhão, 11, 13, 65, 80, 93
Marcela de Oliveira, Indian, 210
Margaia. See Tememinó (Amboapira) Indians
Maromini. See Guarulhos Indians
and Portuguese domination, 21
decree of 1696, 161
forced marriage, 161
indigenous marriage, 10, 32, 159160
mixed-race and ethnic marriages, 161
polygamy, 21, 32, 160
Marueri, village of, 75
Mato Grosso, 75, 172, 217
Medeiros, Matias Lopes de, 196
Medeiros, Salvador Pires de, 189190
Mendes, Ambrósio, 208
Mendonça, Afonso Furtado de Castro do Rio de, 78
Mendonça, Lourenço de, 62
Mendonça, Maria Diniz de, 169
Mendonça, Salvador Bicudo de, 74
Meneses, Rodrigo César de, 216
Mesquita, Maria Leite de, 151
messianism, 8, 14
Minas Gerais, 6869, 75, 81, 115, 172, 200, 208, 213, 216217
discovery of silver in Guairá, 51
emerging mining economy in Minas Gerais, 213
expansion of, 216
gold rush, 203, 204, 216217
Jaraguá mine, 50, 95
Parnaíba mine, 50
search for mineral wealth, 4851, 7682, 93, 114, 196, 203
Voturuna mine, 50, 95
Miranda, Miguel de Almeida, 196
Miranda, Pedro de, 108
Miranda, Salvador de, 173
Misericórdia, brotherhood of, 192
mission villages, 23, 2836, 124, 125, 133, 149, 208, 209, 210
and territorial defense, 29
as solutions to questions of labor and Indian domination, 28, 3031
civilizing mission, 23, 126
education, 32
erosion of indigenous social organization, 32
failure of, 3031, 35
Guairá missions, 60, 61, 62
inter-ethnic rivalries, 35
Itatim missions, 68, 77
Jesuit homogenization strategy, 29, 32
Jesuit loss of control over, 138
land negotiations, 30, 94
Natividad mission, 63
Paulista attacks on, 63
revival of mission-village plan, 95
San Cristóbal. See Natividad mission
San Joaquín. See Natividad mission
Santa Ana. See Natividad mission
spatial organization, 32
Mogi das Cruzes, town of, 38, 103, 152, 211
appropriation of land and labor in, 99
clustering of land grants, 97
expansion of slave raiding to the Paraíba Valley, 101
Indian uprisings in, 169
Mogi River, 75
Monteiro, Jácome, 107
Monteiro, João Pires, 115, 174, 189
Montoya, Antonio Ruiz de, 60, 62, 112
Moraes, Jerônimo Pedroso de, 64
Morais, Antonio Ribeiro de, 173, 191
Morais, Manuel de, 169
Morales, Manuel Juan de, 62, 106, 132
Moreira, Antonio, 205
Moreira, Baltasar de Godoi, 152
Moreira, Manuel, 167
Moreira, Maria, 153
Moreira, Rosa Dias, 210
Moura, Antonio João de, 174
Mozambique, 80
Navarro, João de Azpilcueta, 20
Navarro, Manuel Alvares de Morais, 79
Nóbrega, Manuel da, 9, 1314, 15, 16, 18, 21, 23, 24, 26, 2728, 3234
Nossa Senhora da Conceição, mission village, 28
Nossa Senhora da Escada, Indian village, 99
Nossa Senhora do Desterro, chapel of, 103, 189, 192
Nossa Senhora dos Pinheiros, mission village, 28
notaries, public, 102
Nunes, Antonio, 205
Nunes, Leonardo, 1920
Nunes, Pedro, 113
Obozio, Antonio, 34
Oliveira, Antonia de, 161
Oliveira, Diogo Luís de, 194
Oliveira, Gaspar de, 151
Oliveira, João Sutil de, 167, 168
Oliveira, Rafael de, 103
Oliveira, Salvador de, 69, 74, 99
Oliveira, Sebastiana de, 207
Pacheco, Maria, 149
Paiaguá Indians, 63, 68, 76, 211
Pais, José, 210
Pais, Pedro Leite, 64
Paiva, Francisco, 61
pajés. See shamanism
Palmares, 79, 130, 190
Papudo, Pedro Mulato, 161
Paraguay, 24, 52, 58, 59, 61, 62
and common interest with Portuguese São Paulo, 58
Spanish settlers and competition for indigenous labor, 58, 61
Paraguay River, 60, 63, 68
Paraíba River, 99
Paraíba Valley, 38, 50, 68
armações in, 73
expansion of slave raiding in, 101
Paraná River, 52, 59, 60
Paranapanema River valley, 51, 52
Paraupava River, 50
Parente, Estevão Ribeiro Baião, 78
Pari, bairro of, 159
Parnaíba. See Santana de Parnaíba
Passo, Bartolomeu Nunes do, 169, 170
paternalism, 154, 176
Patos Indians, 52
Pé Largo Indians, 35, 61, 129
Pedrosa, Gonçalo de, 209
Pedroso de Barros family, 95
Pedroso, Antonio, 210
Pedroso, Inês, 131, 206
Penedo, Pedro Porrate de, 149
Pereira de Avelar family, 192
Pernambuco, 19, 55, 65, 93, 105, 115, 130, 137, 156
Piauí, captaincy of, 7980
Pimentel, Manuel Alves, 164, 167
Pinheiros Indians, 30
Pinheiros River, 38, 9495
Pinheiros, mission village, 29, 30, 35, 38, 94, 126, 135, 195, 211
Paulista seizure of, 194
population decline of, 196
Pinto, Antonio, 105
Pinto, Manuel, 53
Piquerobi (Tupinikin leader), 25, 30, see Tibiriçá: family of
Piquiri River, 52
Piratininga, mission village, 11, 17, 28, 94
Pires family, 110, 189194
Pires, Alberto, 189
Pires, Antonio, 1920
Pires, Diogo, 131
Pires, Gonçalo, 137
Pires, João, 138, 189, 193
PiresCamargo conflict, 167, 189194
Pita, João da Rocha, 183, 197
Plantas do Urucujá. See armações
Polinário, Indian, 205
pombeiros negros, 56
Porta Grande (Tupinambá leader), 14
Porto Seguro, 33
Portuguese Indian policy, 27, 29, 51
Prado, Catarina do, 171
Prado, Joana do, 99
Prado, Maria do, 133
Prado, Maria Leme do, 210
Preto, Antonio, 30
Preto, Francisco Cubas, 69, 75, 197, 211
Preto, José, 163
Preto, Manuel, 52, 62, 103, 197
Proença, Antonio de, 94
Proença, Francisco de, 137
Puri Indians, 71
Quadros, Antonio de, 138
Quadros, Diogo de, 56
Quitaúna, bairro of, 66, 134
Ramalho, André, 18
Ramalho, João, 1718, 21, 24
Ramos, Manuel Fernandes, 99
reductions, 58
bandeirantismo in, 61
destruction of, 62
in Guairá, 58, 60
Jesús María reduction, 6263
Loreto reduction, 62
poverty, 59
San Ignacio reduction, 62
San Miguel reduction, 62
settler attacks on, 59
Restoration of 1640, 136
Resurreição, Frei, 79
Ribeira, Amador Bueno da, 190, 191, 193
Ribeira, Maria, 168
Ribeiro, Antonio, 159, 163
Ribeiro, Estevão, 78, 196
Ribeiro, Francisco, 53
Rio de Janeiro, 11, 26, 50, 53, 54, 57, 65, 71, 72, 95, 101, 115, 137, 139, 140, 157, 208, 219
Jesuits in, 136
maritime slave trade, 55, 64
mission villages in, 55
sugar production, 93, 110
unrest in, 136
wheat market, 105, 110, 113114
Rio Grande do Norte, 79
Rio Grande do Sul, 63
ritual sacrifice, 1317, 22, 28
post-baptism refusal of, 34
redefinition of, 21
Tupinikin discontinuation of, 21
Rocha, Domingos da, 73
Rodrigues, Antonio, 150, 159
Rodrigues, Diogo, 72
Rodrigues, Inês, 173
Rodrigues, Isidoro, 73
Rodrigues, João Pires, 138
Rodrigues, Pascoal, 78
Rodrigues, Pedro, 53, 55
Rodrigues, Vicente, 19
Roland, Jacob, 141
Romana, Indian, 210
Roxo, Antonio Ribeiro, 159
royal villages (aldeias reais), 135
Ruivo, Manuel, 171
rural poverty, 183199, 204, 206, 211, 217
Sá, Estácio de, 23
Sá, Francisco Arruda de, 190
Sá, Isidoro Tinoco de, 208
Sá, Manuel Correia de, 74
Sá, Mem de, 2528
Sá, Salvador de, 196
Sabarabuçu region, 51, 81. See also Itaberaba-açu, legend of
Salazar, Diego, 60
Salvador, Bahia, 50, 65, 77, 78, 101, 136
Sampaio, Sebastião Cardoso de, 77
Santana de Parnaíba, 60, 100, 111, 112, 130, 134, 173, 206, 213
appropriation of land and labor, 99
Araçariguama property, 138
bandeirantes from, 67
commercial agriculture, 66
crafts market, 163
Dias estate at, 114
dominant families in, 191
elevation to town status, 99100
establishment, 67
expansion of slave raiding to the Paraíba Valley, 101
land grants, 97
Municipal Council, 114, 166, 194
Pais de Barros estate, 67
settler competition for Barueri Indians, 100
wheat production in, 105, 108, 109110
Santo Amaro, bairro of, 11, 186, 188, 198, 205
Indian baptisms in, 154155, 161162
ironworks at, 50
Santo André da Borda do Campo, 18, 24, 25
Santos, town of, 24, 92, 95, 111112, 113, 137, 216
Antonio de Proença settlement, 94
Carijó slavery and plantations at, 24
cattle market, 94
early outlet for Paulista trade, 105
establishment, 24
maritime slave trade, 55, 64
Municipal Council, 114
salt monopoly, 209
smallpox outbreak at, 107
unrest in, 136
wheat market, 92, 107, 110, 113114, 191
São Francisco River, 49, 50, 69
São Francisco Valley, 78, 81
São João, mission village, 28, 33
chapel of, 192
São Miguel, bairro of, 197, 211
Municipal Council, 198
São Miguel, mission village, 11, 2830, 35, 126, 135, 195, 196, 198
Paulista seizure of, 194, 197
population decline of, 196
São Paulo 
as gateway to sertão and Indian enslavement, 24
as main center of slaving activities, 57
as the granary of Brazil, 104114
church of São Paulo de Piratininga, 7
concentration of wealth and power in, 185
discovery of gold in. See mining: gold rush
dominant families of. See Bueno family, Camargo family, Pires family
early indigenous threats against, 25
establishment, 25, 28
importance of chapel founding in, 185
land grants. See land grants
large-scale African slavery in, 39
mission villages in. See mission villages
Municipal Council, 23, 30, 34, 38, 51, 58, 61, 80, 9394, 100, 101, 103, 104105, 106, 107, 110, 111, 114, 124126, 135136, 139, 151, 164166, 167, 183, 192196
municipal land policy, 102
royal authorities in, 98
São Roque, 170, 205
São Vicente 
captaincy of, 7, 10, 11, 1213, 1718, 2122, 26, 30, 37, 39, 54, 106, 110, 125, 127, 134, 139, 183
Carijó slavery and plantations at, 24
coastal market, 93
early Jesuit activity in, 24, 28
epidemic disease and conflict in, 26
establishment, 24
maritime slave trade, 55
meeting of the municipal councils of, 136
mission villages in, 55
precolonial Tupinikin populations of, 10
town of, 37, 78
wealth production, 115
Sapucaí River, 69, 75
Sardinha, Afonso, 51, 134, 137, 197
Sardinha, Pedro Fernandes, 28
Schetz family, 18
Schmidl, Ulrich, 11, 21
Sebastião, Indian, 156
Serra da Cantareira 
Serra do Mar, 10
Serrão, Gregório, 35
Sertão do Paraupava, 67
Sertão dos Abeiguira, 69
Sertão dos Bilreiros, 51, 54
Sertão dos Carijós, 52
Sertão dos Patos, 5156, 65, 136, 158
sesmarias. See land grants
shamanism, 8, 1315, 3234, 54
Silva, Antonio Castanho da, 72
Silva, Antonio Correia da, 150
Silva, Bento Amaral da, 179
Silva, Margarida da, 158
Silva, Pedro Leme da, 166
Simão, Indian, 169
Simoa, Indian, 169
Siqueira, Ângela de, 208
Siqueira, Antonio de, 78
Siqueira, Joana de, 175
Siqueira, Leonor de, 170
Siqueira, Lourenço, 132
Siqueira, Mateus Nunes de, 78, 190, 191192
slave raiding, 7982, 96, 137, 150, 158, 172, 184, 191, 195, 203. See also bandeirantismo
and centrality to colonial development, 49
and just war, 78
and shifts in composition of captive Indian population, 160
armações as a remedy for poverty, 71
decline of, 81, 152, 203204
emergence of new population centers, 100
end of large-scale raids on the Guarani, 64
expansion of, 49
geographical reorientation of, 67
in independent Guarani villages, 61
intensification of, 60
Jesuit legal challenges to Paulista raiding, 63
new kinds of expeditions, 49
relationship between slaving and local economy of São Paulo, 49
African slavery, 18, 27, 29, 48, 58, 65, 92, 108110, 111, 123, 124, 126, 129, 142, 150, 151, 161162, 163, 166, 174, 183, 203, 205, 212215, 217
and negative demographic balance, 151
barter system, 53, 54, 55
basis of colonial society, 39
bonds of solidarity in, 156
comparative Indian/African slaveries, 123
concubinage, 21, 34
creation of pro-slavery worldview, 124129, 130
crioulos (creoles), 149150
development of the São Paulo region, 24
disguised as a type of forced labor, 142
ethnic distinctions and valuation, 149
formation of Brazil as a slave society, 82, 92, 109, 123, 150, 204
incorporation of former slaves into free society, 205, 207208
inheritance of slaves, 132, 140
ladinos, 149, 153
legal challenges to Indian slavery, 157, 208212
legal definition of Indians as property, 140
maritime slave trade, 55
marriage and family, 159162
masterIndian relations, 148
mestiços, 150
negotiations over legal terminology, 138
partus sequibus ventrum, 205
preferences for Tupi and Guarani captives, 3637, 56, 71
question of Indian freedom, 138142. See also Indian freedom
redefinition of captives as slaves, 56
religious conversion, 152
reorganization of (1640s), 67
role of indigenous intermediaries in, 53, 54, 153
royal decree of 1696, 142, 209
sale of captives of indigenous wars, 19, 2023
slave trade, 48, 64, 138, 140
spatial organization, 162
Soares, Geraldo Correia, 196, 197
Soares, João, 34
Sobrinha, Brígida, 175, 211, 212
Society of Jesus, 135. See also Jesuits
Sorocaba, town of, 50, 68, 166, 205
establishment, 67, 68, 97, 101, 166
Indian baptisms in, 154155, 161
iron mines, 51
Municipal Council, 166
Sousa, Dom Francisco de, 4951, 56, 9596, 99, 112, 135
Sousa, Gabriel Soares de, 910, 12, 14, 36
Sousa, João Martins de, 106
Sousa, Martim Afonso de, 126
Sousa, Tomé de, 2223
Spanish America, 50, 53
Spanish Jesuits, 52, 133
Staden, Hans, 1012, 15
subsistence agriculture (roças) 
sugar production, 23, 29, 37, 39, 59, 64, 65, 7677, 81, 93, 213, 217
sugar-cane brandy, 53, 166, 216, 217
Tamanduateí River, 24, 94
Tamoio Indians, 10, 2426, 129
Tamoios, Confederation of the, 8, 26
Tamoios, War of the, 15, 2227, 93
Taño, Father Francisco Díaz, 136
tapanhunos. See slavery: African slavery
Tape, region of, 134
Tapuia Indians, 9, 10, 29, 36, 65, 79, 156157. See also TupiTapuia dichotomy
Taques family, 95
Taques, Lourenço Castanho, 106, 163
Taques, Pedro, 166
Taubaté, town of, 68, 71, 101, 173
Tavares, Antonio Raposo, 6068, 77, 134, 137
Tavares, Antonio Vieira, 164
Tavares, Catarina, 153
Tavares, Fernão Bicudo, 169170
Távora, Francisco Cabral de, 159
levied by municipal councils, 102
on captives, 80
slaveholdings and, 183
Tememinó (Amboapira) Indians, 16, 33, 38, 52, 69, 207
Tememinó Indians, 22, 51, 52, 61
Temudo, Manuel, 151
Tenoria, Anna, 131
Tenoria, Maria, 156
Tenorio, Martim Rodrigues, 151
terras devolutas, 96
territorial expansion, 94, 98, 184, 186, 194
and demographic growth, 9899
and new municipal jurisdictions, 99
and rural bairros, 186
and rural poverty, 189
new rural towns, 93104
Tetecola, Carijó, 171
Tibagi River, 52, 60, 61
Tibiriçá, Martim Afonso, 7, 11, 13, 18, 2122, 24, 28
family of, 11, 18, 25
Tietê River, 17, 38, 49, 66, 94, 96, 99, 111, 184, 194, 197
Timacaúna, Guarani chief, 56
Tobajara Indians, 69
Tobajara, Ana, 75
Tocantins River, 67, 153
town commons (rocio), 94
and slave labor, 111
Caminho do Mar, 92, 107, 111
costs and wheat market gains, 113
difficulties for wheat trade, 110
freight rates, 113
gendered division of labor, 112
Indian porters, 111114, 203, 216
Tremembé, bairro of, 193
Tubarão (indigenous leader), 54
Tupi Indians, 810, 12, 1314, 15, 19, 36, 52, 6061, 6364, 68, 78
Tupi language, 156
caipira dialect, 156157
Tupi-Guarani spiritual life, 13
caraíbas, 1415, 33
Tupinaé Indians, 52, 125
Tupinambá Indians, 1516, 20, 22, 24, 26, 34, 50
alliances, 8
political leadership, 12
village life, 11
Tupinikin Indians, 10, 20, 129
alliance with Guaianá, 38
assaults on Portuguese São Paulo, 25
in mission villages, 28
legend of Itaberaba-açu, 49
political leadership, 12, 14
resistance, 35, 38
village life, 11
waves of Portuguese reprisal against, 38
TupinikinTupinambá conflict, 15, 17, 20
TupiTapuia dichotomy, 910, 36
Úrsula, Indian, 171
Uruguay River, 62, 6364
Uruguay, Jesuit province of, 64
Ururaí, village of, 11, 30
original sesmaria, 197
Varejão, Antonio, 205
Varejão, Pedro Gonçalves, 110
Vasconcelos, Antonio Mendes de, 55
Vaz, Gaspar, 99
Veiga, Amador Bueno da, 205, 211212
Veiga, Baltasar da Costa, 69, 78, 190, 191
Veiga, Jerônimo da, 68, 196
Velho, Antonio Rodrigues, 150, 207
Velho, Domingos Jorge, 79, 130, 156, 190
Velho, Salvador Jorge, 190
Vicente, Indian, 210
Vidal, Francisco, 24
Vidal, Pedro, 173
Vieira, Antonio, 3, 80, 113, 140141
Villa Rica, 61
Villegaignon, Nicholas, 22
violence. See also Jesuitsettler conflict
and slave discipline, 166
as grounds for enslavement or extinction of indigenous people, 77
as predominant mode of labor recruitment, 55, 60, 61, 175
Vitória, Gervásio Mota de, 191
Votorantim, bairro of, 196
Voturana estate, 163
warfare-sacrifice complex. See ritual sacrifice
wheat production, 92, 104115, 134, 189, 190, 192, 193, 196, 216
and concentration of wealth, 110, 184, 189
annual flourmill fees (pensões), 110
codevelopment of Indian slavery and, 105, 110
comparisons to sugar production, 107108
composition of Indian labor force, 108
decline of Paulista wheat trade, 114115, 216
first flourmill (1609), 95
for intra-colonial trade, 104, 106
gendered division of transport labor, 112
golden age of, 104
inequality between mill owners and farmers, 110
labor requirements for, 107
market limitations, 114
problems of transportation, 110
small production vs. large estates, 109
transitions to African slavery, 109
wheat-flour credits, 105
Xería, Dom Luiz Cespedes y, 61
Zúñega, André de, 153