We whole-heartedly thank Joel Kaminsky and Jackie Rednour-Bruckman for bringing this book to the world and for all of their contributions.
Marcy Sheiner is an editor’s editor—a writer’s editor, truly a rarity in 2015. In her we have a gem of an editor, writer, woman, friend, activist and advisor. We are proud to call her our peer and colleague.
We thank Christina Sophie for her consultation on Tantra.
Big thank you to all Good Vibes staff especially: Coyote Days, Andy Duran, Sharon Lee, Elizabeth Rivera, Laura Rafferty, Mike Korcek, Dean Khambatta, Dan Bush and to the SESAs and store managers who answered our questions and who keep this education going every day. Special thank you to Dr. Charlie Glickman. We want to acknowledge The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex (1994 by Cathy Winks and Anne Semans) which consolidated the wisdom and expertise of the Good Vibrations staff and community experts at that time.
We thank the tireless and innovative vendors who have made it possible for us to purvey the best sex toys and products.
We send out pleasure shouts of appreciation to our community of sex-positive educators, writers, speakers, and organizers who have been part of the Good Vibrations family as consultants, After Hours and Continuing Education lecturers, and authors of go-to resource books. Their work is on our Recommended Reading list—please get to know them!
Our team gave all they had: Stewart Williams, the gang at 52Novels and the fabulous artist Amanda Lafrenais. Thanks to the Antique Vibrator Museum for vintage vibrator ads!
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Carol would personally like to thank and acknowledge:
Sexologist—and my partner—Robert Morgan Lawrence D.C., Ed.D. He is one of the most significant experts on sex and anatomy and physiology; was intimately involved in the education process at Good Vibrations via his lectures with me starting in 1990, and it would be impossible to tease out how many of the insights in this book initially came from him; I regularly consult with him and am proud to have worked with him for over twenty-five years. I also acknowledge the important contributions of our partner Dina Fayer. My knowledge of sexuality was deeply influenced by the SAR process in which I was trained both at the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality and, especially, San Francisco Sex Information. I stand on the shoulders of my fellow SFSI training staff members from the late 1980s and the IASHS faculty, especially the late Dr. David Lourea. I also want to thank Joani Blank for the world-changing idea that became Good Vibrations, and Shar Rednour for guiding this colossal project in for a landing. Finally, this book could not have been written without the safe haven of the 20th Century Cafe!
Shar Rednour would personally like to thank and acknowledge:
I thank my wife Jackie for her inspiration, laughs, energy, collaboration, great sex and epic love; Mavis, the best mother in the world, my dad Mark, my soul-brother Steve, spirit sisters Stephanie, Christina, and Smeeta; and my children, nieces and nephews for making me a better teacher than I already was. I thank my crew of got-your-back parents who played with my kids so I could work. My gratitude to the people nation-wide who shared their real life experiences in my Love, Life & Sex Show (produced by Michelle Meow) because helping them enables me to give that real life advice I am known for: this includes my bestie cousins, my fabulous nieces, queer communities, LGBTQQ femme community and many others.
My big heart gratitude to Susie Bright, Nan Kinney, Debi Sundahl, Joani Blank and of course the wonderful Queen that is Carol.