
In the notes the place of publication is London unless otherwise stated. All references to Milton’s shorter poems, and to their translations, are to the Oxford Complete Works of John Milton. Volume III: The Shorter Poems, ed. Barbara Kiefer Lewalski and Estelle Haan (Oxford, 2012; corrected impression, 2014), unless otherwise stated, and are incorporated into the text by line numbers. All references to Paradise Lost are to the 1674 edition and are incorporated into the text by book and line numbers; all references to Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes are to the Oxford Complete Works of John Milton. Volume II, ed. Laura Lunger Knoppers (Oxford, 2008), and are incorporated by book and line numbers. All references to Milton’s printed prose works are to the first editions unless otherwise stated; references to translations of printed prose and to editions of manuscript writings are specified in the notes.


Campbell, Milton Chronology

Gordon Campbell, A Milton Chronology (Basingstoke, 1997)

Campbell and Corns, John Milton

Gordon Campbell and Thomas N. Corns, John Milton: Life, Work, and Thought (Oxford, 2008)


Catalogue of English Literary Manuscripts, 1450–1700, comp. Peter Beal (

Complete Prose Works

Complete Prose Works of John Milton, gen. ed. Don M. Wolfe, 8 vols. in 10 (New Haven, CT, 1953–82)

Complete Shorter Poems

Milton, Complete Shorter Poems, ed. John Carey, 2nd edn. (Harlow, 1997)

Early Lives

Early Lives of John Milton, ed. Helen Darbishire (1932)

Fletcher, Intellectual Development

Harris F. Fletcher, The Intellectual Development of John Milton, 2 vols. (Urbana, IL, 1956–61)

Lewalski, Life

Barbara Kiefer Lewalski, The Life of John Milton: A Critical Biography (Oxford, 2000; rev. edn., 2002)

Life Records

Life Records of John Milton, ed. J. Milton French, 5 vols. (New Brunswick, NJ, 1949–58)

McDowell and Smith, Oxford Handbook

Nicholas McDowell and Nigel Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Milton (Oxford, 2009)


Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

Oxford Milton

Complete Works of John Milton, gen. eds. Thomas N. Corns and Gordon Campbell (Oxford, 2008–)