Best Behaviors on Level 4

How to Develop People

Only leaders can develop other people to become leaders. A well-intentioned person with no leadership knowledge and experience cannot train another person to lead. Theorists who study leadership without practicing it cannot equip someone to lead, no more than a cookbook reader who has no experience in the kitchen would be able to teach someone how to cook. Nobody really understands leadership until he or she does it. Put another way…

It Takes a Leader to KNOW a Leader (Recruiting and Positioning)

It Takes a Leader to SHOW a Leader (Modeling and Equipping)

It Takes a Leader to GROW a Leader (Developing, Empowering, and Measuring)

In light of that truth, my goal in this section on People Development is to give you a clear path to follow as you seek to develop other people to lead. My assumption going into this is that you are already leading people somewhere in some fashion. If you are (or have in the past), the following seven steps will make sense. If not, you will need to gain experience leading on Levels 1, 2, and 3 before you will be capable of implementing these Level 4 best behaviors.

Only leaders can develop other people to become leaders.

If you want to make the most of People Development and raise up others to lead, then follow these guidelines:

1. Recruiting—Find the Best People Possible

Recruiting is the first and most important task in developing people and creating winning organizations. College football coach Bobby Bowden says, “If you get the best players and coach them soundly, you’re going to win.” In college sports, the most successful coaches are the ones who are the best recruiters. You can’t develop people without potential—no matter how hard you work at it. So the people you recruit must possess natural ability in the area where they are to be developed, exhibit the desire to grow, and be a good fit for the organization.

“If you get the best players and coach them soundly, you’re going to win.”

Bobby Bowden

The key to success in recruiting is a clear picture of who you are looking for. Many years ago Charlie Grimm was the manager of Major League Baseball’s Chicago Cubs. Speaker Linda Ellerbee tells the story of how one season the Cubs were having a hard time winning games because they didn’t have any good hitters. It’s said that Grimm received a phone call one day from an excited scout, who enthused, “Charlie, I’ve landed the greatest young pitcher in the land. He struck out every man who came to bat. Twenty-seven in a row. Nobody even got a foul until two were out in the ninth. The pitcher is right here with me. What shall I do?”

“Sign up the guy who got the foul,” answered Grimm. “We’re looking for hitters.”

This may sound overly simplistic, but it’s true nonetheless: it’s easier to find something when you know what you’re looking for. Say you’re looking for a tool on a messy workbench. If you know what it looks like, you can find it much more quickly and easily than if you don’t. If you’re trying to find a can in your pantry, you can find it more quickly and easily if you know what color and size it is.

It’s the same for potential leaders. If you know what you’re looking for, your chance of finding them goes up astronomically. Recruiting a nonleader to be developed in leadership is like asking a horse to climb a tree. It just isn’t going to happen. If you want a potential tree climber, find a squirrel. If you want a potential leader, find someone with the traits of a good leader.

When I go looking for potential leaders, I use what I call the Four Cs:


Let’s begin with the easiest one: it doesn’t take long to figure out if you like people who are applying for a job or asking to be mentored. Is liking them important? Absolutely. If you don’t like the person, you will not be an effective mentor to them. It’s very difficult to spend time with people, be open with them, and invest in them if you don’t like them and want to be around them.

If you are seriously considering recruiting or promoting someone, ask members of your team to spend time with that individual, preferably in a social setting if possible. After they’ve been around the person, find out if your team likes and would enjoy working with him or her. If not, there may not be a good fit. The Friendship Principle, which I describe in my book Winning with People, always applies: “All things being equal, people will work with people they like; all things not being equal, they still will.” Chemistry matters.


Good character makes trust possible. Trust makes strong relationships possible. Strong relationships make mentoring possible. You won’t be able to develop someone whose character you do not trust.

Character is what closes the gap between knowing and doing. It aligns intentions and action. That consistency is appealing, and it is also essential to good, credible leadership. If I suspect that someone I’m considering recruiting doesn’t have strong character, I don’t go through with it.

Good character makes trust possible. Trust makes strong relationships possible. Strong relationships make mentoring possible.

Jim Rohn observed, “Good people are found, not changed.” He said that he came across a slogan from a company stating, “We don’t teach people to be nice. We simply hire nice people.” He thought that was a clever shortcut. It’s also good leadership. If you go into a mentoring relationship expecting to change a person’s character, you’re liable to be disappointed.

“Good people are found, not changed.”

Jim Rohn


During the NBA playoffs, I heard commentator and former player Charles Barkley distinguish the difference between a star player and a support player. “The stars can at any time meet the requirements needed to help the team,” explained Barkley. “Support players can sometimes do that.” (Emphases mine.) What determines the difference between these two types of players? Capacity.

Fulfillment on Level 4 is bringing out the best in people. Frustration is trying to bring out what isn’t there. If you want to develop people and help them become good leaders, you must not ask for what they wish they could give, only for what they have the potential to give. I haven’t always found it easy to assess other people’s capacity. It was especially difficult for me when I began my leadership career. But with experience I began to see patterns in people.

As you look at potential leaders, try to assess their capacity in the following areas:

As a leader, your goal should be to identify what their capacity is, recognize what they think their capacity is, and motivate, challenge, and equip them in such a way that they close the gap between the two.


Some people possess an X factor. They are winners. They contribute beyond their job responsibilities, and they lift the performance of everyone on their team. When you discover people with these characteristics, recruit them. They are a joy to develop, and whatever you put into them returns to you compounded.

One such person in my life is Mark Cole, whom I mentioned previously. He has been working with me for twelve years and has a track record of making everything he touches better. Everyone who works with him performs better as a result of his contact. It has been a joy to develop him because of his servant’s heart and superior skills. What a combination!

Once when I was having lunch with coach Lou Holtz, he told me with a grin, “I’ve had good players and I’ve had bad players. I’m a better coach with good players.” The same is true with leaders. If you want to be better, recruit better players. If you want to develop better leaders, recruit people with potential according to the Four Cs.

“I’ve had good players and I’ve had bad players. I’m a better coach with good players.”

Lou Holtz

2. Positioning—Placing the Right People in the Right Position

Red Auerbach won nine NBA championships as coach of the Boston Celtics and sixteen championships overall as coach, general manager, and front office president. Few leaders in sports have come anywhere close to his accomplishments. Once, when asked about his team’s success, Auerbach said,

When I first started coaching, people told me to put my five best players on the court. But I learned early on that this was not the key to success. It wasn’t putting the five best players on the court that was going to cause us to win. It was putting the five players on the court who could work together the best. We won championships because we put people together. They weren’t always our best players.

In other words, it’s not enough just to recruit good players. A leader must understand how those players best fit on the team and put them there. To do that, he must have a clear picture of each person’s strengths and weakness and understand how they fit the needs of the team.

Author Jim Collins has helped many of us to understand this principle. In his book Good to Great, he writes about the importance of getting the right people in the right seats on the bus. Successful people find their right seats. Successful leaders help their people find their right seats. Sometimes that requires moving people around to find where they make the greatest contribution. Sometimes it means trying and failing. As a leader, you have to take it all in stride. Positioning people correctly is a process, and you have to treat it that way. But if you don’t do it, you will never help your people reach their potential, nor will you create a team of championship caliber, as Red Auerbach did.

3. Modeling—Showing Others How to Lead

I once read a story about a woman who took her young son to see Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi. “Mahatma,” she requested, “please tell my little boy to stop eating sugar.”

“Come back in three days,” said Gandhi.

Three days passed and the woman returned with her son.

“Young boy, stop eating sweets. They are not good for you,” Gandhi said to the little boy.

Puzzled, the woman asked, “Why did you ask us to leave and come back in three days? I don’t understand.”

“I asked you to return with the boy in three days,” replied the leader, “because three days ago, I, too, was eating sweets. I could not ask him to stop eating sweets so long as I had not stopped eating sweets”5

I’ve already written about how important it is to model what you want to see in others, so I won’t say a lot more about it here. However, as I think about developing others, here are the things I believe I must model with integrity in order to help people to develop on Level 4:

Authenticity—This is the foundation for developing people.

Servanthood—This is the soul for developing people.

Growth—This is the measurement for developing people.

Excellence—This is the standard for developing people.

Passion—This is the fuel for developing people.

Success—This is the purpose for developing people.

And allow me to mention one more thing: When discussing Level 3, where you focus on Production, I mentioned how important it is not to neglect Level 2 relationships. Similarly, when focusing on Level 4 People Development, do not neglect the modeling that you worked to establish on Level 3.

4. Equipping—Helping Others Do Their Jobs Well

Comedian Jack Benny was once appointed as honorary manager of the Hollywood All-Stars baseball team. As the team prepared to play an exhibition game against a professional team in Los Angeles, Jack handed a bat to his first batter and said, “Go up to the plate and hit a home run.”

The batter struck out, and with great theatrics, Jack Benny quit as manager. “How can I manage them,” he quipped, “if they won’t follow orders?”

It’s not enough to simply tell people what they need to do. That’s not developing their potential. Instead, a leader must help them to do their jobs and do them well. Peter Drucker pointed out, “The largest single source of failed promotion is the failure to think through and help others to think through what a new job requires.”

“The largest single source of failed promotion is the failure to think through and help others to think through what a new job requires.”

Peter Drucker

How does a leader equip people to do their work and succeed at it? The best method I’ve ever found is a five-step equipping process. Here’s how it works:

Step 1—I do it (competence).

Step 2—I do it and you are with me (demonstration).

Step 3—You do it and I am with you (coaching).

Step 4—You do it (empowerment).

Step 5—You do it and someone is with you (reproduction).

If you adopt this method, not only will you equip leaders, you will begin teaching them how to equip others, which sets them up to become Level 4 leaders themselves.

5. Developing—Teaching Them to Do Life Well

One of the recurring things I hear from leaders in America who work with people in their twenties is how talented they are—and how few life skills they possess. Some speculate that this generation’s struggle to navigate the basics of life is due to the breakdown of the family and the absence of strong fathers in the home. No matter what the cause may be, it is the responsibility of a leader on Level 4 to help people to learn how to do life well. If the only thing you’re helping a new leader learn is how to get ahead in the workplace, you’re not truly developing that person to succeed, because there’s a lot more to life than work and career.

The Greek philosopher Socrates said, “The individual leads in order that those who are led can develop their potential as human beings and thereby prosper.” That should be your goal in developing people.

“The individual leads in order that those who are led can develop their potential as human beings and thereby prosper.”


The Center for Creative Leadership has observed that three key elements drive leadership development in others: assessment, challenge, and support. What do these things mean to you as a developing leader?


As a Level 4 leader, you should be continually on the lookout for holes in the life skills of someone you are leading and developing. Ask yourself:

Where does this person seem to be failing?

Where are this person’s blind spots?

What does my intuition tell me is “off” in this person’s thinking?

Why isn’t this person reaching his or her potential?

Who is this person following who might be leading him or her in a wrong direction?

When does this person do well?

When does this person stumble?

What telltale clues can I find that give me insight into where this person needs help?

Where is this person’s sweet spot?

A good Level 4 leader is always on the lookout for a person’s weaknesses and wrong thinking—not to exploit that person, but to strengthen and help him or her succeed.


If you’ve done your work on Level 2 to build a strong relationship with the people, and you’ve proven yourself on Level 3 by modeling success and productivity, there is a very good chance that they will buy into your leadership and accept a challenge from you to improve. To do that, ask the people you lead to do the following:

Read books related to their areas of strength.

Attend conferences that will inspire them.

Take on new and challenging tasks in their sweet spot.

Practice difficult disciplines that slowly build character.

Meet with you on a regular basis for mentoring.

The idea is to challenge them in every area of their lives where you see that they need improvement. Just be sure to gain their permission to do it before starting the process.


Nobody gets ahead in life without the help and support of other people. One of the great privileges of leading on the People Development level is helping new leaders navigate through life’s difficulties. The primary way I do that is by allowing the people I mentor to request a meeting with me whenever they need it. On those occasions, they are to drive the agenda by asking specific, difficult questions. I answer them as best I can, and in return, the next time we meet, I ask that the person tell me how they applied what they learned.

It’s difficult for someone to make the most of their leadership potential when the rest of their life is a wreck. Good life skills help a person to create a strong foundation upon which to build a family, career, and spiritual life. I admit that I get the greatest joy from seeing people reach their leadership potential, but it is also very satisfying to know that I’ve helped someone to enjoy life and live it well.

6. Empowering—Enabling People to Succeed

President Theodore Roosevelt is often quoted as saying, “The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.” What he’s describing is empowerment. That’s helping people to see what they can do without your help, and releasing them to do it.

I have to admit that as a leader, it’s hard not to meddle. That’s especially true when you know the work you’re delegating very well but the person you’re giving it to is new to it. Yet releasing work to be done by others is an essential link to empowering and ultimately developing them as leaders.

As you release tasks to the leaders you’re developing, you need to trust them, believe in them, and hold them accountable. Trust creates a bond between you and them. When I trust the people I will empower, I put a little piece of myself into their hands. When they respond in kind, the shared vulnerability creates a bond between you that deepens the relationship.

When I trust the people I will empower, I put a little piece of myself into their hands.

When you believe in people, you motivate them. Few things put wind in another person’s sails like your faith in them. And the belief must be genuine. Pretending you believe provides no passion for empowerment. Nor can you borrow the belief from someone else because it will have no power. You must draw upon the experiences you have with them and the growth that they have already exhibited. Besides helping them, it will also help you. If you don’t believe in them, you won’t be able to let go and release them to achieve.

When you hold people accountable, you increase their chances for positive results. Why? Because everyone finds focus in goals. They work better toward deadlines. And they usually rise to the level of a leader’s expectations. Without accountability, people drift. With it, they achieve results.

7. Measuring—Evaluating Those Whom You Develop to Maximize Their Efforts

Many people look at winning sports teams, and they often tend to attribute the team’s success to how knowledgeable the coach is. But games aren’t won according to what the coach knows. Games are won according to what the coach’s players have learned. How can you measure that as a leader? By judging how independently your team members are able to function.

The Center for Organizational Effectiveness in Cincinnati, Ohio, suggests that there are different degrees of ability when it comes to empowerment, based on how independently a team member can work. Here are the six they recognize, from least independent to most independent:

  1. Look into it. Report. I’ll decide what to do.
  2. Look into it. Report alternatives with pros and cons and your recommendation.
  3. Look into it. Let me know what you intend to do, but don’t do it unless I say yes.
  4. Look into it. Let me know what you intend to do and do it unless I say no.
  5. Take action. Let me know what you did.
  6. Take action. No further contact required.

As you work in People Development with team members, you can measure where they are in leadership development based on where they typically function according to those six benchmarks. Obviously, your goal is to help them become leaders who can take action without needing your input. When the leaders you develop reach that benchmark, then they—and you—are ready to lead them at the highest level of leadership, Level 5, which I’ll discuss in the final section of this book.