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I spent many hours in libraries in Toronto and New York, in the Holocaust museums in Washington and Berlin, and in the Yad Vashem Museum Archives in Jerusalem. I was ably assisted at the Zionist Archives in Jerusalem by a Hebrew-speaking researcher and in the Albert and Temmy Latner Jewish Public Library in Toronto by Steve Bergson. I spent a day at the Memorial Museum of Hungarian-Speaking Jewry in Safed, Israel, where I saw television interviews with Hansi Brand, viewed the Slovak film about the failed Europa Plan, and copied a range of documents that helped with my research. I spent many days in the Toronto Public Library's Reference Section. I received documents online from a number of helpful individuals in Hungary, Israel, the United States, and Great Britain. In particular, I would like to mention the following documents:

Bauer, Yehuda, and Ysrael Guttman. “The Negotiations between Saly Mayer and the Representatives of the SS in 1944–1945.” Proceedings of the Second Yad Vashem International Historical Conference, April 1974. Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 1977.

Dr. Gabriel Barshaked's tape-recorded interviews with Hansi Brand. Yad Vashem Archives, Jerusalem.

Dossier on the Saly Mayer Negotiations. Records of the War Refugee Board. Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, NY.

Gáll, András, “Volt Egyszer Egy Huszadik Század.” Available online at mek.oszk. hu/03700/03779/.

“Kasztner és Társai Akciója,” prepared by Lily Ungár, Kasztner's secretary, for the Jewish Agency's Dokumentácios Osztály, 1945. I received a copy of this handwritten document via email from György Vámos.

Kasztner's diaries. Yad Vashem Archives, Jerusalem.

Kolb, Jenő. “Erőltetett Menet” (Forced March). A detailed, sixty-four-page diary of the Bergen-Belsen group's days from June 30, 1944 to December 7, 1944. Memorial Museum of Hungarian-Speaking Jewry, Safed, Israel.

Krausz, Miklós. Testimony at Grünwald trial as reported in Új Kelet, June 27, 1954.

Moor, Z. “Budapest 1944.” A report on the selection process and the departure of the Begen-Belsen group. Yad Vashem Archives, Jerusalem.

Testimony of Hermann Krumey for the Eichmann trial, taken in Frankfurt am Main, May 27, 1961, pts. 1 and 2. Available online through The Nizkor Project, at

Tibori Szabó, Zoltán. “Az Erdélyi Zsidóság Identitástudatának Alakulása 1945–1948,” Doktori értekezés, Kolzsvár-Cluj. Napoca, 2007.

Transcripts of the trial of Adolf Eichmann. Available online through The Nizkor Project, at

Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal Sitting in Nuremberg, Germany… from the Official Transcripts. 22 vols. Published under the authority of HM Attorney-General by HM Stationary Office, 1946–1950. Available online through The Nizkor Project, at, and in the Reference Section of the Toronto Public Library.