Acknowledgments, Caveats, and a Note on Names

The following people provided interviews, helped me in some way over the past year, or are simply friends I wish to express my appreciation to. There are a few others I would have liked to mention here, but their help has to remain secret:

In alphabetical order: Ahn Seong-hee, Alex Travelli, Andrew Barbour, Angela Yoon, Andrew Salmon, Antti Hellgren, ‘Ask the Korean’, Bae Yeong-jin, Cal Barksdale, Choi Min-sik, Chris Kelly, Chun Su-jin, Cynthia Yoo, Darcy Paquet, Darren Long, David Maltby, Dominic Ziegler, Don O’Brien, Eric Oey, Gady Epstein, Han Sun-Kyung, Han Young-yong and Lee Jun-ho, Henry Tricks, Hong Joo-hee, Hong Myung-bo, Hong Seok-chon, Hwang Doo-jin, ‘Hyun-ju’, Jason Lee, Ji Bae and family, Jooch Nam, Jung Eun-sung, Jung Yoon-sun, Jung Young-sun, Kang Hye-ran, Kang Jeong-im, Kang Se-ree, Kang Ye-won, Kate English, Kim Bo-yeon, Kim Ou-joon, Kim Hye-jeong, Kim Kkobbi, Ko Un and Lee Sang-hwa, Krys Lee, Kwon Yong-ho, Kwon Young-se, Lee Hye-ryeong, Lee Ji-eun, Lee Seong-hee, Lee Seul, Lee Yoo-jin and family, Lee Yun-hee, Lin Lin, Marcus Haggers, Marisa Muscari, Mary Jane Liddicoat, Michael Breen, Michael Freeman, Moon Jung-hee and Lee Young-joon, Nam Sang-ah and Third Line Butterfly, Naomi Rovnick,  Nick Watney, Oh Kwan-soo, Park So-young and family, Park Won-soon, Patrick Lee, Peter Underwood, Prof. Chang Ha-joon, Prof. Chung Duk-ae, Prof. Jang Hoon, Prof. Jin Y. Park, Prof. Kim Ui-cheol, Prof. Michael Shin, Prof. Park Jung-sook, Pyo Chul-min, Rob Dickinson, Rob York, Seo Ji-hye, Shin Joong-hyun, Simon Long, Song Ji-hye, Song Yae-ri, TBS eFM (Ahn Jung-hyun, Ahn Jung-mi, Mike Weisbart, and friends), The LFG Family, Will Ennett, Yang Ik-jun, Yi Soyeon, Yoo Jae-hoon, Yoon Sun-oo, Zachi Schor, and Zander Lanfried.

Caveats: Many people were generous enough to share their knowledge and insight with me during the making of this book. However, all opinions—and mistakes—are my own. The presence of an interviewee in a particular chapter does not mean that he or she will necessarily agree with my conclusions, or indeed anything else I write. If anyone feels I have been unfair about of any aspect of their country or culture, then I can only say that it was absolutely not my intention to offend anyone. I wrote this book with sincerity and love for the subject, and I hope that shows.

A note on names: Korean names are ordered family name first, and given name (which is usually composed of two syllables and hyphenated when written in English) second. In this way, Manchester United’s Korean player would be referred to as Park Ji-sung. I follow this convention, unless specifically asked to do otherwise by the person in question. Also, I try to follow generally accepted Romanization of Korean characters, but in cases where a famous person is known by a different spelling (Kim Jong-il, for instance), I defer to the general consensus.