Author’s Note
Prologue: The Corner
Part 1: The Heart of It All
Spring 2016–Summer 2017
1. Rusted Belts and Think Tanks
2. The Cavalry’s Not Coming
3. Hope Shot
4. Semicolons
Part 2: Movement
Fall 2017–Spring 2019
5. Swimming Upstream
6. Systems of Care
7. None of Us Are Bad People
8. The Churn
9. Any Positive Change
10. The Foot of the Mountain
11. The Person Next to You
12. Punk Rock Harm Reduction
13. Rainbows and Unicorns
Part 3: Nothing About Us Without Us
Spring–Summer 2019
14. Beyond Rat Park
15. Moments of Recognition
16. Corners
17. “Every Overdose Is a Policy Failure”
18. Worth Our Keep
A Note About Sources