Our Lady Of Solitude

All summer long she touched me

She gathered in my soul

From many a thorn, from many thickets

Her fingers, like a weaver’s

Quick and cool

And the light came from her body

And the night went through her grace

All summer long she touched me

And I knew her, I knew her

Face to face

And her dress was blue and silver

And her words were few and small

She is the vessel of the whole wide world

Mistress, oh mistress, of us all

Dear Lady; Queen of Solitude

I thank you with my heart

for keeping me so close to thee

while so many, oh so many, stood apart

And the light came from her body

And the night went through her grace

All summer long she touched me

I knew her, I knew her

Face to face

This song, included on Recent Songs (1979), is a longer adaption of the poem ‘All Summer Long’ from Death Of A Lady’s Man (a verse anthology whose title’s slight difference from that of his 1977 album may or may not be significant). The Montreal in which Cohen grew up was a profoundly Catholic city and he cannot fail to have noticed Catholicism’s pervasive Mariolatry. In the creation of a new aspect of the multi-faceted Nôtre Dame we can see that, for all the sensuality of the song’s language, the song has as much a spiritual dimension as a carnal one.