Abuse, 95
emotional, 90
sexual, 29, 62–63, 65, 97, 101–14, 119, 120
trauma of, 96
Acting out, 50
of ancient behavior patterns, 87
Adopted families, 165
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 106, 123, 125
Alpha state, 176
Alter ego, 95
of abuse survivors, 108–9
residual, 162–63
See also Rage
Archetypes, universal, 30
Arthritis, 59–61
Astrology, 165
Athletic performance, 59
Attractions, 178
Auras, 181
Bass, Ellen, 107
Berne, Eric, 94
Beta state, 176
Between-lives state, 20, 148–49, 184
Body work, 183
Boundaries, transgression of, 103
Brain waves, 176
Briere, John, 105
Buddhism, 40
California, University, of at Los Angeles, 58
fear of, obesity and, 119
lung, 127
pancreatic, 129
vulvar, 62–63
Cathars, 41
Cayce, Edgar, 151
Chadwick, Gloria, 179
Chasidic Jews, 40
abused, see Abuse
near death experiences in, 49–51
reincarnation-type experiences in, 52–54
Christianity, 40–41
Civil War, 180
Classical regression, 31–34, 60
Clement of Alexandria, 41
Closer to the Light (Morse), 49
Codependency, 124
Collective unconscious, 53
Comas, 184
Communication, 80
Compulsive behavior, sexual, 28–30
Connecticut, University of, 50
Constantine, Emperor, 40–41
Coronary artery disease, 74
Corwin, David L., 105
Council of Constantinople, 41
Courage to Heal, The (Bass and Davis), 107
Cousins, Norman, 58
in hypnogogic state, 26
removing blocks to, 159–61
Davis, Linda, 107
at Civil War sites, 180
grief and, 131
intermittent, 101–4
Discovering Your Past Lives (Chadwick), 179
Dreams, 54–55
journal of, 172–74
Dyer, Wayne, 108
Eating disorders, 101–4
See also Obesity
Ectopic pregnancy, 64
Edison, Thomas Alva, 26
Eight Immortals, 150
Elderly, meditation in, 58
Emotional abuse, 90
Energy field manifestation, 181
Erikson, Erik, 95
Exhibitionism, 28–30
Extrasensory perception (ESP), 133
“Faces” technique, 180–82
Family therapy, 80
Fisher, Joe, 152
Food addiction, 59
Free association, 30, 94, 179–80
and “Faces” technique, 181
Genetic memory, 52
Gilgul, 40
Gnostics, 41
Grief, 127–43
stages of, 109
Harvard University, 58
Headaches, 59
Head First: The Biology of Hope (Cousins), 58
Heading Toward Omega (Ring), 50
Heart disease, 74
High blood pressure, 60
Hinduism, 40
Holistic therapies, 60, 74, 76
Homicide, 29
denial overcome in, 108
fear of, 144–45
group, 83
intuition and, 45
for obesity, 120–21
for pain relief, 67
physiological changes induced by, 58–59, 75, 76
potential of subconscious mind under, 170
regression under, 27–30
Immortality, 23
I’m OK, You’re OK (Berne), 94
Inner child, healing of, 94–105
in substance abuse treatment, 123
Inner peace, state of, 166–68
Inquisition, 145
International Association for
Near Death Studies, 50
International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, 74
Intimacy, fear of, 110–11
Intuition, 45
Islam, 40
Jarmon, Robert, 63–64, 71, 161–62
Jerome, St., 41
Jones, Ernest, 28
Journal of Critical Care Medicine, 50
Judaism, 40
Jung, Carl, 30
Kein, Gerald, 120–21
Key moment flow pattern, 34–35, 60, 136, 159
Kinesiology, 183
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 19, 47, 109
Lancet, The, 74
Lenfant, Claude, 74
Leukemia, 131
Life at Death (Ring), 50
Life After Life (Moody), 48–49
Life Between Life (Whitton), 152
during past life recall, 34, 66, 136, 152
in near death experiences, 49
Life-style changes, 74
Limiting beliefs, 146–47
Love, Medicine and Miracles (Siegel), 58
Love relationships, 77–80
Lung cancer, 127
Lu Tung-Pin, 150
Luzzatto, Rabbi Moshe Chaim, 40
sexual abuse and, 105–7
Marital therapy, 80
Meditation, 23, 24, 36, 59, 111, 172
dreams and, 173
in elderly, 58
and “Faces” technique, 181
and hypnogogic state, 26
for pain relief, 67
in Qi Gong, 155
as regression technique, 174–76
Mesmer, Franz, 144
Metaphor, 54
amplifying past life memory, 158
Miami, University of, 134
Mind-body connection, 56–76
Mitral valve prolapse, 116
Moody, Raymond, Jr., 19, 46, 48–50
Mount Sinai Medical Center, 18
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 177
Musculoskeletal pain, 59
Narcotics Anonymous (NA), 123
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 74
Near death experiences (NDEs), 19, 46–51, 130, 184–85
during childbirth, 81
Neurosis, 55
New Testament, 40
Newton, Isaac, 146
Origen, 41
Ornish, Dean, 74
Orthodox Judaism, 40
Out-of-body experiences, 131, 185
Overeaters Anonymous, 101
Pa Hsien, 150
Pancreas, cancer of, 129
Panic attacks, 98, 105, 115–16, 178
Parapsychology, 134
Parent-child relationships, 81–82, 87–90
in adopted families, 165
Peace, Love and Healing (Siegel), 58
Pennsylvania State University, 58
Phobias, 36–37, 56–57, 60, 98, 115, 116, 177
Pisa, University of, 146
Placebo effect, 23
Plato, 91
“Play” techniques, 172, 179–82
Powerlessness, feeling of, 147–49, 157
Precognitive dreams, 42–46
Princeton Religious Research Center, 133
Projection, 90
Psychic phenomena, 42–46
Psychics, 182–83
Psychoanalytic theory, 28, 54, 94, 107
Psychodrama, 95
Psychometry, 182
Psychoneuroimmunology, 58
Psychosomatic disorders, 59
Psychotherapy, traditional, 19, 20
Qi Gong, 155
Radiation therapy, 73
Reflexology, 183
Regression techniques, 171–85
Regression therapy, 27–36
classical pattern of, recall in, 31–34
integration in, 30–31
key moment flow pattern of recall in, 34–35
preparation for, 30
Reincarnation, 38–41
beliefs about, 43
childhood experiences of, 52–54
in groups, 86
Qi Gong and, 155
Relationship problems, 77–93, 164
of lovers, 77–80
and sexual abuse in childhood, 104
Relaxation techniques, 74
Religion, 40–41
Repetition compulsion, 27–28, 30, 55, 95
Rescripting, 96
Resistance, 37
Respiratory problems, 59, 69–71
Resuscitation technology, 51
Reveries, 178
Rich, Beatrice, 182
Role-playing, 174
Self-awareness techniques, 172, 177–79
Self-esteem, impaired, 105, 158
Self-hypnosis, 36
Separation anxiety, 50
Sexual abuse, 29, 62, 65, 97, 101–14
Shame, 108
Shiatsu, 153
Siegel, Bernie, 58
Sleep research, 46
Soulmates, 91–93
Southern California, University of, School of Medicine, 105
Spontaneous age regression, 95
Stress reduction techniques, 74
and home regression techniques, 172, 184
in hypnagogic state, 26
resources of, 170
Substance abuse, 122–26
Sufis, 40
Support groups, 58
Symbolic meaning, 30
Talents, 177
Temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ), 67–68
Theta state, 176
Tobacco addiction, 59
Transactional analysis (TA), 94–95
bringing to consciousness of, 28, 29, 55
and inner child, 96
and key moment flow pattern of recall, 34, 35
and physical ailments, 59
Trust, lack of, 163
Truth, direct access to, 147, 150
Twelve Step program, 125
Unconscious, collective, 53
Universal archetypes, 30
Validation, 52
Visualization, 59, 75, 76, 83, 169, 172
in cancer treatment, 73–74
of childhood, 96
dreams and, 173
and “Faces” technique, 181
as regression technique, 176
Vulva, cancer of, 62–63
Washington University School of Medicine, 105, 129
Way of God, The (Luzzatto), 40
Weiss, Peter, 129, 131–33, 135
Whitton, Joel L., 152
Will to live, 58
Wish fulfillment, 141
Xenoglossy, 52
Yale University School of Medicine, 17, 36
Yogananda, 142
Your Erroneous Zones (Dyer), 108