Chapter 21


Rosie’s a superball as we cross the road Tuesday to cheerleading practice. Bouncy. Wound up. “Can I sleep in the tent with you and Max tonight?”

“No. I’m sleeping there because my mattress is wet. Yours isn’t.”

She darkens to a storm cloud. Ready to pour.

“There’s not enough room, and . . .” I take a time-out, searching for something more convincing. Something she’ll buy. “And you need your beauty sleep. You know, for the pageant.”

“Oh, yeah.”

We sit on the front porch, watching Bailey, Yee, and Anise build pyramids. After ten perfect ones, they take a break.

“That’s really good, guys. Practice is paying off.”

“We’ve been practicing a lot at camp, too.” Bailey’s shirt and shorts are starting to bag, a sign her diet is working. “The coach says we’re a good team.”

“True dat,” Anise says. “I heard she’s planning on letting us team up after school starts.”

“True dat?” Bailey looks at Anise.

“Whoops—I slipped. It’s something Saffron used to say. You know, street talk. Dad doesn’t want me talking like her.”

True dat. I like it.”

Yee frowns. “It’s not proper English.” She watches Bailey and Anise roll their eyes at each other. “But it is kind of cool.”

Yee looks at me. “Speaking of proper English, where’s Sid the Brain Kid?”

“It’s the pageant. His mom’s having him paint the conference room pink.”

Talk moves to favorite colors. Pink ranks high.

I yawn.

Talk moves to the pageant.

I get up, walk toward the road.

“Hey, where you going?” Bailey calls out to me.

“Need to take care of chores. Could one of you make sure Rosie gets across the road?”

A chorus of okays trails after me. I don’t really have chores. I’m just bored silly with pageant talk.

The house is quiet, too quiet. I start thinking about the puppies. And wondering if they’re still available.

I shouldn’t bother Mrs. Kendall again. . . .

I dial from Mom’s phone in the living room.

“Sold the female puppy just this morning. That leaves two male puppies.” Mrs. Kendall hesitates. “You still working to save money?”

“Oh, yes, ma’am. For sure. It’s as good as in the bank. I’ll be calling you soon.” Click.

Please, don’t let that be a lie.