AS A BUSY WORKING DAD, my family inspires my food habits. I try to feed my twins, Connor and Lucia, healthy, nutritious food whenever possible. It is something that I am passionate about: good nutrition is the most important investment you can make for your child’s future.

But starting out is always daunting for any parent.

There are so many questions about when to wean, which foods to offer first, which ones to avoid – yet our parents and grandparents seemed to sail through the process! I learned my love and respect of good food from my mother; spending time in her kitchen was an education. To anyone who asks me at my demonstrations how they can instill a love of nutritious food in their children I always answer the same way: education. First, equip yourself with the basics about seasonal ingredients, local produce and cooking. Then encourage your little one from a very young age to be involved with food: from shopping and preparing to helping out with cooking when the time is right.

Offering your baby and toddler a nutritious diet now will stand to them for the rest of their lives. Getting the right nutrition for babies and toddlers can ensure a lifetime of good health, reducing the risk of obesity and heart disease and even improving skills such as reading and writing. Through my role as ambassador for First 1,000 Days, I have learned a lot about the impact that good nutrition can have on the long-term health of children, so all weaning and toddler recipes have been reviewed and approved by First 1,000 Days. My hope is that this book combines traditional common sense and wholesome ingredients with the very latest nutritional advice on what is best for your baby from 6 months through to toddlerhood.

My wife Amelda and I know how hard it can be for families with young children to consistently provide the best nutrition. Parents want to do the best for their kids, but it’s not easy to cook and, at that, to cook healthily. We’re still new to this, but we wanted to share what we’ve learned along the way.

Now Connor and Lucia eat what we eat. I love it when the twins try something new and come back for more. Watching their tastes evolve is very satisfying; it’s so important that children are exposed to a wide range of foods at an early age so that their taste buds develop in a healthy way.

I hope that this book will be a trusty guide that will take you from your baby’s first tastes, through all the stages of weaning, right up to family mealtimes and beyond.

Wishing you and your family a life-long love of good eating!

From our kitchen to yours,

