Drop Scones

These are also known as Scotch pancakes. If you make them in advance and need to reheat them, arrange them in a single layer on an ovenproof dish, cover tightly with foil and reheat in a moderate oven for about 10 minutes.

Makes about 21 pancakes

Cookware needed: a griddle or frying pan

175g (6oz) self-raising flour

1 level tsp baking powder

40g (1½oz) caster sugar

1 large egg

about 200ml (7fl oz) milk

Butter and golden syrup, to serve

Step one Prepare either a griddle or a heavy-based frying pan (preferably non-stick) by heating and greasing with oil or white vegetable fat.

Step two Measure the flour, baking powder and sugar into a large bowl, make a well in the centre and then add the egg and half the milk. Beat to a smooth, thick batter, then beat in enough of the remaining milk to give the batter the consistency of thick cream.

Step three Drop the mixture in tablespoonfuls onto the hot griddle or frying pan, spacing the mixture well apart. When bubbles rise to the surface, turn the scones over with a palette knife and cook on the other side for a further 30 seconds–1 minute, until golden brown. Lift off onto a wire rack and cover them with a clean tea towel to keep them soft. Cook the remaining mixture in the same way. Serve warm, with butter and golden syrup.
