Kabbalah For Dummies®


by Arthur Kurzweil




About the Author

A direct descendant of Rabbi Chaim Yosef Gottlieb (1790–1867), Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz (1555–1630), and Rabbi Moses Isserles (1530–1572), three revered rabbis and teachers of Kabbalah, Arthur Kurzweil frequently teaches the Talmud and introductory classes on Kabbalah to groups of adults in synagogues and other Jewish gatherings across America. He also currently serves as publisher at Parabola magazine.

Arthur is the author of On the Road with Rabbi Steinsaltz: 25 Years of Pre-Dawn Car Trips, Mind-Blowing Encounters, and Inspiring Conversations with a Man of Wisdom (Jossey-Bass). He’s also the author of the best-selling classic From Generation to Generation: How to Trace Your Jewish Genealogy and Family History (Jossey-Bass), co-editor of The Hadassah Jewish Family Book of Health and Wellness (Jossey-Bass), and editor of Best Jewish Writing 2003 (Jossey-Bass). He has also written My Generations: A Course in Jewish Family History (Behrman House), which is used in synagogue schools throughout the United States.

Arthur is the recipient of the Distinguished Humanitarian Award from the Melton Center for Jewish Studies at The Ohio State University for his unique contributions to the field of Jewish education. He received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies for his trailblazing work in the field of Jewish genealogy.

A member of the Society of American Magicians and the International Brotherhood of Magicians, Arthur frequently performs his one-man show “Searching for God in a Magic Shop,” in which he blends the performance of magic tricks with a serious discussion of Jewish theological ideas.

Visit Arthur’s Web site at www.arthurkurzweil.com.



To my parents, Saul and Evelyn Kurzweil,

Who in partnership with God brought me into this world, and who taught me the holy process of curiosity, (“There are three partners in man” [Talmud, Niddah 31a])

To my children, Moshe, Miriam, and Malya,

Who study and live the wisdom of Kabbalah, who have made me the wealthiest man in this world, and who are my greatest blessings. (“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.” [The Five Books of Moses, Bamidbar 6:24])

To my soul mate, Bobby,

My partner in all the worlds. (“In how many days did the Holy One create the world?” “Six.” “And what has God been doing since then?” “Making matches, assigning this man to that woman, and this woman to that man.” [Midrash, Genesis Rabbah 68:4])

To my extraordinary Teacher,

Who nourishes me with Wisdom. When God wills it, may this wisdom usher me gently into the World to Come. (“But your teacher who taught you wisdom . . .” [Talmud, Bava Metzia, 33a])


Author’s Acknowledgments

Each morning I engage in a spiritual practice known for centuries to students of Kabbalah. This practice is simply the recitation of a brief prayer expressing gratitude to God, at the moment of my first conscious thoughts, for continuing to sustain my soul. I am always grateful for opportunities to express my gratitude.

I want to thank:

Chrissy Guthrie, my project editor: Thank you for your encouragement, patience, warmth, and, most of all, your guidance. You made this book better with every suggestion.

Elizabeth Rea, my copy editor: You’re proof, once again, that the unsung hero of book publishing is the copy editor, who takes a manuscript and vastly improves it.

Michael Lewis, my acquisitions editor: You encouraged me and believed in me from the very beginning. Thank you.

Alan Rinzler, my friend, mentor, and colleague: You suggested me for this project. For that, and for so much more, I will always be grateful.

Simcha Prombaum: Your friendship, your support, your insights, your guidance, and your words of Torah all nourish me and feel like gifts from Above.

Goldie Milgram: You’re such a gifted teacher; I admire your talents and your profound empathy for your students. Thank you for your help with this book.

Alan Zoldan: Your inspired creativity is always so impressive. Thanks for your suggestions and for your encouragement.

Gary Eisenberg, Richard Carlow, Ed Rothfarb, Marc Felix, Rick Blum, and Robin Bauer: When I add up the years that each of you has been my friend, it comes to over 200 years of love, spiritual explorations, mutual support, and countless blessings.

Mrs. Turnwall, Mrs. Combs, Miss Umanoff, Mrs. Custer, Mr. Joseph Kenneth Puglisi, Mr Stanley G. Heisey, Mr. Louis Krauss, Alida Roochvarg, Mr. David Christman, Dr.Robert Sobel, and Mr Irving Adelman: You were all beacons of light for my life, and I will remember you forever.

Rabbi Chaim Yosef Gottlieb (1790–1867), Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz (1555–1630), and Rabbi Moses Isserles (1530–1572): I have the great honor and also the awesome responsibility of being, in each case, your direct descendant. I have prayed to receive your blessings on this book, with the hope that it will be a successful part of my ongoing desire to share our inheritance with others.

My children, Malya, Miriam and Moshe: We discuss the profound ideas of Kabbalah with each other all the time. Fortunate and blessed is the father who can engage in the study of Torah with his children.

My brother, Ken Kurzweil: I’m more secure knowing that you’re always there to help me with a computer problem. And special thanks for studying the great spiritual Jewish poets — B. Dylan and L. Cohen — with me.

Ruth Rothwax: Thank you for your love and for the many ways you have helped me.

My parents, Saul and Evelyn Kurzweil: Thank you for studying the Torah of life with me. Since my earliest years we’ve been discussing the great eternal questions together. Thank you for being my most important role models. I am grateful to be your son.

Bobby Dor, love of my life: You helped me with your insights, with our countless conversations about spiritual matters, with your suggestions, with your profound love, and with a delicious feta cheese and tomato omelet whenever I wanted one.

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who keeps us alive, sustains us, and permits us to reach this season.

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, Ram Dass, the Bobover Rebbe, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, and Elie Wiesel: How fortunate and blessed I have been to be in your presence, to sit at your feet, and to drink up your words of Torah.


Publisher’s Acknowledgments

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