

God sets you free—not free to do anything you feel like doing—free to live a happy and meaningful life. The Israelites’ road map of Exodus 20 can be your road map as well. You don’t have to keep trying things in order to discover what’s good and what’s bad. Your map tells you.

The book of Exodus tells how God stepped in with stunning miracles to free the Israelites. Exodus contains the Ten Commandments, God’s road map to the good life. Then Exodus records what happened when the Israelites followed the road map, and what happened when they chose detours.

God Reveals His Real Name

• See aged shepherd’s report, Exodus 3:11–15

Miracles Wreck Egypt

• See plague story in Exodus 7–11

God Defines “Right” and “Wrong”

• Absolute moral truths revealed, Exodus 20

Better Not Make God Mad!

• Angry God acts, report in Exodus 32


• Moses, the son of a Hebrew slave, is raised as an Egyptian prince.

• When Moses is 80, he delivers the Hebrew slaves. He leads them for 40 years.

When the Exodus takes place around 1440 B.C., a library in the Hittite capital contains tablets written in eight languages. • And prohibition is decreed in China.