

That’s what the book of Leviticus is all about. God wants you to worship him. But how do you go about it? Well, you get together with other believers and sing God’s praises. You talk about what God is like and about the things he’s done for you. You pray and tell God how wonderful he is. It’s really quite simple.

But Leviticus will take you back to a time when worship wasn’t so simple. This book is filled with rules that Israel’s priests and people had to follow. It describes the required yearly religious holidays, and it lists practices that set the Hebrews apart from all the other people of the world.

Silence a Sin?

• Answer in Leviticus 5:1

No Lobster on This Menu

• See food section, Leviticus 11

One Sacrifice Does It All

• Promise in Leviticus 16:15–22

“Alternate Lifestyles” Condemned

• Sexual don’ts detailed, Leviticus 18


• National holidays listed, see Leviticus 23


• The word “holy” is found 87 times in Leviticus.

• “Holy” means to be set apart; show loyalty to God by keeping his commands.

• The command to “love your neighbor as yourself“ is found in Leviticus 19:18.

The year the Israelites camp by Sinai, in Peru people are beginning to work metal. • On the steppes of Asia, nomads on horseback herd cattle.