
Say It!

Some things are important enough to say two or three times. Like reminding your parents you have plans for Friday night. Or reminding them that they promised to take you to the mall.

Deuteronomy means “second law.” This book contains teachings Moses felt were important enough to repeat. Sort of like playing your favorite song over and over again. Deuteronomy repeats the Ten Commandments. And it reminds you that love prompted God to choose his people. And love prompted God to give them his law. Why is that important? Because rules made by someone who loves you will have your best interest at heart.

Doing Right Pays Big

• God rewards obedience, see Deuteronomy 6

Rules Are All About Love

• For the story behind the story, see Deuteronomy 11

Military Given Rules of Engagement

• Laws limit battle damage, summary in Deuteronomy 20

Blessings Follow Doing Right

• Read list of rewards in Deuteronomy 28:1–14

Troubles Follow Doing Wrong

• Detailed warnings provided, Deuteronomy 28:15–68


• It’s 1400 B.C. The Israelites are camped just outside the land God promised to give them.

• Moses is 120 years old and about to die.

• Deuteronomy is quoted some 80 times in the New Testament.

As the Israelites are poised to invade Canaan, a dictionary with 40,000 characters is being written in China. • In Thebes workers go on strike. • And Central Americans are learning to make pottery.