Q: Why couldn’t Moses enter Canaan?
BONUS: Who of the slaves who left Egypt did enter?
Deuteronomy 4:31 says that “the LORD your God is a merciful God.” Hebrew words translated “mercy” as a love that reaches down to help people in need—even those who have done nothing to deserve help. The Greek word translated “mercy” emphasizes compassion—caring enough about another’s suffering to help.
When the Bible says the Lord is merciful, it’s saying that he cares when you’re feeling hurt or helpless. He cares enough to help.
• He gives you eternal life through Jesus (Ephesians 2:4–5).
• You can pray with confidence, knowing the Lord will listen to you (Hebrews 4:16).
• He expects you to be merciful toward others (Luke 6:36).
Moses told God’s Old Testament people to love the Lord and live by his words. Then as they sat at home or walked along the road or stretched out to relax, they talked about those words of God that shaped their lives. This is still the best way to share your faith with others. Have an answer to prayer? Mention it to your friend when you’re riding the bus to school. Do you have a different outlook on sex? Tell your friends the choice you’ve made, and why. You don’t have to argue. All you have to do is talk naturally about the place God has in your own life.
You just got all A’s on your report card, the person you like finally asked you out and your dad just said you can get a car as soon as you turn 16! God? Who needs him now? But maybe this is the time you need God most. The Bible warns that when things go well there’s a danger that “then your heart will become proud and you will forget the LORD your God” (Deuteronomy 8:14). And if you forget God, you’ll probably soon be in trouble. Why not write yourself a note? Remind yourself that when something really great happens, enjoy. Then stop a moment to thank God and give him credit for the good things in your life.
Don’t let all the Old Testament laws confuse you. God isn’t sitting in heaven keeping score of your wins and losses. And believers aren’t moral athletes who make points by jumping over his hurdles. The relationship between God and the believer is one of love.
Deuteronomy 11 tells you that God’s commands were given to show you what is right and good so he can bless you. That’s one way God shows his love for you. Obedience is one way you show your love for God. That’s why Deuteronomy 11:13 tells you that the call to obedience is a call “to love the LORD your God and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.”
Love led God to give the law. He wants your love in return—love that expresses itself by doing what he says.
What if a friend asks for the answer to a test question? You shake your head no. But he whispers, “I was sick last night and couldn’t study. Help me just this once.” Would you still say no? What if he was a close friend? When it comes to doing wrong, the person who asks may be “your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend” (Deuteronomy 13:6). It makes no difference. This Bible passage says, “Do not yield to them or listen to them” (Deuteronomy 13:8). Acting on your convictions rather than giving in to peer pressure is tough. But it’s an important part of becoming a mature adult and a mature Christian.
Do you ever wonder what happens to the money people give at church? Probably some goes to pay for the building and the pastor’s salary and educational materials. But what else? In Old Testament times, ten percent of the harvest was set aside to support the temple and the priests. But every third year the tithe was kept in the village to feed “the foreigners, the fatherless and the widows who live in your towns” (Deuteronomy 14:29). Many churches show the same concern for the needy people in their communities. Helping others is a priority with God. Why not check out what your church does?
Many families plan a Christmas gift for Jesus. Some have jars for loose change, and at Christmas they count it up and give it to missions. There are many ways to make your “holidays” true “holy-days,” but one of the best is to show gratitude by making a special, extra gift to the Lord. Three times a year God’s people were invited to great national holidays where “no one should appear before the LORD empty-handed. Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the LORD your God has blessed you.” What a good reminder that God is the source of all your blessings. And what a good way to say, “Thanks!”
My parents are so controlling they won’t let me hang out with some of my friends just because they play with a Ouija board. What can I do to get control of my life?
Dear Hayden,
Did you know that Ouija boards are a part of the occult? The spirit world is very real and is divided into two groups—the angels who belong to God’s kingdom, and demons who don’t. God has given a strong message about trying to communicate with demons. “Let no one be found among you . . . who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead” (Deuteronomy 18:10–11).
God is spirit, and you don’t need a Ouija board to talk to him. You can talk to him any time you pray. God wants you to come to him for advice. In fact, believers have the Holy Spirit of God within them. One of his jobs is to guide us in the path our heavenly Father has for us. When you go to a Ouija board, a fortune teller, tarot cards, a horoscope or palm reader, you are turning away from God to seek advice from a kingdom God hates.
The Ouija board may seem like an innocent toy. But it isn’t. It is really an instrument used to contact spirits who are not of God. Your parents aren’t trying to control your life. They are trying to guide you in the ways God wants you to go. This is one of the reasons why God gives us parents—to guide us and protect us from evil.
How could a loving God tell his people to “completely destroy” the Canaanites (Deuteronomy 20:16–17)? God gave this command to protect his people. Deuteronomy 20:18 explains clearly that if any Canaanites were left alive they would teach the Israelites to worship idols.
Archaeology has revealed much about Canaanite religion, which featured prostitution, immorality, even burning children alive to please their gods. And because the Israelites did not exterminate these people, exactly what God warned about did happen. The Canaanites turned the Israelites to idolatry.
So was God being brutal and bloodthirsty when he gave this command? Not at all. It was the Canaanites who were bloodthirsty, brutal and immoral. God was protecting his people and punishing the Canaanites, as they deserved.
Dad says, “Be home at 10:00.” And you get home at 10:45. Mom says, “No internet.” You sneak over to your laptop and get online while she’s in the kitchen. Even though your parents might not be too happy with you, chances are you won’t get grounded—much less stoned to death. But what about open rebellion? Dad says be in by 10:00, and son is gone all night. Every day Mom says, “Get up and go to school,” and every day daughter rolls over and ignores her. Now that’s disobedience. Is it serious? Check out this passage—you may re-think rebellion at home is a minor sin.
I was at a party and drank some beer. We were playing truth or dare and before I knew it, I was alone in a room with a boy I didn’t know. I tried to stop him, but I couldn’t. I feel sick and used. What can I do?
Dear Friend,
There are several steps that you need to take. But first you need to know that getting raped was not your fault. You were the victim. Deuteronomy 22:25–27 tells us God holds the violator accountable, not the victim.
I hope you will tell your mom what happened. You need to see a doctor as you could have been given a sexually transmitted disease. Most of these have no symptoms until damage has already been done. Be sure to tell the doctor what happened so the right tests will be run.
Rape is a serious crime. In addition to seeing a doctor, seeing a good counselor can help you with the emotional and psychological trauma.
Please remember to pray for your healing also. God is our maker and he can bring healing to us even in these terrible circumstances.
No one should have to try to cope with this alone. Please let your mom help you get the help you need. God bless you.
Q: How long a honeymoon did the Old Testament law permit?
BONUS: What was the purpose of the honeymoon?
Does it bother you when kids who go to church regularly swear or tell dirty jokes at school? When someone in your youth group cheats on tests? Or when a teen who is oh-so-pious at church mocks Christian kids at school? Maybe you wonder if they’re real Christians at all. That question is one you and I can’t answer. But for real Christians, their walk and their talk are supposed to be the same. Maybe you can’t judge whether another person is a real Christian or not. But you can make sure that no one has any doubts about you! If you say you’re a Christian, live a Christian life at school, at home, everywhere!
I’m starting 9th grade in the fall and still my parents have rules for everything. Between God’s laws and their rules, when can I do what I want to do? Why should I try to obey when I just want to live my own life?
Dear Ethan,
It is understandable that as we grow up we want more independence. So it’s easy to get impatient when it comes to wanting to make our own decisions. But since you rely on your parents to meet your needs, you still need to follow their rules. But you’re in good company. If you look at Luke 2:51 you’ll discover that even Jesus had to obey his parents. He wanted to be in the temple with God, but he knew for that time he still had to follow the wishes of his parents.
In the Bible we find obedience linked with blessing many times, so it’s not surprising that we also find disobedience linked with painful consequences. Just look at Deuteronomy 28:1, 15. When we do what is right, we are in a place where God chooses to bless people. When we do what is wrong, do you think God will bless you any more than your parents would?
In addition to blessings for our obedience, we will also be protected from many things that can harm us. I suspect many of your parents’ rules are there just for that purpose, to protect you and not to make you miserable. So for a little while longer try to obey your parents. It may not always seem fun, but neither is being disobedient and suffering the consequences.
You check out one test answer in the book and get caught. Kyle cheats regularly, and nobody catches him! Life sure isn’t fair. To Kyle. That’s right. Actually, the worst thing that can happen to a person is to get away with doing wrong. Kyle smirks when you get hauled up in front of class. He thinks he’ll never get caught. The longer people get away with doing wrong, the more they think they’ll never get caught. Eventually they do something serious and come face to face with disaster. If you’re caught and punished when you step out of line, don’t complain. God is being more than fair to you. It’s Kyle, not you, who’s in trouble!
The Bible doesn’t say, “Be scared of God.” To “fear the LORD” (Deuteronomy 31:12) means something very different. And very important.
“Fear sharks” means that you don’t go splashing around in the ocean when sharks are near. “Fear fire” means that you remember what fire can do and don’t toss lighted matches around your bedroom. In each of these cases “fear” means “to have respect for”—to give sharks or fire serious consideration.
That’s what the Bible means when it says to fear God. You give God serious consideration in your life. You have a growing respect for him. Some people don’t fear God at all. They ignore him, as if he didn’t exist. But you’re wiser than that. You’re not scared of God, because you know he loves you. But you do fear him, because you know he deserves all your respect.
Say It!
This book contains teachings Moses felt were important enough to repeat. It’s a reminder that rules made by someone who loves you have your best interest at heart.