

What if no one at school followed the rules? What if no one obeyed traffic lights when driving? There certainly would be one big mess. And probably a lot of people would get hurt.

Judges tells about a time when the Israelites didn’t follow God’s rules. Again and again they forgot him and worshiped idols. Each time they got in trouble. And each time, when they turned back to the Lord, he sent a leader to save them from their enemies. Judges is a reminder that God is faithful even when you don’t follow his rules. But Judges also reminds you that you’re in for trouble if you don’t do things God’s way!

Disobedience Brings Defeat

• 200 years of history explained, Judges 2:6–23

Woman Leads Israel to Victory

• General relies on female judge, Judges 4

Gideon to God: Please Show Me

• Hesitant leader begs for a sign, Judges 6:33–40

So Strong, Yet So Weak

• Jock judge falls short, Judges 16

Forgetting God Brings Moral Mess

• Shocking events described in Judges 19


• “Judges” led the Israelites from about 1375 to 1040 B.C.

• The “judges” were military, political and spiritual leaders.

• Events in this book follow a common pattern: Israel sins, suffers, turns to God, is saved by a judge, experiences a time of peace, but soon sins again.

During the time of the judges, wheeled chariots spread to China from central Asia. • Zoroaster establishes a religion in what is now Iran.