1 Samuel


Change can be hard. Especially big changes such as moving or changing schools, living through your parents’ divorce, or trying to adjust to a stepmother or stepfather.

Israel and David were experiencing some big changes. When Samuel, Israel’s last judge, grew old, the people demanded a king. Saul, the first king, was disobedient. So God chose a young man named David to replace him. But many difficult years passed before David became king, because Saul was jealous of David and became hostile. The book of 1 Samuel tells the story of those difficult years.

Mom Dedicates Baby to God

• Story in 1 Samuel 1

Weak King Loses Crown

• No dynasty for disobedient ruler, 1 Samuel 15

Boy Rocks Philistine Hero

• Giant loses his head, 1 Samuel 17

David Lets Go, Lets God

• Fugitive’s restraint saves king’s life, 1 Samuel 26


• The cast in this book features a judge, Samuel; a king, Saul; and a shepherd boy, David.

• Iron weapons give the Philistines military superiority. God gives Israel . . . victory.

• Events in this book take place between 1060 and 1010 B.C.

As Saul tries to murder David, Tiglath-pileser is establishing the Assyrian empire. • Athens abolishes the monarchy to become the world’s first republic. • In China mathematicians measure the height of the sun.