Sometimes you see other kids do wrong and get away with it, and you wonder, why doesn’t the school do something? Why don’t their parents? Why doesn’t God? But just because someone doesn’t get punished doesn’t mean justice won’t be done.
Solomon held on to the great kingdom of his father David. But after Solomon died the kingdom split in two, Israel and Judah. God sent prophets to warn both kingdoms to return to him. But they didn’t listen. Would both kingdoms get away with abandoning God? The stories in this book are a reminder: no one gets away with anything! Justice will be done.
Good Take Off, Crash Landing
• Wives corrupt David’s son. Story in 1 Kings 11
Fearful King Corrupts Israel
• Counterfeit religion established, see 1 Kings 12:25–33
Not One Good King in Israel!
• North’s kings all disobey God’s Word, 1 Kings 16
One Whips Four Hundred Fifty!
• Occult powers useless. See story, 1 Kings 18:16–45
• The authors use royal records, called “annals,” to write this history.
• The false gods the Israelites worship are called “baals,” which means “lord” or “master.”
• Events recorded in this book took place between about 930 and 850 B.C.
During these years the later Vedas and the Upanishads are written in India. • A village is erected on Rome’s Palatine hill. • In Peru part-human, part-animal deities are worshiped by the Chavin cult.