Sooner or later you’ll probably meet one—someone who’s mean and just doesn’t like you. Wouldn’t it be great to know ahead of time that everything will turn out OK next time you’re confronted by a bully?
In Isaiah’s time, Assyria was a bully, a powerful nation determined to invade Israel. In 722 B.C. Assyria crushed the northern kingdom of Israel. Isaiah made it clear that the southern kingdom of Judah would be invaded too. But the nation would survive. Isaiah also promised that one day God would send a Savior to deliver his people from sin and to set up God’s kingdom on earth.
Check with God, Not a Spiritist
• Only God has answers, says Isaiah 8:19–22
Isaiah Tells the Future
• Secret revealed, see Isaiah 46:8–10
See Jesus, 700 Years before He Comes
• Prophecy explains the cross, Isaiah 53
New World Coming!
• Look into the future found in Isaiah 65:17–25
• Isaiah prophesies in Judah from 740–681 B.C. Jesus is to be born in 4 B.C., yet Isaiah describes his birth and his death.
• Assyria destroys Israel in 722 B.C., attacks Judah in 701 B.C.
While Isaiah urges the people of Judah to be faithful to God, American Indians establish permanent farming villages in the southeastern U.S. • In India the notion of transmigration of souls develops. • Kallinos, the earliest known songwriter, pens his “Battle Hymn.”