

Have you ever written a very personal email to a friend and then had that friend turn around and forward the email to everyone? Or told your mom something confidential and later found out she told your grandma and two aunts? You probably felt betrayed.

The prophet Hosea must have felt the same way about his unfaithful wife. But God told Hosea to keep on loving her even though she hurt him. Why? Because Hosea was to be like God, who keeps on loving his people even when they’re unfaithful to him. What you do can hurt the Lord. But even then he keeps on loving you.

What’s in a Name?

• Decoded messages found in Hosea 1

God Withdraws from His People

• There are limits to love, suggests Hosea 5:1–6

Love Hurts

• God’s heartbreak exposed. Report in Hosea 11:1–11

Love Heals

• Reassuring words found in Hosea 14


• Hosea prophesies in the northern kingdom, Israel, about 850 B.C.

• Hosea’s wife is unfaithful but he keeps on loving her, just as God keeps on loving his people when they are unfaithful to him.

As Hosea prophesies in Israel, winged bulls are worshiped in most eastern Mediterranean countries. • The ram is added to warships. • The first known arched bridge is built in Smyrna (modern Turkey). • The Chinese begin recording events by consecutive years.