Tired of It?
Do you sometimes wish people would stop complaining about being poor? Why don’t they go out and get a job? But isn’t that kind of a selfish attitude? If you’ve got it so good, why shouldn’t you share with those who don’t?
The prophet Amos lived in Israel in a time of prosperity. Yet the rich cared more about their luxuries than about people. Amos warned that any society that isn’t fair to poor people will be judged. Christians should be generous and should fight for justice for the poor.
Just Like Today’s TV News
• Check it out in Amos 2:6–8
He Spoke, They Didn’t Listen
• Details in Amos 4:6–13
It’s Not Wise to Do Wrong
• Reasons explained, see Amos 5:10–17
Amos Won’t Shut His Mouth
• Story in Amos 7:10–17
• Amos is a rancher in Judah when God tells him to go preach in Israel.
• Israel is rich and powerful in Amos’ day, but the wealthy exploit the poor.
In the 760’s B.C. as Amos preaches in Israel, barbarian tribes sack Hao in China, ending the Zhou dynasty. • Duach I Fionn is High King of Ireland. • Aischines wins the Stadion race in the Olympics.