
Who, Me?

Have you ever seen someone play innocent? They do wrong, but they aren’t going to admit it! It’s almost funny. But it’s frustrating too. What can you do with someone who won’t admit anything, even when caught in the act?

In Malachi’s day the “Who, me?” people were descendants of the captives who returned to Judah from Babylon. They’d become indifferent to God, and their lives showed it. No matter how they pretended, though, they couldn’t fool the Lord. You might fool other people, but no one can fool God.

Don’t Honor God with Crumbs

• People charged, see Malachi 1:6–11

Do Respect and Talk About Him

• Something to do today, in Malachi 3:16–18

Stomp the Wicked? When?

• Warning reported in Malachi 4:1–3


• Malachi means “my messenger.” God uses him to send a message to people who ignore the Lord.

As Malachi preaches, about 430 B.C., war breaks out between Athens and Sparta. • A plague kills 30,000 in Athens. • Sophocles completes his play, “Oedipus the King.” • No more prophets will speak to God’s people for over 400 years.