Be Happy!
Most people want to have fun and be happy. The trouble is all those emotional ups and downs. You feel happy, and then something goes wrong and you feel down.
In Philippians the key words are “joy” and “rejoice.” Paul was in prison when he wrote this letter. He didn’t have any of the things people today think will make them happy. But Paul knew the secret of an inner joy that won’t quit when things go wrong. That’s a secret worth knowing!
Expect and Hope for . . . Courage
• See Philippians 1:20, 21
Jesus’ Attitude Key to Friendships
• Explanation in Philippians 2:2–11
Mature Christians Look Ahead
• Where’s your focus, Paul asks. See Philippians 3:12–15
Good Stuff to Think About
• Wise counsel found in Philippians 4:8
• Paul writes four letters while he awaits trial in Rome. Philippians is one of them.
• On Paul’s first visit to Philippi he was beaten and put in prison.
As Paul writes, many retired Roman soldiers live in Philippi. • Rome is soon to be destroyed by a great fire that will lead to persecution of Christians.