
Horoscopes. Mediums. Palm Readers.

Ouija boards. Psychics. People who say they talk with a “friendly spirit.” Past lives people claim to remember. All these ideas about what’s real can be confusing.

The Colossians were confused too. Some of them believed they had to go through spirits to reach God. Some said Jesus was a spirit but not a very important one. Paul wrote Colossians to explain who Jesus is and how you can stay close to God. Anyone who understands what Colossians teaches won’t be confused any longer!

Take a Look at the Real Jesus

• God the Son described, see Colossians 1:15–20

What “Don’t” Make Super-Christians

• Warning registered in Colossians 2:20–23

Subtract This, Add That

• Meet the new you. Check out Colossians 3:5–14

There It Is Again!

• Discover why in Colossians 3:20


• Paul writes four letters as he awaits trial in Rome. Colossians is one of them.

• In Colosse people called “Gnostics” teach that the body is evil. But Jesus came in a real body. “Good” and “evil” are about what we choose to do with our bodies.

As Paul writes, superstitious people throughout the Roman Empire look to horoscopes, magic and the occult for help. • In Peru the Nazca create miles-long mystic lines and patterns in the desert.