2 Thessalonians

Drugs. Killings.

Things do look pretty bad. Fighting all over the world. Terrorist attacks. Drug wars and school shootings. Maybe this is what the Bible talks about when it says things will get really bad just before Jesus comes back.

Paul wrote this letter to people who thought things couldn’t get worse. He wrote that, yes, Satan is behind the terrible things that happen in our time. But the situation will get a lot worse when Satan really turns loose! So, how are you supposed to live in a world that’s pretty bad already? You keep on loving God and hold tight to his Word.

Persecutors to Be Punished

• Take heart. See 2 Thessalonians 1:3–10

Don’t Be Fooled by These Miracles

• Warning recorded in 2 Thessalonians 2:5–12

The Little Red Hen Was Right

• Won’t work? Then don’t eat. 2 Thessalonians 3:6–13


• The new Christians at Thessalonica were confused. When is Jesus coming back?

• “Man of lawlessness” is a name for the antichrist. As the end draws near, Satan will work miracles to convince the world the antichrist is God. Then Jesus will appear to destroy the antichrist.

As Paul writes, Agrippina is planning to murder her husband, the Emperor Claudius, and make her son Nero emperor. • Later Nero will have his mother executed.