2 Timothy


You’ll probably read about it sooner or later in school. Young Ben Franklin made a list of things to work on to develop his character. If you made such a list, what would you put on it? What would you work on first?

Paul knew he was about to be executed when he wrote this second letter to Timothy. It was the last letter he ever wrote, so he jotted down things he thought were important to encourage and guide his young friend. Paul’s last words can help you keep on the right path too.

Soldier? Farmer? Athlete?

• Learn from them, says apostle in 2 Timothy 2:3–7

Watch Out for Hormones

• See 2 Timothy 2:22–26

Isn’t It the Truth!

• Paul hits nail on the head. See 2 Timothy 3:1–5

Personal Fitness Trainer, Free!

• Sign up now. Read 2 Timothy 3:16, 17


• Paul writes this letter shortly before he is executed in Rome in 67 A.D.

• After Paul’s death, Timothy will become a leader in the church. Paul wants Timothy to understand what leadership involves.

As Paul writes, Nero orders a canal dug through the Isthmus of Corinth. • The Jews finally revolt against Rome. • An army under Vespasian recovers Galilee, invades Judea.